frosty [ˈfrɒsti]  [ˈfrɔ:sti] 


frosty 基本解释


形容词 冷淡的; 严寒的; 霜冻的; 灰白的

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frosty 相关例句


1. frosty在线翻译

1. The fields look frosty this morning.

2. frosty的翻译

2. She gave me a frosty smile.

frosty 网络解释

1. frosty的意思

1. 霜冻:mild 温暖 | frosty 霜冻 | damp 潮湿

2. 结霜的:frostwork 霜花花纹 | frosty 结霜的 | froth 泡

3. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

3. 霜白的:frost 霜 | frosty 霜白的 | frown 愁眉苦脸

4. 磨砂的:Matt 亚光 | Frosty 磨砂的 | Deskjet 家用喷打

frosty 双语例句

1. frosty什么意思

1. Plum Blossom Melody wonders like snow, but regret that no thought magpies love downtown, shaking off more than how many Acacia to read, lying alone frosty Gu Ying.

2. The fields are steaming in the frosty air.

3. In frosty heavens shivering. Her mantle glinted in the moon, She danced, and at her feet was strewnA mist of silver quivering.

4. frosty的解释

4. The tunnel may look suspiciously frosty, but there are no enemies to worry about here.

5. frosty的翻译

5. Does she look like frosty Jackie O-Nasty, as a local magazine asked recently?
    她看起来像那位最近由区域杂志访问的冷淡的 Jackie O-Nasty 吗?

6. The field s look frosty this morning.

7. This will look like a frosty or degrading sharpness at the edge of field where the light is defused off axis to the correction of the lens or mirror resulting in poor performance.

8. The fields look frosty this morning.

9. frosty是什么意思

9. A frosty look; a frosty farewell.

10. A frigid greeting; got a frosty reception; a frozen look on their faces; a glacial handshake; icy stare; wintry smile.

11. The stars were clear, coloured, and jewel-like, but not frosty.

12. I hung out the washing to dry on a frosty day and when I went to take it in it was as stiff as a board.

13. frosty

13. The coast of Peru, inner-city London, rugged Australian coastal sites, urban Sao Paulo, spectacular New Zealand alpine retreats and coastal hideaways, American prairies, frosty Oslo, the gorgeous West Indies, tropical Southeast Asia, suburban lithuania, and Costa Rica are just a sprinkling of the enviable sites featured.

14. This is the way we wash our hands on a cold and frosty morning.

15. At one particularly frosty moment, he demanded: What is with these questions?

16. frosty的反义词

16. I'd walk back to London for another frosty one of those bad boys.

17. Trufa didn`t think a night could be so long as this one—sodark, so frosty.

18. On a parched desert world, most customers could easily overlook his ugly mug in exchange for a frosty one.

19. One frosty night McKinsey`s greenhorns swept FIFA`s workers out of Sunny Hill and off to the curling rink at Ruti.

20. The meetings included a warm session with Japan`s new prime minister, Shinzo Abe, and a frosty one with the South Korean president, Roh Moo Hyun.

frosty 词典解释

1. 霜冻的;严寒的
    If the weather is frosty, the temperature is below freezing.

    e.g., frosty nights.

2. 结霜的;被霜覆盖的
    You describe the ground or an object as frosty when it is covered with frost.


    e.g. The street was deserted except for a cat lifting its paws off the frosty stones.

3. 冷淡的;冷若冰霜的
    If you describe someone's behaviour as frosty, you think it is unfriendly.

    e.g. The president may get a frosty reception in New Hampshire...
    e.g. The relationship has obviously become frosty.

The Prime Minister smiled again, this time a trifle frostily.
There was a certain frostiness in his smile.

frosty 单语例句

1. Some chose to just sit on the snow rather than move it by the handful, and the stadium had a festive and frosty air as fans tossed snowballs.

2. But last week the conductor said the DPRK had rejected joint performances because of frosty political relations.

3. Though Oscar races are often frosty and passively competitive, the group has been unusually congenial and supportive.

4. And China has seized this opportunity to reverse the frosty relations with its neighbour.

5. She's had a miserable few weeks marked by frosty relations with her husband following yet more allegations of infidelity on his part.

6. Relations between Sun and his neighbor surnamed Liu had been frosty for the month since Sun's wife and Liu had quarreled about their respective children.

7. When the ship arrives at an area of hard ice, every tourist will face the frosty challenge of jumping into the sea.

8. Interest rates have been dropped to record lows but no signs of thaw have emerged in frosty credit markets.

9. A frosty reception is guaranteed for visitors to Lapland's largest ever ice hotel which is due to open its doors for Christmas.

10. But a poll released Monday showed Israeli sentiment warming to the Geneva pact after an initially frosty reception.


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