droop [dru:p]  [drup] 


droop 基本解释


不及物动词 下垂; 枯萎; 弯曲

及物动词 使…下垂; 使颓丧

名词 下垂; 消沉

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droop 相关例句


1. The crops were drooping for want of water.

2. The flowers drooped soon after we picked them.

3. She sat there with her head drooping.

4. Her head drooped sadly.

5. Several branches of the willows drooped over the water.

droop 网络解释

1. droop的翻译

1. 固定偏差:可编程固定偏差(droop)补偿qfn32封装(rhb)应用范围:笔记本电脑系统以及i/o总线应用;lcd电视以及多功能一体机(mfp)中的负载点应用

2. droop的意思

2. 下垂:在功率器件换流瞬间,实现零电压开关换流. 4.负载均流是一个要害技术,它使得模块并机的输出不平衡程度减少,并使得系统具备冗余容错能力,易于构成大容量的通信电源系统. 目前主要有下垂(droop)均流法、主从设置

3. 垂:目前主要有下垂(droop)均流法、主从设置master slave均流法、平均电流average current均流法、外加均流控制器external controller均流法、最大电流自动highest current均流法.

droop 双语例句

1. One day, I found surprising, Alocasia leaves droop a few vines, the top is a small bud, I finally made the effort to return.

2. 好好学单词·英语单词

2. Encounter between Ricochet Rabbit and Deputy Droop-a-long in the 1960s, although no doubt in existence in some prior form

3. Hue of the grass has turned into gloomy pale yellow, without any trace of a florid blossom on the ground. Some delicate hyacinths outside the hostel wall droop their heads, full of tears, suspiring their tragic fate for encountering such damp weather after a couple of sunny days.

4. droop的解释

4. If he wants his toy soldier character to be depressed he goes into his figure's happy face on the computer screen and drags the toon's mouth into a droop.

5. Tieguanyin tea characteristics are: the crown put on exhibition, branches obliquus, oval shaped; tip droop slightly askew, leaf margin teeth sparse and blunt, slightly rolled to the back; mesophyll charges, the leaf-shaped uplift¨with apparent rib shape, leaf color green shine, shoot stout and strong, slightly purplish red.

6. The shoes were mostly upright, but as they are high-top's, they did droop a bit.

7. droop

7. It's possible i saw his eyelids droop.

8. droop是什么意思

8. Ignore them, and they will droop with despair.

9. Droop in whenever you come to see your parents.

10. droop的反义词

10. They'd all droop like tulips in a glass

11. droop的翻译

11. Remember, your first aim is not to droop the ball and your second aim is not to look at the ball.

12. His head began to droop, and he roused himself.

13. droop是什么意思

13. Wang2 Yu4's droop wear a head, careful of listen.

14. Any of several evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genus Arctostaphylos of the Pacific coast of North America, especially A. manzanita, bearing white or pink flowers in droop ing panicles and producing red berrylike drupes.

15. droop

15. Droop control does not require any communication between converters, and therfore true redundancy can be achieved.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. And the dynamic property of the corrected circuit, the steady property of the permanent speed droop circuit of the governor are analyzed.

17. Results Theproportion of the distances from the spinous process to the medial droop line of bothpedicles can be reflect the angle of rotatiom.
      结果 二椎弓根内侧下垂线至棘突的垂直距离之比能较正确地反应旋转角度,二者之间存在着一定的函数关系。

18. Based on this analyse, the method called droop coefficient regulation is presented in order to reduce power error.

19. Maria droop ed her eyes languishingly.

20. Anyway I feel that the harp is the most poetic musical instrument: it has a smooth and undulate shape, best being played by a woman in a white embroidered hellenic gown with a tight sash, showing her concinnity and charming figure, with her hair in a high knot, and wearing no jewelry but asandalwood bracelet. Her mistlike azure blue eyes droop down; her typical Grecian nose and thin curving lips are kissable andher face is as sharp as a statuary with a light smile; her nicety long fingers pluck the strings elegantly, from which music flows out, sparkling and harmonic. Maybe she is the Psyche who stepped out of the Anderson's fairytales, even we can see her translucent wings flapping with the rhythm in the air.

droop 词典解释

1. 低垂;下垂;垂落
    If something droops, it hangs or leans downwards with no strength or firmness.

    e.g. Crook's eyelids drooped and he yawned...
    e.g. Pale wilting roses drooped from a blue vase.

droop 单语例句

1. The grocery store where Haskins works doesn't allow mustaches that droop past the corner of the mouth.

2. The pizza is crisp at the sides, letting the topping droop as you pick up a slice.

3. His mouth seemed to droop slightly at one corner and his words were slightly slurred, the possible result of a stroke.

droop 英英释义


1. a shape that sags

    e.g. there was a sag in the chair seat

    Synonym: sag


1. become limp

    e.g. The flowers wilted

    Synonym: wilt

2. droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness

    Synonym: sag swag flag

3. hang loosely or laxly

    e.g. His tongue lolled

    Synonym: loll


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