eternal [ɪˈtɜ:nl]  [ɪˈtɜ:rnl] 


eternal 基本解释

形容词 永生的; 不朽的; 永恒的,永久的; 似乎不停的,没完没了的

名词 永恒的事物; Eternal 上帝,与定冠词the 连用

eternal 同义词


eternal 反义词

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eternal 相关例句


1. eternal在线翻译

1. I couldn't stand their eternal quarrelling.

2. The eternal motion of the stars fascinated him.

3. The principles of Paris Commune are eternal.

4. Rome has been called the Eternal City.

eternal 网络解释

1. 永远的:企业简介 :经营理念友士公司秉持以顾客对我们的信任和相互信赖关系为基础,对新奇(Unique) 的商品,以更科学的(Scientific)营业方针,期使顾客能永远的(Eternal)满意,并期望对社会有所贡献而努力不懈省市地区 :上海上海

eternal 双语例句

1. He who, without negating it, does nothing for the eternal.

2. He was a stumble, but I was the cause of his eternal hate.

3. People always have the wrong time to step, but one wrong step in life is indeed eternal hate ah.

4. They are our eternal determination, work with health and life is our solemn oath.

5. True love is just one of the most simple appearance, as if a face is not modified, regardless of the early morning and evening, are a pair of pure eyes, and a gentle mouth, a nose to breathe, the eternal Mo Yang and you hugged overnight there will be no surprise the moment, no drastic Britain swing, life is such a gentle over-the day after day.

6. Behind the butterfly is the face of consciousness, looking inward to that which is eternal.

7. eternal的翻译

7. But the word of the Lord is eternal.
    1:25 惟有主的道是永存的。

8. Because of the eternal theme and common feelings of human, the poems of life consciousness in Han Dynasty are still great creations in literary history.

9. Last, as the essence of carnival humor, carnival Janus transforms death into the irresistible power of regeneration, and guarantees the eternal operation of life together with birth.

10. The building of a harmonious and win-win is our eternal pursuit.

11. The difference is that the former puts forward the proof of eternal validity of inductive principle and the later holds the rationality of inductive principle being set upon human belief.

12. The difference is that the former putsforward the proof of eternal validity of inductive principleand the later holds the rationality of inductive principlebeing set upon human belief.

13. Legend says that whomever collects all seven Dragon Balls can call forth the awesome Eternal Dragon, a powerful creature that will grant whatever wish their heart desires!

14. Love is a universal and eternal topic for people to ponder over.

15. Agape of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
      021 保守自己常在神的爱中,仰望我们主耶稣基督的怜悯,直到永生。

16. Keep yourselves in the love of God, awaiting the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
      1:21 保守自己在神的爱中,等候我们主耶稣基督的怜悯,以至于永远的生命。

17. Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
      恢复本 保守自己在神的爱中,等候我们主耶稣基督的怜悯,以至於永远的生命。

18. We are living in a period of grace while God withholds the eternal punishment we so justly deserve.

19. His characters are concrete and vivid, and they stand for a kind of eternal spirit.

20. Artistic decisions mood, health is eternal!

eternal 词典解释

1. 永久的;永恒的;永远的
    Something that is eternal lasts for ever.


    e.g. Whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.
    e.g. ...the quest for eternal youth.

She is eternally grateful to her family for their support...
The whole universe exists eternally in that one infinite being.

2. 无休止的;没完没了的
    If you describe something as eternal, you mean that it seems to last for ever, often because you think it is boring or annoying.

    e.g. In the background was that eternal hum.

3. (真理、价值、问题等)永恒的,不朽的
    Eternal truths, values, and questions never change and are believed to be always true and to be relevant in all situations.

    e.g. ...the eternal truths of the Indian subcontinent.
    e.g. ...the eternal question.

eternal 单语例句


1. Jade is regarded by many as an eternal symbol of China's civilization.

2. I could not help thinking that time had passed by but that this beautiful scenery was eternal.

3. Many visitors flip a coin into the fountain, as tradition says that doing so promises a prompt return to the Eternal City.

4. What seemed to be an eternal waiting has finally come to an end, and it was not in vain!

5. It urged the Dalai to conform to the trend of the times and not to earn himself eternal infamy in history.

6. Some are flying to China to visit historical sites to better understand and appreciate the charm of this eternal Asian cosmology.

7. Even though she has been dead for a decade, countless fans still regard her as their " eternal sweetheart ".

8. Archaeologists have been probing the depths of the Eternal City at 38 digs, many of which are near famous monuments or on key thoroughfares.

9. He threatens to curse Jack to an afterlife of eternal servitude and damnation if he can't settle up.

10. Man has been looking for the elixir of eternal life for ages.

eternal 英英释义


1. tiresomely long
    seemingly without end

    e.g. endless debates
           an endless conversation
           the wait seemed eternal
           eternal quarreling
           an interminable sermon

    Synonym: endless interminable

2. continuing forever or indefinitely

    e.g. the ageless themes of love and revenge
           eternal truths
           life everlasting
           hell's perpetual fires
           the unending bliss of heaven

    Synonym: ageless aeonian eonian everlasting perpetual unending unceasing


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