dwarf [dwɔ:f]  [dwɔ:rf] 

第三人称单数:dwarfs第三人称复数:dwarves; dwarfs现在分词:dwarfing过去分词:dwarfed过去式:dwarfed

dwarf 基本解释


名词 侏儒,矮子; 矮小的动物(植物); [天]矮星

及物动词 (使)显得矮小; 使(发育,智能等)受阻碍; 使相形见绌

不及物动词 变矮小

形容词 矮小的

dwarf 同义词

dwarf 反义词


名词 giant

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dwarf 相关例句


1. Malnutrition dwarfed the child.

2. He dwarfs other dramatists.

3. The new building dwarfs all the other buildings in the town.

4. His children were dwarfed by insufficient food.


1. There are some children who remain as dwarfs because they lack a particular hormone.

dwarf 网络解释

1. 矮人:关于矮人的讨论 矮人(Dwarf) 题外话 我不知道完美打造这么一款游戏的决心在哪里,虽然我看到了魄力. 这里我想说的是看,如果完美打造PEM只是为了占领中国市场,顺带出口到东南亚的一些国家来号称是世界范围内的游戏的话.

2. dwarf的近义词

2. 侏儒星:res) 在1993年 發現了類冥王星 (plutino) 的天體1993 RO 其直徑為1000英哩而不同乃將其歸類為侏儒星 (dwarf) 以別於小行星 (asteroid)存在 內Oort雲 (inner Oort Cloud) 的 天體直徑 其直徑 可能侏儒星 (dwarf)及小行星 (ast

dwarf 双语例句

1. dwarf的解释

1. In the beginning of this hurdle will be the two players who state: that is, to deter and interesting use of God, if you or a player to use with Emei Muji if so, can the shock and awe to lift themselves out state, so that's very easy to kill, but also卓不凡immune or immune外功his strength is not only the public that land mulberry dwarf is the stealth, the clearance is very easy to kill them the same.

2. Typical woody plants for clipped hedges include privet, hawthorn, beech, yew, leyland cypress, hemlock, arborvitae, barberry, box, holly, oleander, lavender, etc. An early 20th century fashion was for tapestry hedges, using a mix of golden, green and glaucous dwarf conifers, or beech and copper beech.

3. dwarf

3. Dwarf palmlike cycad of Japan that yields''.

4. The dwarf phenotype could not be rescued by GA and BR, indicating that Ds might be involved in the signal transduction rather than in the biosynthesis pathway of GA and BR.

5. My MP40 lay in left dwarf wall, suggest to you handle upper it with to.

6. The plant characters contributed to super high-yield were:moderate or fairlystrong tillering ability; erect canopy leaves; great number of primary andsecondary branches per panicle as well as large panicles; semidwarf or dwarf, thick culm wall and relatively strong resistance to lodging.

7. Repair Pin Type platform installed in the background sometimes directly, washbasin repair margin may add table; Crowd is in a solid material used, installed in front of leaving; - Also known as wall-hanging, which sometimes in the decoration, built in a dwarf wall, plumbing kits into wall; Lizhushi more attractive visual focus, leaving the space open, easy to clean.

8. dwarf的意思

8. Here, the old villa environment quiet, the room adjoining, coal Wei self-contained, in the light of its Western-style apartment villa shape, sloping roofs, tiger windows, but the abolition of the ordinary tall wall surrounding the courtyard and the entrance tower, and replaced it with the small courtyard of a dwarf wall and a half people high; Open to small gardens, a top single arc-shaped balcony, mostly three-tier architecture, - storey 3.6 metres.

9. Resting his feet on the dwarf wall, he climbed over the area railings, compressed his hat on his head, grasped two points at the lower union of rails and stiles, lowered his body gradually by its length of five feet nine inches and a half to within two feet ten inches of the area pavement and allowed his body to move freely in space by separating himself from the railings and crouching in preparation for the impact of the fall.

10. dwarf

10. Why did civilization disappear without a trace when it once dwarf ed all surrounding countries?

11. danci.911cha.com

11. May be others are long-high 1.1 points, but seven little dwarf people have still not grow any taller, it has aroused the whole town of people's attention.

12. We started working with some of the smaller or dwarf variety.

13. dwarf

13. Dwarf2:I'll help you.

14. Dwarf and I am fat, old wearing a cheap suit.

15. When evening would come, however the dwarf and I nearly ran off into the wilderness so that we could fully speak our minds

16. dwarf的解释

16. Legend has it that a Dwarf who begins his or her service in Vemsdal can reach similarly lofty heights.

17. dwarf在线翻译

17. The dwarf came out with a pickax and led the youth to the foot of the mountain.

18. Leaves alternate or opposite, sometimes closely clustered at end of branchlets or with flowers on dwarf shoots.

19. dwarf

19. The results are as follows: the dwarf mutant A846 pertain to half-dwarf type, which height is about 38.64 cm on average, preponderating over the half-height of the wild-type, the elongation stage of the mutant represent dwarf character, internode elongation patterns of caulis are similarly the sh-type dwarf mutant, in which the first internode shows specific reduction, the elongation of these cells in the elongation zone immediately above the IM was dissimilar to the wild-type, longitudinal length of parenchyma cells were curtate, also the first internode exhibit markedly, which average is under the corresponding internode of the wild-type, the differentiation of the IM of each internodes of stem was similar to wild-type, as well as the number of internodes and the length of sheath of flag leaf.

20. Fear Ward is now only available to Dwarf Females.

dwarf 词典解释

1. 使显得矮小;使相形见绌
    If one person or thing is dwarfed by another, the second is so much bigger than the first that it makes them look very small.


    e.g. His figure is dwarfed by the huge red McDonald's sign...
    e.g. The US air travel market dwarfs that of Britain.

2. (星系中较小的、不是很亮的)矮星
    Dwarf is used to describe a particular kind of star which is quite small and not very bright.

    e.g. ...a white dwarf star.
    e.g. ...a red dwarf.

3. (动植物等)矮小的,矮种的
    Dwarf is used to describe varieties or species of plants and animals which are much smaller than the usual size for their kind.


    e.g. ...dwarf shrubs.

4. (童话故事中的)小矮人
    In children's stories, a dwarf is an imaginary creature that is like a small man. Dwarfs often have magical powers.

5. 矮子;侏儒
    In former times, people who were much smaller than normal were called dwarfs .


dwarf 单语例句

1. It is no coincidence that the hide of the West African dwarf crocodile is not so prized for leather goods.

2. The groundwork building drive will dwarf Beijing's $ 2 billion Olympic operating budget and the $ 2 billion it has put aside for venue construction.

3. It features the continuing adventures of diminutive star Warwick Davis who plays an egomaniac dwarf who runs a talent agency for other dwarves.

4. Yet the red dwarf star it closely orbits is much smaller, dimmer and cooler than our sun.

5. It will now become a " dwarf planet " along with Pluto.

6. Explosive population growth and migration by millions from the countryside are creating cities that dwarf the great capitals of the past.

7. But this preoccupation with pride is not as evident in Hong Kong, where average incomes dwarf that of farmers on the Chinese mainland.

8. A free trade zone among APEC economies would form a bloc that would dwarf the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas currently under negotiation.

9. When the bones were first discovered some scientists declared them the remains of a new, dwarf species of human ancestors.

10. The frustrated euro hawks see the bloc as an economic giant, but a political dwarf.

dwarf 英英释义



1. a plant or animal that is atypically small

2. a legendary creature resembling a tiny old man
    lives in the depths of the earth and guards buried treasure

    Synonym: gnome

3. a person who is markedly small

    Synonym: midget nanus



1. check the growth of

    e.g. the lack of sunlight dwarfed these pines

2. make appear small by comparison

    e.g. This year's debt dwarfs that of last year

    Synonym: shadow overshadow


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