discompose [ˌdɪskəmˈpəʊz]  [ˌdɪskəmˈpoʊz] 

discompose 基本解释

及物动词 使不安,使烦恼

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discompose 网络解释

1. 使失态,慌张:Decompose:使腐烂 | Discompose:使失态,慌张 | Depredation:劫掠

2. 不安:discommon 据为私有地 | discompose 不安 | discomposed 心乱的

3. 使不安:discombobulate 使混乱 | discompose 使不安 | discrete分离的 a

4. discompose的解释

4. 使不安;弄乱:discomfit#挫败;使混乱 | discompose#使不安;弄乱 | disconcert#使惊惶;使不安

discompose 双语例句

1. At normal state, the separase hasn`t activity because of its inhibitor securin. But during the transition from metaphase to anaphase, APC is activated and it discomposes the securin. Then the separse what is a protease has activity and it discompose cohesin. So the sister chromatids separate.
    通常情况下分离酶受到保全素(securin/PTTG)的抑制而没有活性,当细胞从有丝分裂中期向后期转变时,APC(anaphase-promoting complex,后期促进复合体)被激活并裂解保全素,具有蛋白酶活性的分离酶裂解粘合姐妹染色单体的粘合素,姐妹染色单体分离。

2. discompose的解释

2. This did not seem to discompose him; on the contrary, he looked rather amused.

3. This reply failed to discompose me, at least for the moment.

4. My need was not conflict it was to assist the discompose of my ulcer, and hopefully to ameliorate myself.

5. The grin of his friend discompose jack when he tried to make his speech.

6. For objects with a high dimensionality feature space and a data set with large amount of samplesthat belong to many different classes, it is useful to divide and discompose them according to MIDA.
    一个值得研究的方案是将覆盖的思想(或基于覆盖的对数据的描述方法)应用于特征选择的主分量分析,为此,引入点对的概念,提出了点对主分量分析方法DPCAA(Double-point Principal Component Analysis Algorithm)。

7. It is the extremeness in usage of colors that will discompose viewers, for the existence of the huge dog seemed bring unease facts for the circumstance it was staying.

8. It firstly transforms the case sets into the binary decision system, then discompose the system into some simple subsystems according to decision attribute.

9. discompose的意思

9. Therefore, to discompose these signals by filtering can help to understand possible sedimentary dynamic procedures.

10. Afterwards, we specified the key technologies on system analysis, real time data flow diagram analysis, task discompose, and so on.

11. discompose

11. Treatment flow for video-image is presented, using AVI function to discompose frames, applying one-dimension maximum entropy algorithm in segmentation of image, employing barycenter algorithm to calculate object's movement track.

12. discompose在线翻译

12. Based on GIS interoperability specification, component technology is proposed to realize GIS interoperability. The key is to discompose GIS function to controllable software component with standard interface.

13. Then discompose them into pitching movement equations and sidewise movement equations and compute the equations with some functions in the GSL.

14. Single calcium carbonate or single calcium oxide reacts with arsenic compounds under high temperature and generates calcium arsenic which is hard to discompose. By adding a small amount of these substances, their arsenic-capturing rates are up to 73.0% and 47.4% respectively.

15. Azo dyes waste water is not only high chromatic, strong noxious, but also difficult to degrade and easy to discompose to carcinogenic aromatic amine under deoxidization condition.

discompose 英英释义


1. cause to lose one's composure

    Synonym: upset untune disconcert discomfit


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