garish [ˈgeərɪʃ]  [ˈgerɪʃ] 

garish 基本解释

形容词 炫耀的,过于艳丽的; 响亮的,浮华的; 刺眼的; 令人眩晕的


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garish 网络解释

1. 装饰(物) 鲜艳夺目的,俗不可耐的:5. gimmick (魔术师道具等)暗机关, | 6. garish 装饰(物) 鲜艳夺目的,俗不可耐的 | 7. gingham 方格花布

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2. 过分妆饰的:ruse 诡计 | garish 过分妆饰的, | varnish 上油漆

3. 炫耀的:garibaldi 宽大衬衫 | garish 炫耀的 | garishly 华丽地

4. 眩耀的/花哨:garigue /地中海常绿矮灌丛/ | garish /眩耀的/花哨/ | garishly /华美地/

garish 双语例句

1. Coarsely ground wheat mixed with bran. an art movement based on expressionism; developed in 1980s in Europe and US; crudely drawn garish paintings.

2. The weather suddenly grew cooler, and almost at once the leaves turned garish shades of yellow and red, so bold that the mere sight of trees hurt my eyes.

3. garish的反义词

3. I didn`t sign up to do something garish.

4. garish

4. I do not need the soft drug being in flood, I do not need inflexible traditional ideas, I do not need the garish new wave clothing, I do not need Pala scheme love, ...

5. The time must come when its gilded vaults which now spring so loftily, shall lie in rubbish beneath the feet; when instead of the sound of melody and praise the wind shall whistle through the broken arches and the owl hoot from the shattered tower; when the garish sunbeam shall break into these gloomy mansions of death, and the ivy twine round the fallen column; and the fox-glove hang its blossoms about the nameless urn, as if in mockery of the dead.

6. The old version exemplifies the worst things about seventies filmmaking - garish sets, flat lighting, cheap-looking costumes and hair.

7. It's just a store in a garish shopping center.

8. Despite the timing, they will not be tourists in garish shorts.

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9. The whole thing was then wrapped in cloth from some garish print dress.

10. Nowhere is that more obvious than in New York, where the two-metre high neon eagle that adorns Barclays Capital's 7th Avenue US headquarters casts a garish cyan glow - eerily symbolic of its confidence oozing over everything in the neighbourhood.

11. The fat belfries, the garish posters over the door, the candles flaming inside.

12. This image in 1990, the two men's series, when the initial offer, especially in the fashion industry and to stimulate the garish.


13. Their torches lit the macabre proceedings in a pallid light that danced over their garish rune-covered robes.

14. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

14. But don't you think that orange is a bit garish?

15. She doesn't like garish clothes.

16. I don`t want to use garish means like philosophy and whatnot to pull people in.

17. As for the future of garments, I think fashion will become garish.

18. There are no garish elements to distract you from your work.

19. In village after village, however crummy the shops and muddily rutted the single street, you see a smartly painted green building and an even more garish red-and-yellow one, where you can buy scratch cards to top up your mobile phone either with Safaricom or Celtel, the country's two rival firms.

20. It was like garish noon rising to the dignity of sunset in a couple of seconds.

garish 词典解释

1. 花哨的;炫目的;俗艳的
    You describe something as garish when you dislike it because it is very bright in an unattractive, showy way.

    e.g. They climbed the garish purple-carpeted stairs.
    e.g. ...the restaurant's garish, illuminated signs.

...a garishly patterned three-piece suite.

garish 单语例句

1. All I could see was an animated film with a garish color palette.

2. It serves an upscale crowd of business people who want a posh but not garish place to hobnob and entertain.

3. Visiting people's homes and seeing what people wear shows that what is elegant to one is hopelessly garish to another.

4. It is certainly an infinitely more alluring prospect than its garish neighbours that boast waiters dressed in Brazilian football strips heckling human traffic passing by.

5. Great service, fairly good food and a garish decor await you at Red Basil.

6. This obsession with garish design would not be so troubling if it were confined to one or two buildings.

7. From the outside Gunmen could easily be confused with a garish Beijing gun club.


garish 英英释义



1. tastelessly showy

    e.g. a flash car
           a flashy ring
           garish colors
           a gaudy costume
           loud sport shirts
           a meretricious yet stylish book
           tawdry ornaments

    Synonym: brassy cheap flash flashy gaudy gimcrack loud meretricious tacky tatty tawdry trashy


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