gormandize ['gɔ:məndaɪz]  [ˈɡɔrmənˌdaɪz] 


gormandize 基本解释

不及物动词 大吃大喝

名词 大吃大喝的人

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gormandize 网络解释

1. 狼吞虎咽:gormand 美食者 | gormandize 狼吞虎咽 | gormandizer 狼吞虎咽的人

2. 狼吞虎咽/讲究饮食/大吃大喝:gormand /美食者/ | gormandize /狼吞虎咽/讲究饮食/大吃大喝/ | gormandizer /老饕/狼吞虎咽的人/

3. 讲究饮食:gormandize 讲究饮食 | gormandizer 狼吞虎咽的人 | gormless 笨头笨脑的

4. 拼命吃,贪吃:ruggedize 使...坚固,使耐用 | gormandize 拼命吃,贪吃 | aggrandize 增大,扩张

gormandize 双语例句

1. gormandize

1. Again, there are the Phenomena seekers who gormandize on the so-called proofs and demonstration obtained at materializing sances.

2. Again, there are the Phenomena seekers who gormandize on the so-called proofs and demonstration obtained at materializing séances.

3. To gormandize!

4. I want to eat till I am full, I want to drink my fill! to gormandize! to sleep! to do nothing!

gormandize 英英释义


1. overeat or eat immodestly
    make a pig of oneself

    e.g. She stuffed herself at the dinner
           The kids binged on ice cream

    Synonym: gorge ingurgitate overindulge glut englut stuff engorge overgorge overeat gormandise gourmandize binge pig out satiate scarf out


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