gigantic [dʒaɪˈgæntɪk]  [dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk] 

gigantic 基本解释

形容词 巨大的,庞大的; 巨人似的; 硕大无比; 排山倒海

gigantic 同义词


gigantic 反义词


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gigantic 相关例句


1. He was a guard of gigantic strength.

2. The entire area looked like a gigantic rubbish heap.

3. gigantic

3. The new airplane looked like a gigantic bird.

gigantic 网络解释

1. 巨人:<<迷失>>中饰演沃特(Walt)的小演员马尔科姆戴维凯利(Malcolm David Kelley),2010年参演了另一部美剧<<巨人>>(Gigantic). 播出长达六年的迷失<<迷失>>北京时间5月24日完结,经过六年的拍摄剧中的演员总算可以歇一口气.

2. 不可思议:--<<不可思议>>(Gigantic)蕴涵着这样的思想精髓[所以说这叫精髓么]..至少影片开始时是这样. 从小白鼠的抗抑郁测试,到街边听着SLOW CORE RAP突然莫名地遭流浪汉殴打;从破旧的仓库里不靠谱的床垫推销,到一张贵的离谱的由骷髅做装饰的床.

3. gigantic

3. 巨人般的:gigantesque 巨大的 | gigantic 巨人般的 | gigantism 巨人症

gigantic 双语例句

1. Such a gigantic antenna could be used to generate the gigantic stationary wave around the Earth.

2. gigantic的近义词

2. The construction of Roller Compacted Concrete Dam is a complicated systems engineering problem, which not only has gigantic engineering quantity, long work time, a large number of working faces, numerous construction machines and types, complicated structures of dam, difficult construction and high work intensity, but also influenced by many factors, such as terrain and geology, climate condition, methods of leading current, parting of dam, start concreting time of Roller Compacted Concrete, construction measures and so on.

3. gigantic的近义词

3. It is the most active tectonic area of the Eurasia. There is a large deformation of the lithosphere in response to the gigantic topographic loading in this area.

4. I saw not then what I now clearly perceive, that the acquisition of Ligeia were gigantic, were astounding

5. gigantic

5. There is gigantic thick land facies clastic rock layer about Jurassic system and Upper Triassic in the sunken of Chuan-xi.

6. Just by looking at this appetizer, you will know why there are gigantic people living in this world.

7. Methods Retrospective research was carried out on 128 patients not suffering from prolapse of uterus, including gigantic uterus.

8. gigantic的反义词

8. The effect is primarily expressed by four ways as follows:(1)The collapse of the gigantic Ottoman Empire established the border of contemporary national countries in the Middle East; (2)When the Arab Nationalism came into being as a whole ideology, the mundane nationalism made a great progress in non-Arabic countries such as Turkey, Afghanistan and Iran; (3)Inspired by the nationalistic spirit, the wind of modernized reform blew all over the Arabia Islan...

9. Also, we had a gigantic autographing session with the fans!

10. The right bank of Yenisei is notable for the gigantic rock cliffs of the national nature reserve
    叶尼塞河的右岸因从周围小山提高的国家 Stolby 自然保护区的庞大的岩石悬崖而著名。

11. He is a man of gigantic strength.

12. gigantic是什么意思

12. Yi Hong climbed onto a gigantic boulder that had a flat surface resembling a chessboard, and looked intently in all directions.


13. If solar power becomes cheaper than oil and coal and uranium, then of course it`s going to have a huge huge huge future, gigantic fortune will be made and they will change the world.

14. Well, now I'm just scared. So, I realize this comes at a very inopportune time but I really have this gigantic favor to ask of you.

15. The first piece in the program is Rossini`s William Tell Overture. This gigantic masterpiece (8) conveys the energy of Italian soul and the grandeur of the fable myth of the Swiss hero.

16. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

16. As he waited for the computer to answer, he admired the view of gigantic stone heaps, concave pits and sheer cliffs.

17. The line separating investment and speculation, which is never bright and clear, becomes blurred still further when most market participants have recently enjoyed triumphs. Nothing sedates rationality like large doses of effortless money. After a heady experience of that kind, normally sensible people drift into behavior akin to that of Cinderella at the ball. They know that overstaying the festivities - that is, continuing to speculate in companies that have gigantic valuations relative to the cash they are likely to generate in the future - will eventually bring on pumpkins and mice.

18. gigantic的反义词

18. They straddled a gigantic contradiction and called the blade of the guillotine to their aid.

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. On the ships, there were gigantic masts. They had huge white sails and danced in the winds.

20. Around in his seat and yelled at Harry, his face like a gigantic beet

gigantic 词典解释

1. 巨大的;庞大的
    If you describe something as gigantic, you are emphasizing that it is extremely large in size, amount, or degree.

    e.g. ...gigantic rocks...
    e.g. A gigantic task of national reconstruction awaits us.

gigantic 单语例句

1. Cao said raising the water level to capacity is " a milestone in the construction of the gigantic reservoir ".

2. And by the east wall of the cavern stands a statue of an old monk holding a gigantic bowl.

3. Tracing back to the Great Wall and the splendid imperial palaces, the ancient Chinese were addicted to the massive impact created by building gigantic constructions.

4. In a few places gigantic boulders are lifted 20 to 30 cm off the ground by webs of roots.

5. A linear collider is a gigantic device that makes electron beams hit each other, and scientists can find unknown particles by studying the collision results.

6. He gave no details of the contract on exporting the giant crane to UAE or other market responses to its gigantic machine.

7. Before that gigantic project can become reality, the cure should also be multiple treatments given the complex of factors shaping the problem.

8. His prize - a gigantic mooncake one metre in diameter and weighing in at a whopping 20 kilograms.

9. China started work in December last year on the gigantic project to divert water from the mighty Yangtze River to the country's parched north.

10. Actually, she was trapped face down with a gigantic slate on her back.

gigantic 英英释义


1. so exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth

    e.g. a gigantic redwood
           gigantic disappointment
           a mammoth ship
           a mammoth multinational corporation

    Synonym: mammoth


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