embryo [ˈembriəʊ]  [ˈembrioʊ] 


embryo 基本解释

名词 胚芽; <生>胚,胚胎; 初期

embryo 相关词组

1. in embryo : 在胚胎阶段, 在萌芽中;

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embryo 网络解释

1. 胚:简介:第八章 种子和果实 第一节 种子 一、种子的发育 ( 一 ) 胚 (embryo) 的发育 合子胚 初生胚乳核 胚乳 珠被 种皮 1. 双子叶植物胚的发育 合子经过短暂的休眠期, 顶细胞和基 细胞 . 基细胞发

2. 胚芽:3.胚乳(endosperm)是谷类的主要部分,含大量淀粉和一定量的蛋白质(在胚乳周围较高,越向胚乳中心越低)4.胚芽(embryo)位于谷粒的一端,富含脂肪、蛋白质、无机盐、B族Vit和Vit E,胚芽在加工时因易与胚乳分离而损失

3. 胚体:养殖中的应用 以冷冻基因库或冷冻基因组保存配子(精子、卵子)、卵裂细胞、原始生殖细胞(primordinal germ cell)、原始精原细胞(testicular germ cell)或胚体(embryo)是水产生物杂交育种、种质选育、雌雄核发育及物种保护的重要手段,

embryo 双语例句

1. Pregnancy weeks is the formation of various organs of embryonic period, when the embryo as being harmful toxic effects of occupational factors such as high concentrations of lead, methyl mercury, arsenic and the effects of radiation, often cause fetal birth defects occur.

2. Scientists hae long dreamed of plucking those naie cells from a young human embryo and coaxing them to perform, in sterile isolation, the eeryday miracle they perform in wombs: transforming into all the 200 or so kinds of cells that constitute a human body. Lier cells. Brain cells. Skin, bone, and nere.

3. The non-special esterase and the peroxidase were studied in the embryo and early larva of scallop Patinopecten yessoensis by histochemical localization method.

4. In order to investigate the mechanisms of pregnancy associated with diabetes harm to gravida and fetal, The Kunming mice models for pregnancy associated with diabetes were simulated, The effects of glucose in different concentrations was detected on the growth of embryo cells in vitro culture.

5. embryo的解释

5. Results:The EP group had higher fallopian tube diseases history than control group, 76% and 43% respectively; EP patients treated by ICSI were more than those by IVF(χ2=4.11, P.05EP patients after frozen embryo transfer were more than those after fresh embryo t...

6. Firstly, the board said embryo model, its static and dynamic analysis. In this process to make some basic assumptions, the gradual simplification of the model, and then use the classic model, theoretical analysis.

7. Each of the four cells of the uppermost tier (that is, the tier farthest form the micropylar end of the ovule) begins to form an embryo.
    每个在四个细胞中最上列(哪一是,列最远形成 ovule 的 micropylar 结束)开始形成一个胚胎。

8. Synergid cells Two haploid cells located near the egg cell at the micropylar end of the embryo sac in flowering plants.

9. Egg apparatus The three haploid nuclei that are situated at the micropylar end of the embryo sac in most flowering plants. The central nucleus is the female gamete and those to either side of it are called the synergids.

10. embryo的意思

10. The middle layer of the seed coat is thicker in which the cells are bigger and irregular. Squeezed by the developmental embryo, the cells which arrange closely in the inter layer of seed coat are flat and small. In addition, the method of PAS was applied to appear the circumstance of distribution of starch grains.

11. The nutritive tissue that is derived from the nucleus and surrounds the embryo of the seed.

12. The nutritive tissue within seeds of flowering plants, surrounding and absorbed by the embryo.

13. Objective: To investigate the expression of TRAIL in mouse uterine endometrium during embryo implantation and the significance in the apoptosis of decidual cells.

14. embryo

14. Research has shown that high levels of feed intake following mating are associated with an increase in embryo mortality.

15. To investigate effect of sympathetic nerve on early development of embryo, a model of sympatholytic mice was established by 6-OHDA.

16. embryo

16. The development and maturation process of motor neurons in vitro culture is similar to that in embryo, involving participation of Pax6, Nkx6.1, Olig2 and HB9. Moreover, cells with HB9 as separation mark almost differentiate into motor neurons in vitro.

17. Objective To explore the effect mechanism of sympathetic nerve on early developing embryo of mice.
      目的 探究交感神经对小鼠妊娠早期胚胎发育作用的机制。

18. In this paper, some cryopreservation experiments about sperm and embryo of red sea bream are reported and a series of conclusions are got.

19. Main Ingredient: various plant elite, for instance, nucleic acid gene renewal gene, natural moisture gene, wheat embryo oil, aloe extract, witch hazel extract, almond oil, etc

20. Even if one disregards the embryo or fetus, an abortion is always a medical operation for the potential mother which may result in complications.

embryo 词典解释

1. 胚胎
    An embryo is an unborn animal or human being in the very early stages of development.


    e.g. The embryo lives in the amniotic cavity.
    e.g. ...the remarkable resilience of very young embryos.

2. (想法、体系或机构)萌芽阶段的,初期的
    An embryo idea, system, or organization is in the very early stages of development, but is expected to grow stronger.

    e.g. They are an embryo party of government...
    e.g. It was an embryo idea rather than a fully worked proposal.

3. 在萌芽期;在初期
    Something that is in embryo is at a very early stage of its development.


    e.g. These developments were foreseen in embryo more than a decade ago.

embryo 单语例句

1. This sperm protein initiates a process called " egg activation " which sets off all the biological processes necessary for development of an embryo.

2. They currently only allow infertile women to be treated in a clinic to carry an embryo made from a donated egg and sperm.

3. Critics have suggested the dog might be a twin created from a split embryo rather than a clone.

4. Some fear that doctors may intentionally collect embryo cells to cure other patients or for research into human cloning.

5. They're present in an embryo only days after conception and are ethically sensitive because culling stem cells destroys the embryo.

6. The mifepristone destabilize the connecting tissue between an embryo and the uterus, and the misoprostol causes the uterus to expel the embryo.

7. Teeth may not be visible until long after birth, but they start to form early in embryo development.

8. The egg is grown into an early embryo, from which stem cells are extracted.

9. Past experiments seeking alternative routes to getting stem cells have generally involved tampering with an embryo or egg.

10. The vast majority of abortions are called surgical abortions, usually done by vacuuming an embryo or fetus out with a syringe or electric pump.

embryo 英英释义


1. an animal organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation that in higher forms merge into fetal stages but in lower forms terminate in commencement of larval life

    Synonym: conceptus fertilized egg

2. (botany) a minute rudimentary plant contained within a seed or an archegonium


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