foment [fəʊˈment]  [foʊˈment] 


foment 基本解释


及物动词 激起,煽动(麻烦等)

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foment 相关例句


1. foment的意思

1. Three sailors were fomenting a mutiny on the ship.

foment 网络解释

1. foment的近义词

1. 煽动;助长:intercept 中途阻止, 截取 | foment 煽动;助长 | ferment 酵素, 发酵, 动乱

2. foment在线翻译

2. 热敷:folly 愚蠢 | foment 热敷 | fomentation 热敷

3. 煽动:flare up 突然发起 | foment 煽动 | foolproof 可靠的

4. foment什么意思

4. 引发:enthrall#使服从 | foment#引发 | weigh#估量

foment 双语例句

1. foment的反义词

1. The goal of the IDM is not to encourage critical thought, but to foment a revolution which would supplant evolutionary theory with ID.

2. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

2. The Comintern, believing that the GMD represents the mainstream of Chinese nationalism and can be used to foment revolution in China, sends an agent, Adolf Joffe, to China to work out a basis for CCP-GMD cooperation.

3. foment

3. A group of Catholic conspirators aimed to blow up the Houses of Parliament in Westminster London while the King was present hoping to foment a Catholic revolution.

4. foment是什么意思

4. A group of Catholic conspirators aimed to blow document. write; ad_dst = ad_dst+1; up the Houses of Parliament in Westminster London while the King was present hoping to foment a Catholic revolution.

5. Objective To observe the effectiveness of treatment of syringoma with motion combined with foment.

6. There`s no reason why we can`t continue to foment high-level development.

7. The Chinese government is keenly sensitive to the tide of unemployment, which could foment social unrest.

8. Now the same clique is trying to foment trouble in Tibet at the instigation of the US.

9. Even the appearance of proselytising Christianity is enough to foment widespread rancour.

10. If perticuliar care and attention is not paid to the Laidies we are determined to foment a Rebelion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation.

11. foment是什么意思

11. In the past, while we were fighting strenuously for peace and unity, they were doing all they could to foment civil war and splits.

12. foment的解释

12. But does it contribute to robust public discussion or, instead, foment hatred and promote conflict?

13. S. and Kazakhstan, which have worried that his presence could foment a civil war in the Central Asian republic.

14. For one thing, high fuel prices can foment unrest, Burma being the latest case.

15. The song was banned on the grounds that it might foment racial tension.

16. foment的解释

16. Theres no reason why we cant continue to foment high-level development.

17. In the developing world, faster-than-expected recoveries and rising interest rates could foment a vicious carry trade.

18. There is one, that's for sure! The devil alone can foment murders! Don't forget that, and be careful!

19. The still-simmering possibility of previously unthinkable defaults by west European states continues to foment uncertainty.

20. foment

20. According to the Putin world-view, the Americans and the Europeans deliberately took advantage of a period of Russian weakness in the 1990s, to betray promises and to enlarge Nato up to the borders of Russia, and then to foment anti-Russian colour revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia.

foment 词典解释

1. 煽动,助长(事端或暴力)
    If someone or something foments trouble or violent opposition, they cause it to develop.

    e.g. They accused strike leaders of fomenting violence.

foment 单语例句

1. But analysts warn that unfettered capacity expansions could foment a serious glut that will erode margins.

2. Kirkuk is an ethnically mixed city where insurgents have routinely launched deadly attacks apparently seeking to foment ethnic tension.

3. Soon after this, a " religion protection army " was formed to foment rebellion.

4. Behaviors likely to be pinpointed are inflammatory preaching and publishing views which foster hatred or foment terrorism.

5. The riots were the handiwork of people desperate to foment trouble across China, but their attempt failed miserably.

6. A spokesman for the influential Sunni Association of Muslim Scholars condemned Zarqawi's threats, and said he was trying to foment civil war between Sunnis and Shiites.

7. Iraqi insurgents have routinely targeted Kurdish and Turkomen officials in Kirkuk, seeking to foment ethnic tension.

8. Leung said the meeting went " very badly " and that the situation threatened to foment " social disorder ".

9. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Muslim extremists of spreading lies to foment violence.

10. However, the " three forces " abroad took advantage of it as an opportunity to foment unrest.

foment 英英释义


1. bathe with warm water or medicated lotions

    e.g. His legs should be fomented

2. try to stir up public opinion

    Synonym: agitate stir up


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