earthworm [ˈɜ:θwɜ:m]  [ˈɜ:rθwɜ:rm] 


earthworm 基本解释

名词 蚯蚓


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earthworm 网络解释

1. earthworm的解释

1. 地龙:Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber 麦冬 | Earthworm 地龙 | East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome 狗脊

2. earthworm在线翻译

2. 地龙粉末:地黄(生)粉末Rehmannia Root | 地龙粉末Earthworm | 地榆粉末Garden Burnet Root

earthworm 双语例句

1. Any of various worms or wormlike animals of the phylum Annelida, characterized by an elongated, cylindrical, segmented body and including the earthworm and leech.

2. earthworm的意思

2. Objective To select an accurate method for determining the protein contents in earthworm extract.

3. First, the anti-tumor extract of earthworm Eisenia fetida was isolated by acetone sedimentation and gel filtration.
    本论文实验首先通过蛋白质的丙酮沉淀和凝胶过滤,从赤子爱胜蚓匀浆液中分离得到一组抗肿瘤活性蛋白成分;这组成分富含Fe 190pp。。。

4. earthworm在线翻译

4. Compare to the other 2 treatments, the weight of root in wormcast is 1.49 times as in cow dung, 2.63 times as in soil; 4. Compare to other treatments, earthworm breed in the hole which fertilizing cow dung can increase the leaves nutrient content of ber significantly, and correct the grass tetany; 5. Earthworm breeds in the hole which fertilizing cow dung can improve the yield of ber and fruit quality.

5. earthworm的意思

5. As soon as it came near, he recited a mantra, and the snake lay at his feet like an earthworm.

6. The results indicated that:toosendanin powder had low toxicity to quail, silkworm, bee, earthworm, ladybeetle and tadpole; the toosendanin EC had low toxicity to silkworm, bee, earthworm, ladybeetle, whereas the toxicity to quails was moderate, and to tadpole was high; toosendanin powder had some effect on the growth and development of silkworm.

7. The earthworm was cut off from different position, and 3 groups of 19 types body segments were obtained. These body segments were cultured under the room temperature (about 15~18℃) and normal barometric pressure.

8. earthworm的意思

8. This review focused on the transformation of SOC by three typical soil-feeding macrofauna, termite (Isoptera: Termitidae), rose beetle larva (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and earthworm (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae), using 14C isotope tracer technique. The microbial activities related to the transformation processes are also discussed.

9. Therefore, the available Cd in earthworm cast was the important source of Cd uptake by plant.

10. There are many discrepancies in earthworm sampling methods (hand-sorting, electrical octet, formaldehyde, mustard and allyl isothiocyanate, abbreviated AITC). All of the methods have some disadvantages.

11. The anatomy of an earthworm is much simpler than that of a man.

12. TYPICAL USE:The anatomy of an earthworm is much simpler than that of a man.

13. Baby earthworm: Mom, I'd like to play badminton today.


14. The earthworm is one kind of beneficial animal.
      谢谢 蚯蚓是一种有益的动物。


15. Elephant: No, It`s just an earthworm.

16. Earthworm population had significantly reduced by 85% in seasonal rainforest and limestone rainforest, while 54.93% in rubber plantation.

17. In conclusion, this four kinds of Organic Chlorunated Pesticides all bring the earthworm some effects.

18. It also can be used to kill snail in rice field and earthworm in golf court.

19. Cylindrical mass of earth voided by a burrowing earthworm or lugworm.

20. When the rain struck, many flowers have been knocked, covered with dirt paths have also been milled out of a Road, the car marks, however, after heavy rain, it will be incomparably brilliant color blue as the sky was clear water wash off the shelf from a rainbow; mud filled potholes in the road are also lively little jumped out of a few kids may feel sympathy and affection of the earthworm.

earthworm 词典解释

1. . 蚯蚓
    An earthworm is a kind of worm which lives in the ground


earthworm 单语例句


1. So is the earthworm more than a friend of the gardener and farmer?

2. Swiss nature protection organization Pro Natura may have laid the first stone on that path by declaring 2011 as the Year of the Earthworm.

3. Yet more " important " work prevented him from revisiting the earthworm for four decades.

4. In an earthworm breeding centre in a village in East China's Jiangsu Province, five billion earthworms are helping people dispose of rubbish and improve soil quality.

earthworm 英英释义


1. terrestrial worm that burrows into and helps aerate soil
    often surfaces when the ground is cool or wet
    used as bait by anglers

    Synonym: angleworm fishworm fishing worm wiggler nightwalker nightcrawler crawler dew worm red worm


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