glamor ['glæmə]  ['glæmə] 

glamor 基本解释

名词 魔法,迷人的美

及物动词 迷惑

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glamor 网络解释

1. 魔法:glaive 剑 | glamor 魔法 | glamorize 使有魔力

2. 魅力,迷惑:relumine 重新点燃,辉映 | glamor 魅力,迷惑 | gleam (使)发微光,(使)闪烁

3. 魅力,吸引力:gigantic 巨大的,庞大的 | glamor 魅力,吸引力 | glare 闪耀,闪光;怒视,瞪眼

glamor 双语例句

1. glamor什么意思

1. During the early nineties, Gary Stretch was the glamor-boy of British boxing.

2. glamor什么意思

2. Plain to the point of ugliness, and with rough hands and coarse features, she was no glamor girl.


3. The only acarpous plant exhibited in the show won the acclaim of many vistors obsessed with its beauty and glamor.

4. If a single place-name encapsulates the LA dream of glamor, money and overnight success, it's Holly...
    这是星期六,Li Hua一大早就到Larry的宿舍叫他一块儿去跑步。

5. She was no glamor girl. But she was a woman.

6. Eg: She likes the glamor of moonlight on the sea.

7. glamor的反义词

7. It's a concept store which screams sophistication, understated glamor and fun things with a style.

8. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

8. The game does not have the glamor like tennis.

9. glamor什么意思

9. Foreign travel has never lost its glamor for me.

10. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

10. Foreign travel has lost its glamor for her.

11. glamor的意思

11. His performance fully displayed the infinite glamor of Chinese dance.

12. Holly was a glamor girl.

13. Short teles (75, 77, 80, 85, 90, 100, or 105mm): Portraits, tight landscapes, headshots, beauty and glamor.
      短望远镜头(75,77,80,85,90,100,or 105mm):肖像,tight(很难找到合适的词语来描述tight,大意为紧绷的,压迫的)风景,头像,美女。

14. Taking one with another, Glamor's LED products are in excellent quality, ingenious design, energy saving and environment protection. Our LED products is continuously used in park decoration of world, City brightness, Advertising, commercial venue, public bulding, ornament of human cultural sight and so on. Now our products rapidly infiltrate to Familial illumination life. It is obviously that high energy consumption lights will be replaced by High brightness, low energy consumption, long life span, non-radiation LED illuminating products more and more. Glamor Optoelectronic Technologies Co., Ltd made great contribution for the proper development of LED industry.

15. Depending on the unique artistic-glamor and large-scale collective-work, ShiZhong had produced extensive and profound affects to the life of TaiWanese society and culture.

16. glamor什么意思

16. We were caught completely off guard, stupefied by the film's unabashed flaunting of wealth, glamor, and male power passed off as what women want. Its vulgar and utter lack of self-awareness is astonishing, but perhaps not too surprising.

17. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

17. Therefore, every time you do not need to enter, The GLAMOR global shopping have to re-enter that information.
      因此,您不需要每次进入The GLAMOR global shopping时都重新输入这些信息。

18. Therefore, the interpretation of these two foregrounding features will help us to grasp the motif and glamor of the story from a new point of view.

19. The glamor of the East was brought to international prominence by the Russion national school.

20. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

20. Most people's image of modeling is of glamor and excitement.

glamor 词典解释

1. -> see glamour

glamor 单语例句

1. The hullabaloo of the Oscars reached a climax on Sunday in Los Angeles, with the international media reveling in the Hollywood's glitz and glamor.

2. Another black flat with extraordinarily big pink petals not only looks cute but adds an additional touch of glamor.

3. " It's just an ephemeral glamor when you win a prize, " she says.

4. " Power has no glamor at all, " Platini said on Sunday.

5. The serial mass cultural activities demonstrate the charm and cultural glamor of Dandong and boost the international image of the city.

6. He gives the army a glamor it might otherwise lack, and he boosts the morale of serving soldiers.

7. " You can't find such natural glamor in an office employee, " a netizen wrote.

8. Famous stars and TV hosts will be invited to interact with the audience and add glamor.

9. Players and coaches heaped praise on the Barcelona striker after he steered defending champion Argentina into a glamor Olympic semifinal against Brazil.

glamor 英英释义


1. alluring beauty or charm (often with sex-appeal)

    Synonym: glamour


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