genealogy [ˌdʒi:niˈælədʒi]  [ˌdʒiniˈɑlədʒi, -ˈæl-, ˌdʒɛni-] 


genealogy 基本解释


名词 系谱,家系,宗谱

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genealogy 双语例句

1. If you have a Bible, you can read the list of genealogy of Jesus.

2. These were their settlements, and they have their genealogy.

3. genealogy的反义词

3. GENEALOGY: This can be a long-term project that can help you learn about your ancestors and history.

4. genealogy的翻译

4. I tried to make him understand the idea of a genealogy and personal history.

5. He was interested in genealogy and architecture, planning for studies in these two fields.

6. genealogy

6. This is the result of poisonous hateful genealogy in their biology.

7. Fire Emblem Genealogy of the winds of jihad war Chapter Duolajiya Dragon Knight IX Fire Emblem Genealogy of the winds of jihad war Chapter Whom...

8. genealogy的解释

8. Record of the Assembled Female Immortals of the Walled City by Du Guangting of the Tang is the first book recording genealogy of female immortals in Taoism history, and the earliest Taoist scripture specially recording the deed of female immortals.

9. 好好学单词·英语单词

9. Zhai Clan Genealogy was the last book of Zhai Jinsheng used the self-made putty types.

10. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

10. Celsus in his attack on the Christian religion was acquainted with the genealogy in St. Luke's Gospel, and his quotations show the same phenomena of variant readings.

11. Also, when you go to the genealogy screen and see the tree of boxes, look for a number next to activation weeks.

12. Since Song and Yuan dynasty, Liu had moved to Tianbei to set up the foundation. With several hundred years development, Tianbei has become a big village with sole clan name. There emerged one group of Confucians and merchants, who built many ancestral halls and temples, and compiled the genealogy with guiding principles and detail rules. Thus, Tianbei Liu becomes a great patriarchal clan renowned for miles around.

13. Only those children with the right genealogy will be born to the next level, and this will assure the movement from separation to unity and wholeness within the human species ahead.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. According to many, who lay special stress on the genealogy of David in the second part of the book, the chief aim of the author is to throw light upon the origin of David, the great King of Israel and royal ancestor of the Messias.

15. Qing Dynasty; contract documents; Wendou Village; social life in village genealogy

16. genealogy的解释

16. Instead, genealogy research is a complicated, complex and length process especially when involving identifying ancestral or descendant families, and the biological, genetic, or familial kinship relationship between them.

17. genealogy的反义词

17. These questions along with others will be further explored with the application of two psychoanalytic feminists, including Nancy Chodorow and Luce Irigaray. Their endeavor of constructing a specifically female cultural space is particularly appreciated. In their theories, the representation of maternal subject and mother-daughter genealogy is also one part of their emphasis.

18. And my God put into mine heart to gather together the nobles, and the rulers, and the people, that they might be reckoned by genealogy.

19. genealogy

19. Father, sister, and himself, Shen has completed the fabrication of a private genealogy of his family.

20. Today there are so many more resources available for genealogy research, both high tech and low tech.

genealogy 词典解释

1. 家谱学;系谱学;宗谱学
    Genealogy is the study of the history of families, especially through studying historical documents to discover the relationships between particular people and their families.

...genealogical research on his family.

2. 家谱;宗谱
    A genealogy is the history of a family over several generations, for example describing who each person married and who their children were.


    e.g. He had sat and repeated his family's genealogy to her, twenty minutes of nonstop names.

genealogy 单语例句

1. The compilation of the new genealogy has taken place for more than a decade at a cost of over 10 million yuan.

2. The family tree will be published in 2009, according to the Confucius Genealogy Compilation Committee.

3. He added that without official records, genealogy records and epitaphs were not conclusive evidence to support these claims.

4. Viewed as the link for the descendants of Confucius, this genealogy is expected to draw his descendants from all around the world to Qufu.

5. The festival will also see the release of the update of Confucius genealogy, which is the world's most extensive family tree to date.

6. And that is exactly what the Confucius Genealogy Compilation Committee has set out to do.

7. It took him two days to find his family genealogy, which he had put aside and forgotten about for years.

8. Owner of the zongzi shop, also keeps a genealogy in her shop to prove her theory.

9. Shi said some people paid little attention to their genealogy because they didn't have noteworthy ancestors.

10. Without a break he recites his genealogy, which so far spans 60 generations.

genealogy 英英释义


1. the study or investigation of ancestry and family history

2. successive generations of kin

    Synonym: family tree


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