endlessly ['endləslɪ]  [ˈɛndləslɪ] 

endlessly 基本解释

副词 不休; 无穷地,继续地,永久地; 不已

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endlessly 网络解释

1. 无穷尽地:endless 无止境的 | endlessly 无穷尽地 | endlong 纵

2. 秋天的童话:点点星光Glamshine | 秋天的童话Endlessly | 熠熠生辉Gleam spots

3. endlessly在线翻译

3. 不断地:27. drop off||减少, (公交车)落客 | 28. endlessly||不断地 | 29. entertain给与娱乐,娱乐

4. endlessly的解释

4. 不断地/无穷尽地/不休/不已:endleaf /书籍卷首及卷尾之空页/ | endlessly /不断地/无穷尽地/不休/不已/ | endlessness /无限/无边/永恒/

endlessly 双语例句

1. For this same reason, praise should be endlessly heaped onto cinematographer Krichman as he makes everything look eerily beautiful and calm.

2. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

2. When a few attention getting a person, the responsibility that violates ethics of market rule, ethics appears, classics regular meeting causes social noisy like that big wave, as popular song in that way, another, emerge in endlessly, incident sale strategy is about to see a thing whether can can capture the effect in people behavior habit and heart, after all of this society favour, look on, love the person still is be in the majority to watch the scene of bustle, if provide disaster relief, become, incident of Olympic Games, milk happens, bring not little impact to media of a few enterprises.

3. Many ways of studying English have emerged in endlessly.

4. The captive ball endlessly traversing the table from one end to the other has a mesmeric effect on those watching.

5. Living with her, I can always borden my horizons endlessly.

6. Stationmaster people while clapperclaw advertisement alliance deducts an amount, original ad alliance also is in vexed stationmaster people the cogged method that emerge in endlessly, stationmaster people cold-shoulder advertisement alliance while unit price is too low, original ad alliance also is seeking costly ad actively advocate, everything is the two sides of the thing actually, stationmaster and advertisement alliance the impact of mutual depend on sb or sth for existence is short-term can impossible change, since we cannot be changed, both sides should try to understand communication each other.

7. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

7. It is better to invest and save in something secure so you can forget about it and not worry endlessly.
    这是更好的投资和保存在安全的东西,因此您可以把它抛在脑后,而无需担心 endlessly.2 。

8. endlessly

8. The statement from the chief of defence staff is a signal to the US that Britain is not prepared to endlessly ramp up the number of troops.

9. endlessly的反义词

9. Whereas most people find poverty distressing, Mr Polak also finds it endlessly fascinating.

10. The deafening roar filled the entire space, and waves of white water surged endlessly forward.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. The world is state-of-the-art in the meantime while lead, the company development department carries on technique adjustment according to the development of printing industry with again creative, endlessly pursue, make the Hao farmland more quickly become the best brand which prints a market.

12. The king replied: Fa endlessly office, as the country, who knows not do it to the best in this aspect, I can give FangXuanLing.

13. endlessly

13. Were it for work and drudgery it would be endlessly long.

14. endlessly

14. I like you talk to me endlessly..

15. He has tracked on a rough road in his life, endlessly studying, endlessly climbing the top of science.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. Television anchors are endlessly cuing up musical montages of Chinese gold medal performances in weightlifting, shooting, gymnastics, and diving.


17. The Installation utilizes secretly documented home movies and the taped recordings of a maniacal lover''s threatening phone calls, both played in an endlessly repeating loop illustrating the claustrophobic nature of obsessive desire.

18. My Black raise heck when he saw the dented fender. He endlessly blamed the other drivers.

19. My Black raise heck when he saw the dent ed fender. He endlessly blamed the other drivers.

20. Moreover, he does not have all perfections eternally and concurrently, but attains them successively and endlessly.

endlessly 单语例句

1. Death is no longer unimaginable and the days do not stretch out endlessly ahead.

2. He covered his face with his hands and began crying, endlessly.

3. What has been scary is how we have cooed over this animal endlessly for the last several weeks like he was a newborn child.

4. A woman sprawled herself on the ground as she wailed endlessly and muttered words that no one could understand.

5. Almost all her waking hours Peng Yu is hooked online, putting up Internet postings and chatting endlessly with friends she's never met.

6. Almost all her waking hours Peng Yu spends her time online, posting messages and chatting endlessly with friends she's never met.

7. All eyes are on the endlessly enthusiastic instructor dancing on the bar, somewhat of a trademark of Zapata's.

8. Good private relations between the two top leaders have endlessly injected a vigor into bilateral ties.

9. A pedestrian sought police help after she found the woman sitting beside the road crying endlessly.

10. Many cars can be seen parked in front of the building, with fashionable looking people endlessly coming and going.

endlessly 英英释义



1. continuing forever without end

    e.g. there are infinitely many possibilities

    Synonym: infinitely

2. with unflagging resolve

    e.g. dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste

    Synonym: ceaselessly incessantly unceasingly unendingly continuously

3. all the time
    seemingly without stopping

    e.g. a theological student with whom I argued interminably
           her nagging went on endlessly

    Synonym: interminably

4. (spatial sense) without bounds

    e.g. the Nubian desert seemed to stretch out before them endlessly


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