explain [ɪkˈspleɪn]  [ɪkˈsplen] 


explain 基本解释

及物/不及物动词 讲解,解释

及物动词 说明…的原因,辩解

不及物动词 说明,解释,辩解


explain 同义词

explain 反义词

及物动词 obscure

explain 相关词组

1. explain away : 通过解释消除;

2. explain oneself : 说明自己意图, 为自己辩解;

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explain 相关例句


1. explain的近义词

1. He made up a story to explain why he was absent.

2. Can you explain how the machine operates?

3. Please explain this rule to me.

4. He explained how the machine was used.


1. explain在线翻译

1. I've got to explain about it.

explain 情景对话



A:Would you mind doing something for me?

B:I would if I could.

A:Will you please explain the meaning of this word?

B:Yes, with pleasure.

More Two - word Verbs-(又一些成语动词)

A:I hadn't finished telling you about two-word verbs, Bob.

B:Do I have to hear more? I'm not sure I can follow it.

A:Sure you can. This part is the most interesting.


B:Okay. Go ahead.

A:Well, here are sentences with two-word verbs with objects, They all mean different things.


B:Can you explain how they're different?

A:Each part or both parts of the two-word verb can have an object.The verb may have different meanings with different objects, or different arrangements of object.Is that clear? You look confused.


B:I'm not confused, I was just thinking.

explain 网络解释

1. 解 说:一个服务群可能包含了一个服务;一个服务群可能只包含了一个服务,如查询(search)服务群包含了查询(search)服务;一个服务群也可能不包含任何服务,如解说(explain)服务群没有定义任何服务,

2. explain的意思

2. 說:解释是一个含糊的词汇,既指传释(translate)也指解说(explain). 文学解释在这两者上均是必不可少的,当批评家将自己限制在清晰的文学术语中,他的解释会更加适合他本人,但也会富有建构性或解构性. 他们也会对着意详尽解释的人作出解释.

explain 双语例句

1. The CFO must also be able to explain treatments, policies and consequences so that every executive can understand them.

2. How do you explain the phenomenon of anti-Semitism?

3. We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn.

4. I'll explain the scale factors in the next section.

5. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

5. The breakdown properties of liquid dielectric are easily influenced by experimental conditions, so that to this day no one theory can explain all experimental observations.

6. Such complex mechanisms could explain all of the observations of ageing and semelparous behaviors.

7. With representation of typical zeolites Y and ZSM-5, our energetic calculating results can well explain the results of Sreekumar et al about Thio-Claisen rearrangement with and without zeolite catalysts, which is that syn conformation is the main product without catalyst, while anti conformation is the only product with zeolite catalyst.

8. Because of the extraordinary mind possessed by this Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar. He knew and understood how to interpret dreams, explain enigmas, and solve difficulties.

9. To have a better correspondence relationship between control software and the action of elevator and easy to debug and assert, I use pattern edit program. And explain three working mode of elevator of working. I divide the control software for parts: display program of floor, calling program, direction program, switch door program, transform speed program. They played to control elevator working correctly.

10. On pre-stack seismic reservoir prediction is concerned, AVO application can be grouped into two parts: One is to study the gas-bearing reservoir in response to the unusual characteristics of the AVO based on log data on seismic reflection through the AVO forward modeling. And using it as the basis for guidance inversion AVO anomalies to explain the properties based on the pre-stack seismic data; Second, proceeding AVO inversion based on pre-stack seismic data, and Extracting AVO abnormal attribute parameters, bas...

11. explain在线翻译

11. Furthermore, information technology and internet accelerate business administration field steps into a new era. Traditionally, measuring corporation value as fiscal and tangible asset been antiquated, the intangible assets such as core-competence, innovation take place. Therefore, scholars propose a new measure methodology—intellectual capital which can explain why the corporation market value surpass book value. This measure methodology will assist high-level managers to identify what is the important asset when corporation faces the competition across internal and external environment systematically. It has become a significant index to evaluate corporation value currently.

12. Actually, the Trinity is in itself one kind ultra examines the question, is only impossible to explain clearly completely by our existing experience it, it also can only be is used for to believe that cannot understand that any nowadays`s understanding way is one fallacy, or said gratefully, is one kind to divine nature blaspheming.

13. explain的翻译

13. Transformation of productive uses becomes more important than residential succession to explain the new dynamics of urban space Mitchell, 1999; Horan, 2001

14. But how to use a suitable publicity campaign to explain the subject of this activity, without limiting the idea of everyone is a not a small problem.

15. I'll explain some definitions related to Surabaya in My Birthday Virus.

16. Explain key types of private equity funding and operation formats. Give one example of successful case. of PE financing

17. Romanian workers to explain to us later: This may be because the AGP slot is not a good quality, in the plug of the pin after the injury there, and combined with our relatively thin PCB graphics card, plug in again after the finger is not and an internal slot to connect all the pins.


18. Please explain the rules of golf to me; I want to learn about it.

19. explain的解释

19. By introducing the principle of application design, process design and exception design, the author explain the system function, target and software structure.

20. Wang should have repented killing those foxes, and proved his sincerity by doing good deeds and killing nothing, Then, if he had been able to tell the fox the Buddhist dharmas that explain the balance and nature of the universe, they could have patched up their quarrel and become friends and avoided this disaster.

explain 词典解释

1. 解释;说明
    If you explain something, you give details about it or describe it so that it can be understood.

    e.g. Not every judge, however, has the ability to explain the law in simple terms...
    e.g. Don't sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you...

2. 解释;辩解;说明…的理由
    If you explain something that has happened, you give people reasons for it, especially in an attempt to justify it.

    e.g. 'Let me explain, sir.' — 'Don't tell me about it. I don't want to know.'...
    e.g. Before she ran away, she left a note explaining her actions...

相关词组:explain away

explain 单语例句

1. But a lot of Chinese people buy into such tricks, which may partly explain why so many Chinese brands have adopted foreign names.

2. All these anomalies explain how property hegemony was formed in the city with the authorities acting as accomplices rather than as regulators.

3. It was not possible to explain the discrepancy with the numbers provided by police sources.

4. Mary Kom cracks a smile when she recalls the phone call from her father ordering her back to the village to explain herself.

5. It was not immediately known if there would be a statement issued after the call to explain the day's events.

6. " We often helped explain and persuade angry protestors to calm down and be rational, " said Yang.

7. But it did not explain the ban on video cameras and canned drinks, let alone the umbrellas.

8. Wang continued to explain that the space docks refer to those between two space flights or between a space flight and a space capsule.

9. We are trying to explain to these girls that it is not a real way to a good life.

10. But I had no way to explain the actual source of my nausea was the snails wriggling through my guts because of linguistic limitations.

explain 英英释义



1. serve as a reason or cause or justification of

    e.g. Your need to sleep late does not excuse your late arrival at work
           Her recent divorce may explain her reluctance to date again

    Synonym: excuse

2. make plain and comprehensible

    e.g. He explained the laws of physics to his students

    Synonym: explicate

3. define

    e.g. The committee explained their plan for fund-raising to the Dean


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