dining ['daɪnɪŋ]  ['daɪnɪŋ] 


dining 基本解释

名词 进餐

动词 吃饭,进餐( dine的现在分词 ); 设宴款待,请客

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dining 情景对话



A:You have a lovely house, Jack.

B:Thank you. Yeah, it's home, but a number of things have been going wrong lately.

A:That's too bad. What problems are you having?

B:Oh, the whole house needs re-painting, for starters. The carpet in the living room is worn out, and I'd like to put in new wall-to-wall carpeting. Last week, I had to call the plumber to fix the toilet. Anyway, all par for the course when you own a house, I guess. I think I'm going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over.

A:I've studied Western home decoration as a hobby. Could I make some suggestions?

B:Go right ahead.


A:Well, I think a crystal chandelier would look great in your living room, and maybe some new drapes for the windows. Also, a grandfather clock would look great in the den. Perhaps you could buy some potted plants for the dining room.

B:Wow! You really do have a talent for this, Ethabella. Thanks for your suggestions.

A:You are welcome, Jack. Glad to be of help.

dining 网络解释

1. 用餐:户外空间(outdoor space),用来用餐(dining)或娱乐(recreation),靠近住所(residence),一般铺好(paved),可指无顶(roofless)的建筑内空间,也可指花园与住处间铺好的地方.

2. dining的近义词

2. 就餐:描述:人们都说一天的生活其实是从厨房里走出来的,而且近年来,厨房(KITCHEN)已从单一用途的房间发展成烹饪(COOKING )、就餐(DINING)、休闲(LIVING)等多功能的场所......这种复合型厨房的诞生不单纯是厨房功能的一次升级,

3. 餐厅:LDK是日本房地产界用来描述公寓的一个常用缩写. 表示的意思是客厅(Living)、餐厅(Dining)和厨房区域(Kitchen area),其前面是房间的数量. 举例如下:

dining 双语例句

1. Based on deep understanding on workers` material and spiritual needs, DC Restaurant tries to create a fresh and spacious, healthy and clean, warm and harmonious, happy and comfortable dining environment for every worker from all aspects including restaurant space planning, decoration designin, culture and entertainment facilities, staff activities, and dining together of department or staff birthday parties.

2. Use the candle for dining outdoors in the evening…add a citronella candle and you have a bug deterrent too.

3. The homes first level has both formal living and dining rooms, powder room, family room, sunroom, and a bedroom/office.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. I want to rent a small suite or a apartment e with one room and one dining room.

5. IN the dining room of my grandfather's house stood a massive grandfather clock.

6. Chu堵门UNITA car chases of some of the vehicles stopped playing, all of a sudden the gap opened excluded, Wu took the opportunity to rush to League team, around the totem, dining club once again occupied the totem sign, and the situation is quite critical.

7. As a result of our planning efforts, our residential property developments are of high quality and international standards; they are fully integrated with facilities such as childcare centres and kindergartens, exclusive dining facilities, gym facilities, swimming pools, other sporting facilities and even retail elements.

8. Here, cutting-edge technology and inspired modern design combine with faultless service and fabulous dining at the hotel`s Michelin starred Thai restaurant, Nahm.
    在这里,高科技和夺目的现代设计互相辉映,衬托出酒店一丝不苟的服务和餐饮,酒店内更设有米芝莲星级荣誉餐厅- Nahm泰菜馆。

9. dining的翻译

9. Yellow River Ecological Oasis Hotel Front Mission banquet, wedding, Shouyan, such as the birthday feast of the banquet, following a meeting of large and medium-sized dining and unique dining environment, meticulous and thoughtful service, which will allow every one to come to the dinner guests are satisfied, At the same time feel relaxed, like.

10. The wholesale, the group buys, sale: The ostrich meat, the palm, the treasure, the muscle, the heart, the liver, the stomach, the neck, the spareribs, the wing, the oil, the ostrich egg, for the land's the size restaurant, the dining room, the safari park delivers goods the shop and delivers goods to the doorstep.

11. After they left the dining room, Fang gave the hairpins back to Miss Pao, apologizing as he did so.

12. After they left the dining room, Fang gave the hairpin s back to Miss Pao, apologizing as he did so.

13. Speaking of restaurants, the Southland offers hundreds of dining options, from fine dining to family fare to ethnic specialties, and much more.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. This is like dining in a restaurant.

15. Walking through the dining car and past the kitchen, I pushed open a door and entered the luggage van.

16. Classic red wine - French, Classic Coffee - Colombia, Classic cuisine - Anshan Yongcun Dining

17. The center provides the following services like the conference reception, leisure vacation, tourism, accommodations, dining and entertainment, sports fitness and the water healthcare.

18. dining

18. Hotel possesses a chinese restaurant and a western restaurant, GDH Origin Restaurant is specialized in Cantonese Cuisine, possesses 11 private VIP, and the biggest dinning room can accommodate 22 people at the same time, all of which will cater for your guest of a luxurious dining experienced, The unique domestic biggest revolving restaurant in Zhengzhou is on the 28th floor with romantic atmosphere.

19. dining的反义词

19. Christmas food on the dining table, but put betwixt of is festival that main course turkey, the American is again more than European a Thanks-giving Day eats the turkey.

20. dining

20. The previous weekend, over 100 locals visited Meizhu Central, a well known furniture outlet, to haggle over the prices of kitchen cabinets and dining-room furniture.

dining 单语例句

1. The dining rooms on the three floors overlook one of Tokyo's most famous parks and is an oasis in the center of the bustling city.

2. Jennifer Aniston has enjoyed a date with Gerard Butler - at the same venue she was seen dining with John Mayer days earlier.

3. Although modified foods have been at the dining tables of ordinary Chinese for some time, some consumers hesitate to buy such products out of perceived safety concerns.

4. By Wednesday, at least 25 people were hospitalized after dining at the university cafeteria on Tuesday.

5. It has been dubbed a " celebrity canteen " and Hong Kong's " Shaolin Temple in dining ".

6. Moody evening lighting illuminates the Canteen's sharp black and white contemporary design, creating an excellent atmosphere for night dining.

7. Diners can enjoy upscale Cantonese cuisine in a sleek main dining room, accented by decorative room separators and dark stone flooring.

8. Don't be fooled into thinking this restaurant is all about seafood, this eatery is more than capable of offering up delights for all dining enthusiasts.

9. Dining is mostly an intimate affair, with no capacious open halls.

10. Dining at Carthage feels like you are eating in your grandpa's Middle Eastern kitchen, gossiping and smoking with a bunch of his old mates.

dining 英英释义


1. the act of eating dinner


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