grouse [graʊs]  [ɡraʊs] 


grouse 基本解释

名词 松鸡,雷鸟科的猎鸟; 松鸡肉; 委屈,牢骚话; 爱发牢骚的人

不及物动词 抱怨,发牢骚

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grouse 相关例句


1. It was a sad end to her career but she never groused.

grouse 网络解释

1. grouse在线翻译

1. 松鸡:所以不列颠的动植物,除了特产的一种红松鸡(grouse)外,与北欧的动植物极少出入. 反之,爱尔兰在多维一带的白垩冈地沉为海峡以前,即已和英格兰断绝,所以它的哺乳类,爬虫类,及树草种类要比英格兰为少. 屈勒味林,更常见的译名为崔伟林,

2. grouse的近义词

2. 好的,太好了,常用于表达喜悦:Grog 烈性酒 | Grouse 好的,太好了,常用于表达喜悦 | Hard case 脾气倔犟,但不招人讨厌的人,行为古怪的人

3. 雷鸟科的猎鸟/以鼻掘/松鸡:groupware /群件/ | grouse /雷鸟科的猎鸟/以鼻掘/松鸡/ | grout /薄泥浆/水泥浆/用薄泥浆填塞/用鼻子拱/

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 埋怨:留守在家的配偶 stay-at-home spouse | 埋怨 grouse | 满足 contentment

grouse 双语例句

1. As well as the serious money required to take part in a grouse shoot a true aim is vital.

2. In bald coot's intes- tines, 70% is small intestine, 14% is cecum, in grouse's intestines, 45%~49% is small intestine, 46%~49% is cecum, in pheasant's intestines, 71% is small intestine and 24% is cecum, according to these data, the length proportion of small intestine to hole intestines of bald coot is in...

3. In 1951, he was outshooting inIreland and got into an argument about whether thegolden ploverranked as Europes fastest game bird. Three yearslater, anotherargument arose as to whether grouse were faster thantheplover.

4. 好好学单词·英语单词

4. Grouse live in the northern sub-boreal coniferous forest, is the distribution of Galliformes most northern groups, can be seen in the northernmost land on Earth...

5. Having said that, I have a major grouse! Calvin will always order more than he can eat.

6. grouse什么意思

6. A: To me it was worthwhile as I got to say it frankly, the way I had said it to the public also but the idea that if I have a grouse I go and tell him, it is not workable because people won`t know why I have a grouse.

7. In April 26, google was collected, but the rank cannot be found at all, it is very normal that I also know to do not have a rank, and I also won't grouse why to do not have a rank, it is a new station after all, which have give you so quickly reputably?

8. 好好学单词·英语单词

8. Large arctic and subarctic grouse with feathered feet and usually white winter plumage.

9. At present every grouse price 60 ~ 85 yuan, hong Kong and southeast Asia area 180 Hongkong dollar of every 150 ~, and demand exceeds supply.

10. If the system of contest price rank of Baidu cannot undertake very good settlement to clicking a problem phonily, be sure more and more get advertisement advocate grouse.

11. Sand grouse: AfatherNamaqua sand grouse of Africa`s Kalahari Desert flies as far as 50 miles a day in order to soak himself in water and return to his nest, where his chicks can drink from his feathers!

12. grouse是什么意思

12. Sand grouse; pigeons; doves; extinct dodos and solitaires.

13. grouse

13. Grouse: A whiskey originally created by Matthew Gloag familyin the end of 18th century.
      威雀:18世纪末由 Matthew Gloag 家族首创,当时英国皇室远赴苏格兰狩猎威雀时,必携带该酒作为御寒及庆功之用。

14. Upland game bird: grouse, turkey, chukar, pheasant, bobwhite quail, dove

15. The moorlands of the north and of Scotland are rich in grouse and partridge. And to go shooting on the moors is perhaps the most distinctive of upper-class activities.

16. Any of several birds, such as the ruff ed grouse or the bobwhite, similar or related to the partridge.

17. Soon, these pools will dry up and the grouse will have to search for water even further afield

18. All grouse live in the Northern Hemisphere, mostly resident.

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. If you don't agree with me, please forget my grouse.

20. But there would be a house-party for the grouse, and he wanted to be well ahead.

grouse 词典解释

The form grouse is used as the plural for meaning 1. grouse用作义项1的复数形式。

1. 松鸡
    A grouse is a wild bird with a round body. Grouse are often shot for sport and can be eaten.


    e.g. The party had been to the grouse moors that morning.

2. 抱怨;发牢骚
    If you grouse, you complain.

    e.g. 'How come we never know what's going on?' he groused...
    e.g. When they groused about the parking regulations, they did it with good humor.

3. 抱怨;牢骚
    A grouse is a complaint.


    e.g. There have been grouses about the economy, interest rates and house prices.

grouse 单语例句

1. Its latest Eye of the Wind stands on top of Grouse Mountain Ski Resort, the heart of Vancouver's Winter Olympics this year.

2. Proportion was not the only grouse, as some found fault with the overall feel of the statue.

grouse 英英释义



1. popular game bird having a plump body and feathered legs and feet

2. flesh of any of various grouse of the family Tetraonidae
    usually roasted
    flesh too dry to broil


1. complain

    e.g. What was he hollering about?

    Synonym: gripe bitch crab beef squawk bellyache holler

2. hunt grouse


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