glide [glaɪd]  [ɡlaɪd] 


glide 基本解释

名词 滑行,滑翔; [乐]滑音,延音; 流逝,消逝; 静悄悄的流水

及物动词 (鸟或飞机)滑翔,滑动; 掠过; 悄悄地走; 消逝

不及物动词 使滑行; 使滑动


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glide 相关例句


1. The snake glided smoothly towards its prey.

2. The boat glided over the river.

3. The years glided past.

4. The girl glided from the house.

5. The thief glided out of the room.

glide 网络解释

1. 滑翔:-滑翔(Glide):当奥赛罗尼娅(Absylonia)冲击时,他的冲击距离是速度(SPD)+5吋,只要他的距离足够,他可以穿越其他模型,移动期间奥赛罗尼娅(Absylonia)不会成为自由攻击(free strikes)的目标.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 滑动:副运动包括分离(distraction)、压迫(compression)、滑动(glide)转动(roll)和轴旋转(spin)几种形式. 关节松动术-解剖生理学基础(二)关节的附加运动的重要性:范围小,是恢复正常可动性(mobility)的最有效和最柔和的途径.

glide 双语例句

1. glide

1. Year-old Felix Baumgartner leaped from a plane at 30, 000ft above Dover and used his parachute to glide 22 miles across the Channel.

2. Three calculation example are used in this thesis, they are 122mm-missile bullet, 250kg aviation bomb and a glide bullet with I, II two models.

3. The vehicle can turn and glide in a vertical spiral with the cooperation of the roll system and pitch system.

4. So you can glide through albums with Cover Flow, flip through photos and email them with a touch, or zoom in and out on a section of a web page — all by simply using iPhone`s multi-touch display.

5. Colugos can glide more than 70 metres through the forest at night, to a distant tree, with little loss of height.

6. The researchers used this feathered reconstruction to make urethane foam models that they launched from various heights, recording the distance, velocity, and angle of each glide.


7. Tendon adhesions, which happened after operative repair or transplantation, restrict tendon to glide and severely prevent the rehabilitation of hand function. Tenolysis is needed subsequently in many times.

8. For the forces to be distributed throughout the denture bases, there need to be contacts between as many teeth as possible as they glide over each other, and on both sides of the arch.

9. glide什么意思

9. More about glide ratio will be discussed in the section on polar curve.
    更多有关於滑降比的讨论,我们将会在「polar curve」一结中讨论。

10. glide的解释

10. We discussed the principle behind Bernoulli's law, the meaning of glide ratio and, last but not least, the polar curve.

11. In my attempt to follow this spirit in my book, I will explain Bernoulli's general law or principle, along with the concepts of glide ratio and polar curve, all of which will be outlined shortly.

12. It has a long glide path and will generally go in a straight line or go into a gentle curve.

13. But it is far premature to declare that China is on a glide path to a so-called soft landing.

14. One school argues that the Chinese government `s recent efforts to rein in overly rapid growth are working and that the economy is now on a glide path to what is referred to as a soft landing.

15. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

15. About2 KM the beacon and glide path were not working, the visibility was not correct.

16. Clarke`s non-SF novel Glide Path is based on his wartime experiences.
      克拉克的非科幻小说《Glide Path》就是基于他的战争经历创作的,这部半自传体小说记录了他在战时的大部分时间:为受控地面接近雷达工作。

17. Love`s heralds should be thoughts, which ten times faster glide than the sun`s beams, driving back shadows over louring hills: Therefore do nimble-pinion`d doves draw love, Cupid wings.

18. Optimal control mathematic model of guided bomb's optimal glide trajectory was established.


19. Optimal glide character of guided bomb was analyzed according to the trajectory simulation.

20. To use a trackpad, you glide your finger across its surface.

glide 词典解释

1. 滑动;滑行;悄悄地走
    If you glide somewhere, you move silently and in a smooth and effortless way.

    e.g. Waiters glide between tightly packed tables bearing trays of pasta.

2. 滑翔
    When birds or aeroplanes glide, they float on air currents.

    e.g. Our only companion is the wandering albatross, which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht.

glide 单语例句

1. More than 125 million years before the Wright brothers made their first powered flight, a dinosaur called Microraptor gui used two sets of wings to glide between trees.

2. " It almost feels like a miracle, " Glide's founder Reverend Cecil Williams said.

3. As soon as the user leaves the room, both the seat and lid automatically glide back into horizontal position.

4. The auction will provide a significant boost to Glide, which provides social services to the poor and homeless in San Francisco.

5. Getting there is more than half the fun as you glide from one glamorous destination to the next.

6. Their first destination is the mangrove forests, where they glide by boat through dense jungle.

7. The class turns from a lesson on how to glide across the floor to a lesson on history.

8. All of the auction's proceeds go to the Glide Foundation, which provides social services to the poor and homeless in San Francisco.

9. Dancers perform about 20 numbers in which they twirl, glide and tap across the stage.

10. This was the sixth year that Buffett auctioned a lunch on eBay to benefit Glide.

glide 英英释义



1. the activity of flying a glider

    Synonym: gliding sailplaning soaring sailing

2. the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it

    e.g. his slide didn't stop until the bottom of the hill
           the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope

    Synonym: slide coast

3. a vowellike sound that serves as a consonant

    Synonym: semivowel


1. move smoothly and effortlessly

2. cause to move or pass silently, smoothly, or imperceptibly

3. fly in or as if in a glider plane


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