ensure [ɪn'ʃʊə(r)]  [ɛnˈʃʊr] 


ensure 基本解释

及物动词 确保; 担保获得[避免]; 使(某人)获得; 使安全

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ensure 相关例句


1. I can't ensure his being on time.

2. A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview.

3. I can't ensure that he will be there on time.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.

5. These are safety devices to ensure workers against accidents.

ensure 情景对话



A:Excuse me! I’m looking for the airport bus?


B:I think it’s on the side of the road.


A:Oh, thanks. But the next bus leaves at 9:00.Can you tell me the best way to get to the airport?

B:If you want to ensure that you catch the plane, you’d better take a taxi to the airport.

ensure 网络解释

1. ensure的解释

1. 确保:督导的功能同时也包括使能(enable)和确保(ensure)品质的意思,使能者的意思是协助受督导者发挥工作能力,确保品质则是确实去执行的意思(郭玲妃等,2002这两种跟上述的三种督导功能都有各自的意义及性质,但是三种功能在督导过程中是相辅相成的,

2. 担保:坏的影响 adverse effect | 担保 ensure | 贴现 discount

3. ensure是什么意思

3. 使......必发生:Duty Assessment Office 征税部门 | ensure 使......必发生 | electronic invoices 电子发票

ensure 双语例句

1. Of course, it's difficult to ensure the relationship between caustion and result.

2. ensure

2. By a special design on sealing structure of agitator, hydraulic motors are completely separated from bearing seats, which ensure the slurry having mo chance to get into motor even under the situation of sealing failure.

3. Ensure the security of the plant and associated physical assets.

4. ensure的近义词

4. With over-temperature alarm system to ensure equipment safety.

5. ensure

5. A high and uniform temperature distribution along the outer surface of the combustion chamber is necessary to ensure a high radiation power density.

6. User Members shall ensure that confidential business information which they receive from preshipment inspection entities contracted or mandate d by them is adequately safeguarded.

7. ensure是什么意思

7. May use the packing strap with 6-15mm width, ensure the adhesive efficiency consistently

8. ensure的反义词

8. Electromagnetism coupling, fast and stable, axis transmitting, high rate, less noise and abrasion, low failure rate; 6、new type circuit design, using inserting style integrated circuit board to control the whole packing operation and iron head temperature, separating the circuit part, and the maintenance of circuit board is conveniently; 7、new type electric-heat steel slice design, long life, fast heat fading, avoid the fault of shapeless and short circuit which general iron head usually caused; 8、may use the packing strap with 6-15mm width, ensure the adhesive efficiency consistently; 9、setting swift adjusting knob, can freely adjust the bundling power conveniently.

9. ensure

9. Phase of image segmentation: Using the horizon and upright projection method, ensure the position of vehicle's plate.

10. In order to ensure the security of the sharing service in the manufacturing grid, an coarse-grain authorization mechanism based on the trust was presented to realize the automatical authorization of sharing services in the manufacturing grid node.

11. ensure

11. In the aspect of equipment, the company will use advanced materials, processing, welding, painting, lifting, transportation and other equipment in the domestic to increase production efficiency and to ensure products` qualities.

12. ensure的翻译

12. Brachiocephalic artery bypass and combined coronary artery perfusion, respectively in the..., in order to ensure the brachiocephalic artery and the right coronary artery branches are...

13. 好好学单词·英语单词

13. Only when we completely eliminate the five Yin elements from our moral character, support the virtues of the five Yang elements comprehensively, and enhance the characters of Five De in the internal environment totally can we ensure that the energy of Five De is fully absorbed into the body without barrier and waste.

14. ensure的近义词

14. Before you retry the command, ensure that the following dcs entries exist in /etc/inetd. conf on the domain, and that they have not been disabled
      重试该命令之前,应确保域内的/etc/inetd.conf 文件中包含以下 dcs 条目,且尚未禁用

15. Guide piles and level marks shall be protected well, not allowed to touch in excavation. Regularly re-check to ensure their accuracy.

16. Ensure that the side of the excavation pit is properly shored before you go down to do work.

17. These algorithms use special techniques to ensure almost instantly growing, dense and loop-free reverberation with a smooth decay.

18. The Quality and Magic Number options help ensure a reliable, loop-free data link.
      Quality 与 Magic Number选项可以用来协助确保该资料连结是一条可靠的与无回圈的。

19. ensure是什么意思

19. To ensure that the guys would last for the entire project, we addressed recovery as well as hard work in our process: we had a massage therapist on-site every day and a kinesiologist visited twice per week to treat anyone ailing.

20. ensure的翻译

20. Under these conditions it is very important that the aspiration pressure, i. e., the pressure at the tip of the melt delivery tube, is sub-ambient to ensure un-interrupted melt flow from the melt delivery tube.

ensure 词典解释

1. 保证;确保;担保
    To ensure something, or to ensure that something happens, means to make certain that it happens.

    e.g. Britain's negotiators had ensured that the treaty which resulted was a significant change in direction...
    e.g. Ensure that it is written into your contract.

ensure 单语例句

1. It means it is risky business for both and should ensure an attacking game in which two teams come to win.

2. Gan said the company was not rushing to get a direct selling licence, but was trying to ensure the business adjustment was successful.

3. The Palestinians were urging the Security Council to demand that Israel ensure Arafat's safety and not act to oust him.

4. Degree content is designed with input from employers to ensure that graduates are highly employable and many organisations actively seek out Aston Business School graduates.

5. Li said the judicial interpretation will also help ensure that administrative bodies act in accordance with the law and increase administrative efficiency.

6. But then the authorities should take measures to ensure migrant workers get train tickets without all the hassles and tensions.

7. Li is operating in a buyer's market and now has to ensure the theatre is run according to market demand.

8. Therefore, the government should act quickly to ensure an adequate and timely supply of vaccines.

9. They also ensure the rose farmers are protected against volatile market fluctuations, to the extent of buying the harvest at a guaranteed price.

10. US naval forces were also patrolling off the Somali coast to ensure Islamists did not flee by sea.

ensure 英英释义



1. be careful or certain to do something
    make certain of something

    e.g. He verified that the valves were closed
           See that the curtains are closed
           control the quality of the product

    Synonym: see check insure see to it control ascertain assure

2. make certain of

    e.g. This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us
           Preparation will guarantee success!

    Synonym: guarantee insure assure secure


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