flog [flɒg]  [flɑ:g] 


flog 基本解释

及物动词 鞭打,鞭策; 迫使

flog 记忆方法

slang, perhaps a schoolboy shortening of Latin flagellare "flagellate."

2. fight + log => flog: fight with log: 用原木棍、木柴棍鞭打、棒打、抽打。

flog 中文词源

flog 鞭笞

来自flagellate, 鞭打,鞭笞。

flog 相关词组

1. flog a dead horse : 徒劳;

flog 相关例句


1. Frequently slaves were flogged.

flog 网络解释

1. 你揮了揮手上的鞭子:flip 你拍拍你身上的灰尘.  | flog 你挥了挥手上的鞭子.  | flop 你扑通地跌了一跤.

2. (用鞭、棍等)抽打:file向......提出控告 | flog(用鞭、棍等)抽打 | flogging抽打

3. 鞭打/鞭笞/挞/棰:floeberg /小冰山/ | flog /鞭打/鞭笞/挞/棰/ | flogging /鞭打/

flog 双语例句

1. Who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him.

2. Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors.

3. It is useless to flog a dead horse.

4. We should be able to flog the car for a good price.

5. I had a letter from a company trying to flog me insurance.

6. You get to keep all of us if you flog his products?

7. The purse is to be found, or I'll flog you!

8. It is nobody's source of income or a commodity to flog around in the market.

9. You can set the flog pole, but I don`t think luke will sit on it.

10. They will mock him and spit on him, and flog him and kill him.

flog 词典解释

1. 出售;卖掉
    If someone tries to flog something, they try to sell it.

    e.g. They are trying to flog their house.

2. 鞭笞;棒打
    If someone is flogged, they are hit very hard with a whip or stick as a punishment.

    e.g. In these places people starved, were flogged, were clubbed to death...
    e.g. Flog them soundly.

He was sentenced to a flogging and life imprisonment...
He urged the restoration of hanging and flogging.

3. 做徒劳无益的事;白忙活
    If you say that someone is flogging a dead horse, you mean that they are trying to achieve something impossible.

flog 英英释义


1. beat severely with a whip or rod

    e.g. The teacher often flogged the students
           The children were severely trounced

    Synonym: welt whip lather lash slash strap trounce

2. beat with a cane

    Synonym: cane lambaste lambast


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