geologist [dʒiˈɒlədʒɪst]  [dʒiˈɑ:lədʒɪst] 


geologist 基本解释



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geologist 相关例句


1. For many years these questions puzzled geologists.

geologist 网络解释

1. 地质学家:地质学家(Geologist)澳大利亚技术移民 50 分职业地质学家在澳大利亚技能职业列表(SOL)中的代码是2112-11,英文名称是 Geologist,属于澳大利亚技术移民 50 分职业.

2. 地质学家 yKq中国英语学习网:gas station attendant : 加油工 yKq中国英语学习网 | geologist : 地质学家 yKq中国英语学习网 | guard :警卫 yKq中国英语学习网

3. 地质师:a lithological description 岩性描述 | geologist 地质师 | cuttings description and analysis 岩屑描述与分析

geologist 双语例句

1. A scientists secret, geo-thermal experiment has triggered the volcanic activity; and now Matt, his geologist ex-wife, and a team of unlikely heroes have only a few sticks of dynamite and a prayer to rescue the city from volcanic apocalypse.


2. A scientist's secret, geo-thermal experiment has triggered the volcanic activity; and now Matt, his geologist ex-wife, and a team of unlikely heroes have only a few sticks of dynamite and a prayer to rescue the city from volcanic apocalypse.

3. It is geologist's public opinion.

4. geologist的反义词

4. Two brothers, George and William Besler, the former a geologist 31 years old, and the latter a mechanical engineer, two years younger, have achieved the dream of Maxim, Langley, and other pioneers of flight.
    两个兄弟,乔治和威廉besler ,前地质学家31岁,而后者的机械工程师,二年年轻化,已经实现的梦想,格言,兰利,和其他的先驱飞行。

5. So it is very useful for a geologist or a geophysicist to precisely interpret the oil-bearing layers from the seismic data.

6. Tonga's head geologist, Kelepi Mafi, said there was no apparent danger to residents of Nuku'alofa and others living on the main island of Tongatapu.

7. 好好学单词·英语单词

7. He was a geologist, rated by his cronies as the best in the business.

8. geologist在线翻译

8. Mr. Nan was gifted not only as a successful geologist, bu...

9. 好好学单词·英语单词

9. Five years after the NASA rover Spirit landed on Mars, the six-wheeled robotic geologist and its twin Opportunity are still on the job.

10. geologist

10. Phil Schneider was a self-taught geologist and explosives expert.

11. geologist的意思

11. Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the Qing Dynasty general Li Kai-Fang, 李秀成, drama theorists, writers Li Yu; are China's earliest modern Marxist, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China Li Dazhao, geologist Li Siguang, patriotic and democratic people, etc.

12. geologist

12. The geologist who was instructed with the job of prospecting a new limestone deposit was successful in locating a promising area.

13. geologist是什么意思

13. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have famous geologist.
      休 米勒如果在采石场劳作一天后,晚上的时光用来休息消遣的话,他就不会成为垂名青史的地质学家。

14. geologist

14. Later I became a geologist for an oil company.

15. The geologist I contacted thinks this is an ideal place to drill.

16. geologist的意思

16. Q: I first heard and read about Lydian on the Mercenary Geologist website but I don't think too many people know about this company.

17. Gambling debt? Maybe you're a... a geologist of the rock candy variety?

18. Gambling debt? Maybe you're a. a geologist of the rock candy variety?

19. 好好学单词·英语单词

19. A team led by geologist Martina Menneken, from Westfalische Willhelms University in Munster, Germany, instead analysed the contents of tiny fissures in the zircon.
      由德国Munster Westfalische Willhelms大学的地质学家,Martina Menneken,所带领的研究小组转而研究锆石矿中微小的裂缝中的物质。

20. geologist的翻译

20. Soon after the magnitude-7.9 Wenchuan earthquake struck lastMay, geologist Fan Xiao asked: Could a large dam near the faulthave triggered the devastating quake?

geologist 单语例句

1. Recent weeks have seen a university dean and prominent Sunni geologist murdered, bringing the death toll among educators to at least 155 since the war began.

2. BEIJING - China rejected US criticism of its sentencing of an American geologist for spying and collecting state secrets on Monday.

3. Copper's connection with the country started when her family moved to Beijing in 1981, following her geologist father's stint with Peking University.

4. The geologist said that " moon proximity " and fish deaths are signs of massive earthquakes.

5. Geologist Xu Qiang from the Chengdu University of Technology said that of all the hazards, mudslides would be the most dangerous threat to the quake zone.

6. The discovery of gold and coal mines in that area forged his early dreams of becoming a geologist.

7. When the volunteers arrived at the clinic, a geologist surnamed Mei and his son were already there.

8. Geologist Tina Neal at the Alaska Volcano Observatory said no flyovers were planned for Sunday unless activity increased significantly.

geologist 英英释义


1. a specialist in geology


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