dislike [dɪsˈlaɪk]  [dɪsˈlaɪk] 


dislike 基本解释

及物动词 厌恶; 不喜欢

名词 讨厌; 厌憎

dislike 同义词


dislike 反义词

及物动词 like

dislike 相关词组

1. take a dislike to : 讨恶, 不喜欢;

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dislike 相关例句


1. I dislike selfish people.

2. dislike的解释

2. I dislike having to get up early.

3. He likes cats but dislikes dogs.


1. The boy has a dislike for vegetables.

2. I felt a strong dislike of the new teacher.

dislike 情景对话


A:May I take your order now?

B:Yes, I think we’re ready to order. Elizabeth, what would you like to have?

C:I haven’t made up my mind yet. You order first, Donald.

B:All right. I’ll start with chicken soup. Then I want a steak, medium rare. I’ll have a baked potato, green beans and an egg salad. I’ll order dessert later.


A:Yes, sir. And you, miss? What would you like to have?

C:I can’t decide. I don’t see anything I really like.


A:There are over thirty dishes to select from, miss.


B:There ought to be something you like, Elizabeth.

C:Well, I guess so. But I only see food that I don’t like. I don’t care for chicken and I can’t stand fish. Do you have any oysters?

A:No, miss. I’m afraid not. How about some other seafood?


C:Oysters are the only seafood I like. I dislike the rest.

B:I wish I could think of something for you.

A:May I suggest cream of tomato soup, steak with mushroom gravy, asparagus, and buttered cauliflower. For dessert—strawberry pie with ice cream?


C:No, that isn’t my ideal of a good meal. I’ll have a hamburger. That’s my favorite dish. I have it every day.

dislike 网络解释

1. 讨厌:古代,龟兹国国王的小儿子叫阿主儿,从小在皇宫里长大,可他讨厌(dislike)阿谀奉承,不愿意养尊处优,年纪很小就出家做了罗汉. 原来偷金子的是北山的一条恶龙,这恶龙虎头龙身,盘踞在一个黑幽幽不见底的大洞(hole)里,它也像人一样喜欢黄澄澄的金子.

2. 嫌恶:disinterested 公正,无私,漠不关心的 | dislike 嫌恶 | dismantle 拆卸,剥脱

3. dislike

3. 不喜欢,厌恶:不同的 different | 不喜欢,厌恶 dislike | 不走运的;不幸的 unlucky

dislike 双语例句

1. I dislike horizontal keyboards and when I had one….

2. Actually likes a person is lets opposite party be joyful, but sometime selfish motives or want to obtain opposite party, I cannot achieve that kind of selflessness, I dislike own this appearance, actually most sorry is you!

3. The China Town is like powerful magnet attracted many Chinese oversea people's heart, sometimes they hate it because it had brought them some unhappy past memories when they just came, sometimes they dislike it because it is too dirty, sometimes they feel jealous about it since many changes in China Town nothing to do with them, and sometimes they fell proud of it since they saw their American friends were finally searching the Eastern values hiding inside of the China Town.

4. She pursed up her lips to show dislike.

5. Mei is person who dislike to do a thing repetitively and troublesomely, so she was finally out of inheriting her father`s career.

6. dislike的意思

6. Of course, I dislike more some persons who are unfilial. The reason is more abvious!

7. I am in two minds to spend my holiday in Thailand. I like doing spa but I dislike the hot weather.

8. dislike的翻译

8. It was the history of a courtesan, and Nana was very indignant, declaring the whole thing to be untrue and expressing angry dislike to that kind of monstrous literature which pretends to paint from nature.

9. If you dislike, I will miss you forever...

10. My poor writing skills have caused me to get low marks on my English exams. This has made me dislike English and I am afraid to take any more exams.

11. It's harder to get your companions to dislike you and easier to get them to love you.

12. His dislike of the course may prove to be a psychological barrier he cannot overcome.

13. If you dislike anything in my brother's house, sir, you know you are at liberty to quit it

14. I'm a quiet and endocentric girl, and i grown up in a very severe family. I dislike high-sounding lifestyle.

15. These days I really good no use to, good helpless, I did not know how should be good, other good friends all already found one to belong to own concurrent job, but I only can stay actually at home. Wants to flee this world, really does not want to stay in here, I dislike here.

16. dislike在线翻译

16. If you behave like that, your boss will take a dislike to you.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. I take a dislike to him on sight.

18. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

18. They immediately take a dislike to each other.

19. It was impossible that this stranger could take such a sudden, intense dislike to me.

20. The boy take a dislike to eat vegetables.

dislike 词典解释

1. 不喜欢;厌恶
    If you dislike someone or something, you consider them to be unpleasant and do not like them.


    e.g. We don't serve liver often because so many people dislike it...
    e.g. David began to dislike all his television heroes who smoked.

2. 不喜欢;反感
    Dislike is the feeling that you do not like someone or something.

    e.g. He made no attempt to conceal his dislike of me...
    e.g. Years of dislike boiled over and blows were exchanged.

3. 厌恶的事物
    Your dislikes are the things that you do not like.

    e.g. Consider what your likes and dislikes are about your job...
    e.g. Strong irrational dislikes of other people can easily be picked up from others.

4. 厌恶;嫌憎;讨厌
    If you take a dislike to someone or something, you decide that you do not like them.


    e.g. I took a violent dislike to him...
    e.g. He may suddenly take a dislike to foods that he's previously enjoyed.

dislike 单语例句

1. Now you want to kill my wife and my child just because you dislike what I said.

2. One of my least appreciated wines was the 2010 Red Rock sauvignon blanc, though regular readers of this column will know I dislike the grape variety.

3. Public anger toward Fu comes from a dislike of dishonest people, and the concern that such people reinforce negative racial stereotypes.

4. However, the figure does not mean many Chinese people dislike Apple devices.

5. Experience shows that technically parents cannot do anything even if they find any information to their dislike as a micro blog follower of their children.

6. I dislike the more standard design house perfumes as I think it's important for one's scent to make a unique statement about oneself.

7. Son says the elephants rarely attack people but are known to dislike things made of metal and have destroyed several motorcycles.

8. A lot of times we dislike the dragon tag that Western scholars use to refer to China because they see it as evil.

9. Although the public in those areas may dislike the new taxes, the potential costs of oil dependence will be much higher.

10. We can imagine law enforcers'dislike for revised legislation that ties their hands in carrying out their duties.

dislike 英英释义


1. an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group

    Synonym: disfavor disfavour disapproval

2. a feeling of aversion or antipathy

    e.g. my dislike of him was instinctive



1. have or feel a dislike or distaste for

    e.g. I really dislike this salesman


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