excuse me [iksˈkju:z mi:]  [ɪkˈskjuz mi] 

excuse me 基本解释

int.对不起; 恕

excuse me 情景对话


A:Excuse me; could you lend me some of your records?

B:Until when?

A:Until Monday or Tuesday of next week.

B:No problem.


A:Excuse me, can you tell me where Main Street is?

B:Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks.

A:Is it far?

B:No. It's only a five-minute walk. You can’t miss it.

A:Thanks a lot.

B:You're welcome.

Asking Directions-(问路)

A:Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get downtown?

B:Yes, of course. Areyou familiar with the streets here?

A:NO, I'm from out of town.

B:Well, let me see. What would be the quickest way? I'll tell you. Go to the end of This block, turn right, and walk six blocks. Then turn left for three blocks.There's a Big intersection there.You can't miss it. The main business section is three or four blocks south of the intersection.
      哦,让我想一想,哪一条是最近的路?我告诉您。顺这条街走到下一条横马路时向右转,再过六条马路 然后向左转再过三条马路。那儿有一个很大的交叉路口你不会错过的。从交叉路口向南过三条或四条马路就是主要的商业区。

A:Thanks a lot. Oh, one more thing. Are there any buses running this time of night?


B:No. They stop at eleven p.m.

excuse me 双语例句

1. Excuse me, could you please help me push the car?

2. Excuse me, I'll be back right away.

3. Excuse me, sir, what can i do for you?

4. Excuse me. are you Mr Bellow?

5. Excuse me, do you know how to play chess?

6. Excuse me, may i have the honor of knowing you?

7. Excuse me, Thank you for waiting, This is your order.

8. Excuse me! May I go to comfort station?

9. Excuse me, please. Could I take a photo with you?

10. Excuse me, I'd like to send this letter. Could you tell me the zip code?
    David 打扰一下,我要寄封信,你能告诉我邮编吗?

excuse me 单语例句

1. Every morning I have to push zigzag down the escalator and say dozens of " excuse me " to catch a train on time.

2. Words like " excuse me " and " thank you " are used all the time.

3. Excuse me sir, are there any lakes in the Lake District?

4. It was a good excuse for me to refresh my junior high school knowledge of geography.

5. " They fired me under the excuse of skipping duties without valid reasons, " Luo told China Daily yesterday.

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