fireworks ['faɪəwɜ:ks]  ['faɪəˌwɜ:ks] 


fireworks 基本解释

名词 烟花; 烟火; 烟火( firework的名词复数 ); 烟火表演; 烟花表演


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fireworks 相关例句


1. I had gone to watch the fireworks, one Fourth of July.

2. The Chinese community here are shooting off fireworks in celebration of the Chinese New Year.

3. fireworks

3. His radical ideas are likely to produce fireworks at the meeting.

fireworks 网络解释

1. fireworks

1. 烟火:回顾展中,观众也有幸的欣赏到他一系列涉及同性恋、神秘玄学和超现实主义,难得一见的作品,如<<天蝎上升>>(Scorpio Rising)、<<路西法上升>>(Lucifer Rising)、<<烟火>>(Fireworks)、<<水花>>(Eaux d'Artifice).

2. fireworks

2. 烟火表演:烟火表演(Fireworks)与夜景:每年7月、8月间的星期六晚上,布查花园会施放亮丽缤纷的七彩烟火,将夏夜的星空妆扮得活泼动人. 玫瑰园(Rose Garden)与三鲟龙鱼喷泉:花园西端的玫瑰园,种植着许多不同品种的玫瑰花,放眼望去群芳争艳、美不胜收.

fireworks 双语例句

1. fireworks什么意思

1. This is in direct and striking contrast to his father, master fireworks maker Simeon Runciman, who is portrayed as a brooding, dark and intense character with a mysterious past.

2. Today do not carry their own future, fireworks set to go no need to have.

3. Well-known traditional products are Shiwan ceramics, Shantou Artex, Chaozhou embroidery, Xinhui kuishan, fireworks and firecrackers in Dongguan, Guangzhou, ivory, jade, shell carving and widely embroidery, Zhaoqing Beitrag, and straw mats and so on.

4. Ache with tristearin, sodium or nitrify cotton is coagulating agent, adopt the legal system of two steps Bei technology, in 65 ℃ respond, shell mellow wine: tristearin acid: the best proportion of the sodium of sodium hydroxide is 91:6.5:1, compound with two methods solid shell mellow wine, at the same time join stabilizing agent, eliminate smoke dose, restrain volatilizer and fireworks modifier etc., is as hydration alumina eliminate smoke dose, raise the integral performance of solid shell pure fuel.

5. In the evening, I set off fireworks with my cousin.

6. How do you celebrate the New Year I set off fireworks.

7. Many other countries around the world also enjoy the tradition of exploding fireworks on special days.

8. I tried to catch a glimpse of the fireworks show, but there was a big tree in the way.

9. In China, the most popular festival is Spring Festival, and the celebrations include giving gifts between relatives and friends, sticking duilian, making and eating dumplings, firing fireworks, visiting the relatives together.

10. fireworks的近义词

10. The team are now developing fireworks that are free of both barium and perchlorate oxidant, which supplies the oxygen for the pyrotechnic combustion.

11. fireworks什么意思

11. Let them live who choose in their own hissing world of fireworks.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. It culminates in a large fireworks display over the Detroit River.

13. Our company is based celebration center, ceremonial center, advertising center, fireworks Arts Center and Gift Shop and other branches of flowers and two matching factory specializing in the production of fireworks and jubilation, celebration supplies.

14. International Fireworks network platform for the establishment of the new site far beyond the trading platform for information dissemination and the concept of areas, the international fireworks shop network solutions marked by fireworks industry as a whole e-commerce model fully established.

15. fireworks的意思

15. Create the image for your font - open your graphic's software (ie Fireworks, Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro).
      创建字体图像——打开图片制作软件(比如:Fireworks、Photoshop或者 Paint Shop Pro)。

16. fireworks

16. Watching the fireworks in the rain, and hearing people`s exclamation of joy, the desire for a moment of joy can hardly be stopped by the cold spring rain.

17. Is a set of fireworks, Tang suit, natural chrysanthemum stone production and sales in one large-scale trading company.

18. Visits a park, activity and so on lantern festival, temple fair, flower show, fireworks party


19. If location of the fireworks lights, flowers Portland lights, fountain lights, the lights of the wind, coconut trees, cycads, tree and so on.

20. fireworks

20. I think a good real-world example of a fun consumable is fireworks.

fireworks 单语例句

1. So were many fireworks companies, which see the Bird's Nest as a huge business opportunity.

2. Setting off fireworks will remain prohibited outside the designated periods of time and places allowed by the new regulation.

3. The peaceful atmosphere is then broken as the crowd is suddenly taken by surprise with loud fireworks and striking drums.

4. Police said by setting off fireworks for half an hour from the roof of his building Xu had breached the city's ban.

5. Some of the fireworks fell on a cache of fireworks stored in front of their home and triggered a series of explosions.

6. After the candle light put out on the masts, people set off various fireworks at the farmland treasure.

7. There will also be a fireworks carnival and student contests open to young people who capture the colorful light shows through drawing or photographs.

8. In Beijing, the streets were littered with tattered red paper and the cardboard casings from spent fireworks.

9. The other casualty was a man who runs a small shop next to the house where the men were collecting the used fireworks.

10. Beijing fire control bureau said CCTV officials illegally hired a fireworks squad to shoot hundreds of huge firecrackers above the new construction site.


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