ford [fɔ:d]  [fɔ:rd] 


ford 基本解释

名词 福特汽车; 浅滩,可涉水而过的地方; 福特(人名)

及物动词 涉(水),渡过

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ford 相关例句



1. The streams rose so rapidly that we could hardly ford them.

ford 网络解释

1. 福特公司:(中央社斯德哥尔摩2009年12月23日综合外电)瑞典电 视台今天报导,一位工会领袖表示,美国汽车业巨擘福 特公司(Ford)已和中国浙江的吉利控股公司达成协议 ,福特将把旗下瑞典品牌富豪汽车(Volvo)卖给这家 中国公司.

2. 美国福特汽车:像是日本汽车大厂 丰田汽车(TOYOTA)、德国 福斯汽车(Volkswagen)、美国知名牛仔裤品牌 Levi Strauss(Levi's)、美国知名计算机品牌 戴尔计算机(Dell)、美国 福特汽车(Ford)以及美国知名连锁咖啡店 星巴克(Starbucks)等,

3. 福特汽车:****底特律為美國汽車城,通用汽車(GM)、福特汽車(FORD)及戴姆勒克萊斯勒(DCX),總部均設於此,美國前100大之一階大廠的總部,如:Delphi、Visteon、EATON、DANA...也都設在底特律.

4. ford的翻译

4. ford:fast only rolling downhill; 从山上滚下来

ford 双语例句

1. In 1954 Bissell left Ford to become a special assistant to Allen Dulles in January 1954 Ibid, p.

2. The conventional-looking Traverse (6417) is handily beating Ford's Flex (2352), although price is certainly a factor too.
    常规寻找导线( 6417 )是轻易击败福特的Flex ( 2352年),虽然价格肯定是一个因素太多。

3. ford

3. When Henry Ford Number1 sought financial agoing to bikes, the Very abundance notion of farmers or clerks haveing automobiles were considered ridiculous.

4. ford的意思

4. We shall pass the ford of Tirpurni, and leave behind us the desert of Tepntar.

5. ford什么意思

5. One of director Ford's finest films, and an American classic.

6. ford的意思

6. By 1927, a Model T was rolling out of one of Ford`s factories every 24 seconds.

7. U. S. auto industry, one of three giant Ford, which has become not only the company filed for bankruptcy protection.

8. ford在线翻译

8. One of Ford's current plants is also in Chongqing, while the other is in Nanjing in eastern China.

9. One of Ford`s close friends, who was an insurance salesman, read about it and became quite upset.

10. By 1927, a Model T was rolling out of one of Ford's factories every 24 seconds.

11. ford

11. One of Ford`s close friends, who was an insurance salesman, read about it and became quite upset. He called Ford and asked why he hadn`t purchased a policy from his company.

12. ford是什么意思

12. The five-passenger crossover is built in Ford's Oakville Assembly Complex in Canada.

13. General Motors, Ford and Chrysler made cars on both sides of the Detroit River, sending parts and vehicles back and forth at will.

14. Its products mainly include: the High Au-Mongolian glass, Frosted glass, carved mirror, glass curtain wall, vacuum aluminum mirrors, senior silver mirror, mirror tea, gray mirror, green mirror, gold mirror, black mirror, red mirror, Ford Blue microscopy.

15. Com Custom Truck Screen Saver, Trucks featured in this screen saver include Ford F-150, Chevy S10, Chevy Tahoe, Toyota Takoma, FordRanger and more.
      这个屏幕保护程序中卡车包括福特 F-150,雪佛兰 S10,雪佛兰 Tahoe,丰田汽车 Takoma,福特巡逻兵和更多。

16. Ford`s salaried employees are also slated to take a pay hit this year.


17. In Asia, Australasia, and in Southern Africa, the Mazda 626 was sold under the name Ford Telstar.
      在亚洲,澳大利西亚,并在南部非洲,马自达626被出售的名义下,福特telstar 。

18. At least when the big automotive company Ford twitters, we know who the man is behind the curtain.

19. United States General Motors, Ford and Chrysler vehicles are the three major difficulties, Hofer Wright said: If so much of the enterprise declared bankruptcy, is bound to auto parts supplier great impact.

20. Because of that, the research of this aspect attract a lot of attention. In this thesis, we studied the thermodynamic characteristics of 1D-nonlinear systems and gave explanations to it by extended Ford-Kac-Mazur formalism.

ford 词典解释

1. 浅滩;河流浅水处
    A ford is a shallow place in a river or stream where it is possible to cross safely without using a boat.


2. 涉渡;涉过
    If you ford a river or stream, you cross it without using a boat, usually at a shallow point.


    e.g. They were guarding the bridge, so we forded the river.

ford 单语例句

1. Ford said that Mulally will travel by car when he returns later in the week.

2. Connery told Scotland on Sunday that he had been approached by George Lucas about reprising his role as Harrison Ford's onscreen father in the film.

3. Kerkorian expressed support for Ford's turnaround efforts and management team led by Chief Executive Alan Mulally when he announced his plans for the tender offer.

4. A call by The Associated Press to a representative for Ford wasn't immediately returned Wednesday.

5. Among her other films were the Eddie Cantor comedy " Roman Scandals, " John Ford's " The Prisoner of Shark Island " and a string of dramas.

6. He may not play football or even have heard of the soccer club, but Atletico Madrid signed up actor Harrison Ford as their latest recruit on Wednesday.

7. Ford was hurt when Nets forward Vince Carter landed on his upper torso scrambling for a loose ball near the end of the first period.

8. Ford didn't quantify the impact of Cash for Clunkers, which offered buyers payments to trade in their vehicles.

9. French Ambassador Eric Chevalier and Ford both made separate visits to Hama on Thursday.

10. " The problems of subprime and credit crunch are now all over the world, " Ford Motor Co Chief Executive Alan Mulally said.

ford 英英释义


1. the act of crossing a stream or river by wading or in a car or on a horse

    Synonym: fording

2. a shallow area in a stream that can be forded

    Synonym: crossing


1. cross a river where it's shallow


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