guffaw [gəˈfɔ:]  [ɡəˈfɔ] 


guffaw 基本解释

名词 大笑,狂笑

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guffaw 网络解释

1. (狂笑):/grovel (趴) | /guffaw (狂笑) | /hail (万岁)

2. guffaw是什么意思

2. 哄笑:guff 胡说 | guffaw 哄笑 | guggle 咯咯声

3. 哄笑, 狂笑:Grovel 五体投地,曲膝 | Guffaw 哄笑, 狂笑 | Hail 向...欢呼, 致敬

4. guffaw

4. 喧笑:窃笑 titter | 喧笑 guffaw | 放声大笑 cachinnate

guffaw 双语例句

1. While a mingled guffaw from Heathcliff and Hareton, put the copestone on my rage and humiliation.

2. guffaw在线翻译

2. On opening the little door, two hairy monsters flew at my throat, bearing me down, and extinguishing the light; while a mingled guffaw from Heathcliff and Hareton put the copestone on my rage and humiliation.

3. On opening the little door, two hairy monsters flew at my throat, bearing me down, extinguishing the light; while a mingled guffaw from Heathcliff Hareton put the copestone on my rage humiliation.
    一打开小门,两个长毛的怪物扑向我的喉咙,把我压倒在地,灯也被扑灭了,同时 ssb§ 希斯克利夫和海尔顿的笑声让我恼羞成怒之极。

4. On opening the little door, two hairy monsters flew at my throat, bearing me down and extinguishing the light; while a mingled guffaw from Heathcliff and Hareton, put the copestone on my rage and humiliation.

5. He laughed, a coarse hearty guffaw.

6. No one laughed, Qing Xiao, laughing and do not guffaw.

7. Sorry, but that's one thing I cannot do!'he quipped, bursting into a guffaw.

8. A cell phone static, came a burst guffaw: haha, and I buy so many years to speak.

9. All the boys burst out into a guffaw at the joke.

10. Martin let out a delighted guffaw.

11. The crowd laugh and guffaw as soon as they see the ridiculous manner of the buffoon.

12. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

12. I inherited his laugh, the same big guffaw that can turn heads in a restaurant and send cats running from the room.


13. The idea that a good guffaw might be good for you surfaced in the 1970s. Since then, mirth has been shown to reduce stress and even boost immunity.

14. guffaw

14. When you dont want to laugh, thats when your jerk-face brain will make it impossible for you to resist. As soon as someone says dont laugh, youre immediate inclination is to either snicker or guffaw.

15. Lorne gets up and finds his xylophone broken, oh, damn. He curses, which arouses a guffaw.

16. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

16. I used to own now in this placid, once placed in the back of the wanton guffaw inside.

17. The idea that a good guffaw might be good for you surfaced in the 1970s.

18. With everything going so right in your world, why shouldn't you guffaw when you feel like it?

19. guffaw

19. What he said aroused a blast of guffaw.

20. guffaw的翻译

20. I could come by any time for my antennas, the salesman said with a guffaw.

guffaw 词典解释

1. 狂笑;大笑;哄笑
    A guffaw is a very loud laugh.

    e.g. He bursts into a loud guffaw.

2. 哈哈大笑;狂笑
    To guffaw means to laugh loudly.

    e.g. As they guffawed loudly, the ticket collector arrived...
    e.g. 'Ha, ha,' everyone guffawed. 'It's one of Viv's shock tactics.'

guffaw 单语例句

1. If I spoke Chinese, most pages would have given me at least a chuckle if not an outright guffaw.


guffaw 英英释义


1. a burst of deep loud hearty laughter

    Synonym: belly laugh


1. laugh boisterously

    Synonym: laugh loudly


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