equality [iˈkwɒləti]  [iˈkwɑ:ləti] 


equality 基本解释

名词 同等,平等; [数]相等,等式

equality 同义词

equality 反义词

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equality 网络解释

1. equality的解释

1. 等(式)

2. equality是什么意思

2. 相等性:引入了一组方法,通过这些方法可以用多种方式对节点进行比较. 其中包括用于测试两个节点是否相等、是否相同以及它们在文档资料树中的相对位置的方法. 您可能熟悉相同性(identity)和相等性(equality)的概念. 在

3. equality的意思

3. 相等:对于相等(equality),范围(range),LIKE,及 IN-列表(list)等谓词可以考虑通过范围分区(range partitioning)或列表分区(list partitioning)来实现分区剪除;对于相等,IN-列表等谓词还可以通过范哈希分区(hash partitioning)来实现分区剪除.

equality 双语例句

1. Influenced by the western culture, Lin Yutang advocated sexual equality and supported women to be autocephalous and independent.

2. It had two essentials: one was the equality in land properties and the other control of capital.

3. equality

3. Therefore, the realization of farmers social security right can exhibit legal values of equality, security and efficiency.

4. equality在线翻译

4. It is absolutely vital that all nations, bigorsmall, strongorweak, should conduct their relations with each other on the basis of mutual respect, and equality and mutual benefit.

5. The development and change of morality is restricted by a variety of factors. Among many stratums of cultural consciousness, the reinforcement of sense of equality plays a very important role. It keeps expanding moral values and morality norm with the quality of morality improved and the distance to the human i...

6. The journalist asked one of the men if this was a sign of growing equality.

7. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

7. And sign language a symbol of their equality.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. As a sign of equality and commitment.

9. He says the protesters see the university as a deaf sanctuary and sign language a symbol of their equality.

10. Power couples on the world stage have taken to handholding as a sign of equality and commitment.

11. We, under the principle of equality and mut ual -benefit and exchanging what we have but what you look for, are willing to set up (或 enter into ) a business friendship relation with your company

12. equality在线翻译

12. It will intensify and expand exchanges and cooperation with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefits, to gear economic globalization towards common prosperity.

13. We are ready to intensify and expand the exchanges and cooperation with the rest of the world on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to push the wheels of economic globalisation

14. However, a recently initiated policy of matriculating undergraduate students, in the name of reforming the existing qualifying mechanism of admitting undergraduates through nationwide college entrance examinations, have completely betrayed the university`s long-cherished ideals of democracy and equality.

15. The article makes a research and analysis on Wulanfu's ideas of national equality, national unity, national regional autonomy and the development of national economy.

16. equality的近义词

16. On the playing-field, all are on equality.

17. Chapter Three explores the racial aspect of America through MIB. The visual contrast of black and white displays the American fantasy of racial equality. The racial aspect of the American subjectivity is thus split between the fantasy embodied in the film and the real of the inequality between races.

18. Or perhaps the problem lies not in equality, but in the ambivalence that inevitably surround a titanic cultural shift only decades old.

19. Company on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

20. equality什么意思

20. We are willing to enter into business relations with your company on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

equality 词典解释

1. (地位、权利、责任等的)均等,平等
    Equality is the same status, rights, and responsibilities for all the members of a society, group, or family.


    e.g. ...equality of the sexes.

equality 单语例句

1. Universality and equality are the two fundamental characteristics shared by these rights.

2. The ministry also called on schools in cities to accept the children of migrant workers in line with the equality principle.

3. Clark was an educator and activist for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People decades before the nation's attention turned to racial equality.

4. " And we want to achieve the bilateral trade equality by 2010, " said Lord Mervyn Davies CBE.

5. As an important and basic tool to promote social equality and change individual destiny, the CEE system is generally regarded as a relatively fair system.

6. The centrality of gender empowerment and equality in the achievement of national and regional outcomes.

7. The Charter of the United Nations lists equality of sovereign states as its first principle, on which the modern international legal system is built.

8. Chivalry is " out " after the feminist movement, but true equality is not yet " in ".

9. In addition, the draft for deliberation proposes gender equality on retirement for the first time.

10. The mention of efficiency and equality in primary income distribution is novel and clearly meant to tackle the present problem.


equality 英英释义


1. the quality of being the same in quantity or measure or value or status

2. a state of being essentially equal or equivalent
    equally balanced

    e.g. on a par with the best

    Synonym: equivalence equation par


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