fortress [ˈfɔ:trəs]  [ˈfɔ:rtrəs] 


fortress 基本解释

名词 堡垒,要塞

及物动词 设置要塞; 用要塞防守

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fortress 相关例句


1. The easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.

fortress 网络解释

1. 城堡:由人面像左侧有一块城市区(City Square),有数座四面体的金字塔散在其间,在城市区的东北侧有一个似城堡(Fortress)的构型,此一城堡有三面直矗的高墙,彼此呈三角形,向中间有一空城,其间还有二面墙以九十度方式交错在那里,

fortress 双语例句

1. Princess there than I imagined loyalty, she let her lover to return to the small fortress, and she continued the journey with us.

2. CHAPTER I Chinese IN THE OCTOBER OF 1805 the Russian troops were occupying the towns and villages of the Austrian archduchy, and fresh regiments kept arriving from Russia and encamping about the fortress of Braunau, burdening the inhabitants on whom they were billeted.
    第一章 英文一八○五年十月间,俄国军队侵占了奥国大公管辖的几个大村庄和城市,一些新兵团又从俄国开来,驻扎在布劳瑙要塞附近的地方,因而加重了居民的负担。

3. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

3. Book 2 第二部 CHAPTER I 第一章 IN THE OCTOBER OF 1805 the Russian troops were occupying the towns and villages of the Austrian archduchy, and fresh regiments kept arriving from Russia and encamping about the fortress of Braunau, burdening the inhabitants on whom they were billeted.

4. Ha ha, the Fortress Hill is the second phase we do the design.

5. This is particularly true of 2007's Team Fortress 2, whose stylized look and inherently bombastic tone and gameplay make it a prime candidate for wackier experiments.
    特别在2007年的团队要塞 2,其风格独特的外观和内在的夸夸其谈和游戏真正的语气使其成为wackier实验的主要候选人。

6. Be my rock and refuge, my secure stronghold; for you are my rock and fortress.

7. The cub painted a high-light picture of his poor little room, its oil-stove and the one chair, and of the death's-head tramp who kept him company and who looked as if he had just emerged from twenty years of solitary confinement in some fortress dungeon.

8. fortress是什么意思

8. A few years later, he broke into the fortress of Gardulla the Hutt to save Ghostling children captured there.

9. fortress的意思

9. His sons will prepare for war and assemble a great army, which will sweep on like an irresistible flood and carry the battle as far as his fortress.

10. Strife has arisen within their ranks, and many wish to ignore their obligation and remain isolated in their desert fortress.

11. The ramparts of the Ukkthas` Fortress-City, as well as the natural obstacles that stood on each side of the city, forbade access to the immense dream riches of the North that they coveted.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. Observatory Park is elevated on a high sandstone bluff that was carved away into a cliff, a fortress-like palisade, and through it you may look down into the backyards of the Kent Street houses and inspect the poinsettias, frangipani and washing.

13. An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded.

14. The mountain over Heungguksa Temple is Deungseonbong where there are the fortress and the palace site which are said to be built in the age of Maekguk.

15. fortress

15. A dangerous mass murderer, Sirius Black, has escaped Azkaban Fortress - the Wizards'Prison. While learning to cope with the Dementors sent to protect Hogwart's, Harry learns the disturbing story of Sirius Black and yet more of his own history.


16. The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress.

17. Over time, the rapid spread of this technology, and now has long been counterfeiters from various aspects of a fortress, anti-false has a very restricted cards and membership cards authoring tool.

18. He dismissed his musings abruptly and returned to the balcony console, where he received an update on the shuttlecraft's ETA in the fortress docking bay.

19. Scanners and camera remotes monitored the approach of the Regent's shuttlecraft and relayed relevant data to screens in the fortress's cavernous Tactical Center, where techs and staff officers were keeping a close watch on the situation.

20. Good, you will report for duty to First Lieutenant FeWeile in independence fortress.

fortress 词典解释

1. 堡垒;防御阵地;要塞
    A fortress is a castle or other large strong building, or a well-protected place, which is intended to be difficult for enemies to enter.


    e.g. ...a 13th-century fortress.
           13 世纪的堡垒

fortress 单语例句

1. Fortress and Nelson did not return calls from The Associated Press after business hours.

2. The most imposing structure dating from the era of invasions is probably the Ananuri fortress, at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains.

3. They are proving true a commonplace saying that unity of will is an impregnable fortress.

4. The word literally means " mountain fortress " and originally referred to bandits operating outside official control.

5. Gbagbo is cornered after swift military advances by the rival Republican Forces, which entered Abidjan a week ago to attack his last fortress.

6. It is also confined to the fortress and moves one point diagonally.

7. Although the fortress was originally a primitive earthen structure, stone was brought in when construction of the city began.

8. It is the place where the Dagu Emplacement lies, which enjoys the reputation of " Sea Gate of Ancient Fortress ".

9. The fortress is one of six that Adolf Hitler ordered to be built in the German capital to defend it from air attack.

10. Watching the Google farce unfold is akin to reading an awkward copy of Dan Brown's fiction Digital Fortress.

fortress 英英释义


1. a fortified defensive structure

    Synonym: fort


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