gangling [ˈgæŋglɪŋ]  [ˈɡæŋɡlɪŋ] 

gangling 基本解释


形容词 (指人)瘦高而难看的

动词 笨拙的移动( gangle的现在分词 )

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gangling 网络解释

1. gangling的近义词

1. (身体)瘦长的:smoked pork hock 熏猪肘 | gangling (身体)瘦长的 | furnace bosh 炉腰

2. 瘦长的:ganglike 似流氓的 | gangling 瘦长的 | ganglioid 神经节状的

3. gangling是什么意思

3. 瘦长得难看的:stereotype 固定的模式(或形象、看法等) | gangling 瘦长得难看的 | calf 仔

gangling 双语例句

1. My leg is fine and gangling, bestrewed the decorative pattern of black and white alternate with, a lot of spiders regard me as is the gnat that comes from foreign land.

2. One who is extremely conservative. a gangling teenager; a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man.

3. A very handsome young man. a gangling teenager; a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man.

4. gangling在线翻译

4. They are gangling, scaly, slimy or hard and have small eyes.

5. Trivia: Charlton Heston himself wrote opposite gangling scenes in between Ben-Hur as during any rate as Messala.

6. Listening in the gallery was gangling Jean-Marie Weber, a guest of FIFA, awaiting trial accused of stealing more than 100 million francs from FIFA, a man for whom skies of blue and red roses too might soon be a thing of the past.

7. The angel told the evangelist's evangel to a gang of fanged gangling gangsters.

8. His gangling, awkward gait has earned him the name Spiderman.

9. gangling

9. George, despite his great height and gangling walk, was a keen dancer.

10. From a gangling boy he had grown into an elegant young man.

11. A gangling teenager; a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man.

12. gangling的翻译

12. A gangling adolescent transformed into a handsome adult;

13. The adults were often with a large gangling black body.

gangling 词典解释

1. (尤指年轻男子)瘦高而又笨拙的
    Gangling is used to describe a young person, especially a man, who is tall, thin, and clumsy in their movements.

    e.g. His gangling, awkward gait has earned him the name Spiderman.
    e.g. ...his gangling, bony frame.

gangling 英英释义


1. tall and thin

    Synonym: gangly lanky

2. tall and thin and having long slender limbs

    e.g. a gangling teenager
           a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man

    Synonym: gangly lanky rangy


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