dictation [dɪkˈteɪʃn]  [dɪkˈteʃən] 


dictation 基本解释

名词 命令; 口授,听写; 听写测验

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dictation 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. She was tired of her husband's dictation.

2. The pupils wrote at their teacher's dictation.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. The teacher gave us a French dictation.

dictation 网络解释

1. 口述:;判断(Decision)功能控制询问问题并依照你的回覆来执行控制,输出语音或甚至询问相关问题;导览(Navigation)功能让你用你的声音来浏览网页以及控制你的电脑;口述(Dictation) 功能让你输入文字到你的电脑;提供个性地控制以及

2. 默写:随机学习||incidental learning | 默写||dictation | 默读||silent reading

dictation 双语例句

1. We shall have a dictation of 5 minutes.

2. Are you ready for today`s dictation?

3. dictation的意思

3. But this kind of training method's core is a dictation.

4. In the Dictation of Grade Five, we can learn about American history.

5. dictation在线翻译

5. It is a form of inheritance from the maternal other, Xinchuan dictation from her mother taught her daughter to teach her daughter again, or姑嫂, 姑嫂and sisters learn from one another.

6. The fourth had reading, writing, dictation and elementary arithmetic; the third, reading, grammar, arithmetic and geography; the second, reading and grammar, arithmetic, algebra through simple equations, and geography with map-drawing; and the first finished Loomis` Treatise on Algebra, studied four books of Loomis` Geometry, and parts of Swinton`s Universal History and read selections from Addison.
    第四班级授以阅读、写作、听写与初级算术,三班授以阅读、语法、算术与地理,二班为阅读、语法、算术、线性代数及绘图地理,一班则为卢米兹代数终论,卢米兹几何四部,史云顿寰宇历史,及阿狄森(Joseph Addison十八世纪英国著名作家)文选。

7. dictation的意思

7. In dictation mode, the underlying speech engine simply converts your speech into words and has the core SophiaBot code process it in the same manner that it processes text that is typed in. Dictation mode is sometimes better than context-free mode for non-game speech recognition, depending on how well the speech recognition engine installed on your OS has been trained to understand your speech patterns.

8. dictation是什么意思

8. They type correspondence, reports, invoices and related material from handwritten copy or machine dictation, using a computer, word processor or, less commonly, a typewriter.

9. dictation在线翻译

9. On dictation equipment, a device for accurate alignment of playback head, or combined head, to the track on the recording medium.

10. He did not believe in a doctrine of dictation, although he did on occasion refer to the writers as God's amanuenses, but held that the Holy Spirit in different and often mysterious ways revealed God's will and work and guided the writers in their recording of them.

11. I guess the devil likes a litigation, I guess the devil always takes dictation of all we never meant to say to the hearts that believe his bull-shay-yay-yay-yeah….

12. Let bbs Dictation law as a vital component of the training for surfers and friendship, learn from each other, I think results should be better.

13. Her volunteers approached schools, asking teachers to create dictation exercises about iodized salt and to have students bring salt from home to test it for iodine in science class.

14. To reach the standard of TEM4 dictation part (write down all the things about 200 words, 120 wpt in 15 minutes without any errors).

15. How to send a dictation to other people?

16. How can I know who have done my dictation?

17. Please select CLASS and browse Dictation Scope Records.

18. By filling the required blanks, you can create/edit your own dictation

19. In My Dictation students are guided to make use of the relationship between pronunciation and letters combination to learn spelling words.

20. This could account for why the tactics of dictation should be adopted before writing but not writing before dictat...

dictation 词典解释

1. 口授;口述;听写
    Dictation is the speaking or reading aloud of words for someone else to write down.


    e.g. ...taking dictation from the dean of the Faculty...
    e.g. He had had an arm amputated and relied on her to take down his books from dictation.

2. 命令;发号施令
    Dictation is the giving of orders in a forceful and commanding way.

    e.g. The Europeans, while keen for partnership with the US, would not accept dictation.

dictation 单语例句

1. She told them she found the recording of the judge's voice on a tape that also contained legal dictation.

2. Bilton that they reverted to the iPhone's simple voice dictation service, which is more reliable because it doesn't use Siri's artificial intelligence software.

3. A patient publishing assistant takes his dictation for his memoir in this way over the course of many excruciating months.

4. " The language of dictation has proven to be fatal and wrong since 1967, " he said.

dictation 英英释义



1. matter that has been dictated and transcribed
    a dictated passage

    e.g. he signed and mailed his dictation without bothering to read it

2. speech intended for reproduction in writing

3. an authoritative direction or instruction to do something

    Synonym: command bid bidding


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