displease [dɪsˈpli:z]  [dɪsˈpliz] 


displease 基本解释

及物动词 使生气,使不愉快; 冒犯,触怒

不及物动词 使生气; 使不快

displease 反义词


及物动词 please

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displease 相关例句


1. By failing to obey your mother you displeased her.

2. The old lady was displeased with the children's naughty behaviour.

3. displease的意思

3. Nothing displeases me more than loud talking.

displease 网络解释

1. displease

1. 使不快:display 陈列 | displease 使不快 | displeasing 不愉快的

2. 使生气:display 陈列 | displease 使生气 | displeasure 不快

3. 不快,得罪,生气:discomfort,不安,不愉快,不自由 | displease,不快,得罪,生气 | comfort,安慰,舒适,安慰者

4. displease的解释

4. 使不愉快,使生气:complaisant 顺从的,讨好的 | displease 使不愉快,使生气 | implacable 难以满足的、难平息的

displease 双语例句

1. displease

1. We need to know the custom of this country, so that we would not displease anyone.

2. displease是什么意思

2. Well, I can't afford to displease my boss.

3. displease

3. Your letter is always full of things which displease me.

4. It's only his usual talking mode and he didn't want to displease you.

5. We are loved, even when we displease him, so that we might have means to please him.

6. She is displease d with you.

7. You displease your father when you don't obey him.

8. The reason why they behave so we think is the consideration of losing their reputation, wealth and followers. On the other hand, since starting to spread the dharma, we have never been concerned about any personal reputation, wealth or followers, and have not gotten any worldly benefit either. Without aspiring to personal reputation, wealth or followers, we just elaborate the true dharma against the false ones according to conditions, rescue the misguided learners, and thus of course displease those masters with wrong teachings. After our diligent endeavor for over ten years, what we have obtained is only our selfless contributions, and none of us have gotten any personal benefit from the society.

9. Things which displease me. You have no

10. displease的翻译

10. I know the things whereat you are displease d.

11. What good does it do to speak learnedly about the Trinity if, lacking humility, you displease the Trinity?

12. I fled to her and Jove left off looking for me in spite of his being so angry, for he did not dare do anything to displease Night.

13. displease的近义词

13. It would be prudent not to displease your higher-up s, if you ask for my advice.

14. He just wanted to talk with her, nnt mean to displease her.

15. Because have money situation, everybody dare displease him.

16. There's always something about success that displease even your best friend.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. Displease you and sadden you time and time again.

18. Make sb feel dislike; displease, repel or disgust sb

19. S, or attempts to prove, that the universe exists to ple ase us, and pessimism that it exists to displease us.
      乐 观主义假定或企图证明宇宙存在是为了使我们快乐;悲观主义则假定或企图证明那是为了使我们不快乐。

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. Optimism assume s, or attempts to prove, that the universe exists to ple ase us, and pessimism that it exists to displease us.
      乐 观主义假定或企图证明宇宙存在是为了使我们快乐;悲观主义则假定或企图证明那是为了使我们不快乐。

displease 词典解释

1. 使不愉快;使生气;得罪;惹怒
    If something or someone displeases you, they make you annoyed or rather angry.

    e.g. Not wishing to displease her, he avoided answering the question.

displease 单语例句

1. Therefore, the Obama administration was not willing to displease the USW.

2. Such a point of view is very bold and may displease some directors.

displease 英英释义


1. give displeasure to


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