evolve [iˈvɒlv]  [iˈvɑ:lv] 


evolve 基本解释

及物动词 使发展; 使进化; 设计,制订出; 发出,散发

不及物动词 发展; [生]通过进化进程发展或发生

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evolve 相关例句


1. How did you evolve this very personal and original style?

2. We had to evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence.

3. evolve的意思

3. The British present political system has evolved over several centuries.


1. Scientists think that birds probably evolved from reptiles.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. The simple plan evolved into a complicated scheme.

3. evolve的近义词

3. The British political system has evolved over several centuries.

evolve 网络解释

1. 演变:她喜欢在品酒中浮想联翩:想酒的一生,比如,葡萄种植的一年里都发生(go on)了什么,是阳光普照,或是阴雨连绵;比如,做成的酒是如何不断演变(evolve)、风味逐渐醇厚的(gain complexity),又是如何在达到巅峰状态(peak v.达到最高点)之后慢慢变味的.

2. 进化:现代法律不是静态的,它在运动(move)、在迁移(shift)、在进化(evolve),它在不断的变化(flux)之中. 任何法律制度都有传统、有历史,但是这些因袭的、历史性的、稳定的因素越来越无关紧要了. 把权利意识与工具主义连结在一起的,

3. 演化:前者很快的提高了系统的效率系统也很快达到稳定(equilibrium),而后者却不停在演化(evolve)状态之中而效率时好时坏. 换句话说,前者牺牲了大部分人的个性换来系统的快捷和稳定,而后者牺牲了效率带来了更公平和透明的游戏规则.

evolve 双语例句

1. Nowadays social and some public in China inside is filled with the personal desires's inflation, then as for evolve to the situation that the utility stop at nothing and greedy occupy.

2. evolve的意思

2. Why did the original Cylons evolve from organic beings towards robotic vessels of war?

3. evolve的翻译

3. If a species cannot generate requisite variety, it won't evolve.

4. If you want to negotiate for evolve, I think you try your best to keep your head.

5. But forgot i am not evolve yet.....

6. evolve

6. I didn't evolve out of a monkey.

7. I like to have lots of surprises in my albums. I want to evolve and always challenge myself.

8. evolve的翻译

8. I have ambitions in life and love and I continue to evolve to meet those goals.

9. evolve的翻译

9. I burning gasoline would evolve more energy than that of gasohol.

10. evolve的近义词

10. C burning gasoline would evolve more energy than that of gasohol.

11. Ancient Chinese novels in the vernacular evolve from oral literature, have literary features of oral account such as the same pattern of narration, the same style of narration and the same style of individual authors; therefore, the monologic structure of narrative expression and close and complete plot composition are similar.

12. Ecological social man is a person who can conform to the law of ecological development, live in harmony with the nature and society and evolve together with them. He is expected to sublate the propositions of natural man, economic man, social man and ecological man.

13. evolve的意思

13. He is serious when he says he wants his Connection Machine to evolve commercial software.

14. This is true in other industries too, but few evolve as quickly as software.

15. You were saying that as we evolve, parts of us move on to Spirit.

16. We're a growing company which needs to guarantee a certain level of quality and performance as we evolve.

17. evolve的近义词

17. We are here to watch this process in you, to assist you, and to evolve ourselves as well.

18. evolve

18. Likewise, your policies and permissions will continue to evolve as does your company`s direction.

19. In order for humanity to evolve as a whole, more of humanity must choose to evolve.

20. Examples involve machining of some polymeric materials where poisonous gases evolve as a result of the machining operation.

evolve 词典解释

1. 进化;演变
    When animals or plants evolve, they gradually change and develop into different forms.

    e.g. The bright plumage of many male birds has evolved to attract females...
    e.g. Maize evolved from a wild grass in Mexico.

2. (使)逐步发展;(使)演化
    If something evolves or you evolve it, it gradually develops over a period of time into something different and usually more advanced.

    e.g. ...a tiny airline which eventually evolved into Pakistan International Airlines...
    e.g. Popular music evolved from folk songs...

evolve 单语例句

1. In a society dominated by the rule of men, even a wise monarch can easily evolve into a big tyrant.

2. I'm focused on interpreting the meaning of all that change for our company and how we can evolve more quickly.

3. A characteristic of Common Law is that it can evolve with changing times.

4. Common Law cannot evolve with the changing society all the time and often has to be amended through legislation.

5. There are several dangerous microbes that are difficult to fight because they continuously evolve or mutate and become resistant to more and more powerful antibiotics.

6. But China has been patiently and peacefully coordinating with other countries to solve some latent problems that could evolve into " confrontations " in the region.

7. If such impulses go unchecked, the administrative could evolve into a slow and costly institution that hinders economic growth.

8. This is a really groundbreaking development of huge encouragement to WFP, and a trend we hope will evolve strongly in the years ahead.

9. " We can't say how he will evolve at the moment, " Medina said.

10. While the artists under Pilots Record are mainly rockers and punk singers, the music festival will evolve to meet the tastes and demands of its larger audiences.


evolve 英英释义


1. undergo development or evolution

    e.g. Modern man evolved a long time ago

2. gain through experience

    e.g. I acquired a strong aversion to television
           Children must develop a sense of right and wrong
           Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position
           develop a passion for painting

    Synonym: develop acquire

3. work out

    e.g. We have developed a new theory of evolution

    Synonym: germinate develop


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