diplomat [ˈdɪpləmæt]  [ˈdɪpləˌmæt] 


diplomat 基本解释


名词 外交官; 有外交手腕的人; 善于交际的人; 处事圆滑机敏的人

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diplomat 网络解释

1. 外交官:外交官(Diplomat)一词源于希腊文,意为油嘴滑舌的人. 一国之外交通常应该是为其国政治经济服务. 而我国的外交除了为政治服务外,更是为当权者的面子服务. 如果当权者是个独裁者或是个傻冒,那外交也不过就是为独裁者或傻冒服务而已.

2. 外交人员:1、外交人员(Diplomat)外国驻日本的使、领馆工作人员;根据条约或国际惯例给予外交豁免权或类似特权的人员;上述外交人员的家属,居留期为他们在日本的任期.

3. diplomat

3. 外交家(美国克莱斯勒公司):Diplomata 外交家(巴西通用汽车公司) | Diplomat 外交家(美国克莱斯勒公司) | Dodge 道奇(美国克莱斯勒公司)

diplomat 双语例句

1. And I can't afford another diplomat getting shot in the FEZ.

2. Mei Lan-fang, considered the most beautiful Chinese alive, awarded an honorary degree by the University of California after the American tour of his Peking opera troupe. Both the female impersonator and the diplomat were taken by the Japanese in protective custody and shipped back to Shanghai where they were best known and could be put to the greatest use.

3. He is a diplomat with plenary powers.

4. diplomat的翻译

4. The diplomat was wrong for not stopping BUT you can't beat up people! c'mon now...i can't believe how someone of yall are trying to justify the beating.

5. diplomat

5. TO A diplomat who had nodded off, it could almost be 1994 all over again.

6. April-August - Lupin becomes involved in a quest for the secret of the Fountain of Youth, a mineral water source hidden under a lake in the Auvergne, which is sought by Inspector Marescal and his nemesis, the eponymous green-eyed beauty, Aurelie d'Asteux, and Constance Bakefield, a blue-eyed beauty, the daughter of a British diplomat and the head of a daring gang of thieves, a British female Lupin.

7. Tim Collard is a retired British diplomat who spent most of his career in China and Germany.
    Tim Collard,一生大部时间就职于中国和德国的退休职业外交官,英国工党的活跃分子。

8. The centrepiece was a magnificent canopied bed that once belonged to Talleyrand, the great 19th-century French diplomat.

9. Another possible contender for the diplomatic post, former U. S. diplomat Richard C.

10. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

10. The Swiss diplomat entered brisky, a decent, sad little man, with a red tuft of chin beard.

11. Du Jun, a former Morgan Stanley investment banker and son of a high-ranking Chinese diplomat, was given a record seven-year sentence for the offence.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. The top US diplomat is in Mexico on a two-day trip to show support for the country as a fetal's juck trafficers.

13. I am writing in reference to your advertisement in the China Daily of August 20 for a few full-time Chinese teachers to teach some foreign diplomat s of the consulate stationed in Tianjin.

14. He Joined the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economics Cooperation in 1965 and served as a diplomat in the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations in New York from 1978 to 1980.From 1980 to 1986, he worked in the United Nations Development Programme, first in New York headquarters and then in Democratic People's Republic of Korea as the Deputy Resident Representative of the UNDP Office.

15. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation in 1965 and served as a diplomat in the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations in New York from 1978 to 1980. From 1980 to 1986, he worked in the United Nations Development Programme, first in New York headquarters and then in Democratic People`s Republic of Korea as the Deputy Resident Representative of the UNDP Office.

16. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation in 1965 and served as a diplomat in the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations in New York from 1978 to 1980. From 1980 to 1986, he worked in the United Nations Development Program, first in New York headquarters and then in Democratic People`s Republic of Korea as the Deputy Resident Representative of the UNDP Office.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. North Korean diplomat Hyun Hak Bong announced his country's intentions Friday following a meeting with a South Korean counterpart in North-South border village of Panmunjeom.

18. Li: As a famous sinologist and a diplomat with wide range of experience, you have a thorough understanding of both sides'culture.

19. Key diplomat Mark Malloch Brown meets with Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir and expresses great optimism for lasting peace coming from the upcoming talks in Libya.

20. But used Italian diplomat Daniele Vare the words: The negotiations are let other people for theirs reason according to yours method conduct art.
      但是用意大利外交家Daniele Vare的话来说:谈判就是让他人为了他们自己的原因按你的方法行事的艺术。

diplomat 词典解释

1. 外交官;外交家
    A diplomat is a senior official who discusses affairs with another country on behalf of his or her own country, usually working as a member of an embassy.

diplomat 单语例句


1. The author spent several years as a diplomat in China and in 1897 was appointed Cambridge University's second professor of Chinese.

2. Katsav's trip comes just weeks after a diplomat at Israel's Canberra embassy was ordered out of the country for still unexplained reasons.

3. The career diplomat has never stood for election and has prickly relations with the parliamentary majority on which he will be reliant.

4. And she views her life as a career diplomat with optimism and happiness.

5. I recently read an article in your paper entitled " Soldiers of Truth " by Chen Weihua regarding US diplomat John Service and his career in China.

6. He introduced Catholicism and worked as a diplomat, cartographer and translator.

7. He will have at his side new European Affairs Minister Catherine Colonna, a former diplomat who spent nine years as Chirac's personal spokeswoman.

8. Inspectors were able to check Natanz's pilot centrifuge plant which began enriching uranium in April, the diplomat said.

9. The former diplomat has promised to pull Australian combat troops out of Iraq and sign the Kyoto Protocol on climate change.

10. Chinchilla said Foreign Minister Rene Castro would move to the environment ministry while diplomat Enrique Castillo would replace him.

diplomat 英英释义


1. an official engaged in international negotiations

    Synonym: diplomatist

2. a person who deals tactfully with others


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