

friends 基本解释

朋友( friend的名词复数 );资助者;同胞;指做傻事或烦人的事而说话者不认识的人;

friends 网络解释

1. 老友记/六人行:<<老友记(六人行)>>(Friends)是美国最成功的情景喜剧之一,从1994年到2004年共播出了十季236集,共获得了33次艾美奖的提名,获奖无数. 整部戏主要描写美国纽约的6个性格迥异的年轻人--娇纵可爱的千金小姐瑞秋、专情而古板的生物学家罗斯、有严重洁癖而且及其好胜的莫妮卡、专好冷幽默的钱德勒、古怪风趣的菲比和天

friends 双语例句

1. He is one of my familiar friends.

2. I went to visit it with my friends.

friends 单语例句

1. Many young entrepreneurs said online business helps lower costs and increase efficiency, and also offers opportunities to make friends and find fun.

2. To his show business friends, he was a gentle and considerate man.

3. Wish our friends in the business sector even greater success in their course to embrace the world.

4. It is the best place for business travel, making friends and having conferences on this planet.

5. If the line is busy, call your family or friends for help.

6. Team boss Frank Williams called Button up on his mobile phone while the Briton was in the pub with friends.

7. Ma functioned like a freelance agent, buying up apartments for his parent's friends and relatives.

8. He commutes four hours by car and 40 minutes by boat to spend time with his feathered friends.

9. Li continued to drink by himself after his friends had left and put his left hand into the boiling hotpot.

10. They kept in close contact by letter and gradually became good friends.


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