gulp [gʌlp]  [ɡʌlp] 


gulp 基本解释

及物动词 狼吞虎咽地吃,吞咽; 大口地吸(气)

不及物动词 哽住

名词 吞咽; 一大口(尤指液体)

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gulp 相关例句


1. He gulped down a cup of tea.

2. Mother gulped back her tears.

3. gulp什么意思

3. Swimmers gulp air.


1. gulp在线翻译

1. He tried to say something, but gulped, and no words came.


1. gulp什么意思

1. Ray took a gulp of coffee and rushed out of the room.

gulp 网络解释

1. 字节组:GULM 矿物的自然伽马值上限 | gulp 字节组 | gum acacia 阿拉伯树胶

2. 吞咽:gullet 食管 | gulp 吞咽 | gum bleeding 龈出血

3. 吞吃:swallows 燕子 | gulp 吞吃 | sway 摆动 蛇走的路 摆动

4. 字节组字群:gullying 开沟沟状冲刷 | gulp 字节组;字群 | gulp 字节组字群

gulp 双语例句

1. So hot that i wanted to gulp down the whole milky way in the sky.

2. gulp是什么意思

2. She turned round to open her treasure box, took up the elixir and swallowed it in one gulp.

3. Bright fish hooks, the smiles of women Gulp at my bulk And I, in my snazzy blacks, Mill a litter of breasts like jellyfish.

4. gulp的解释

4. My first attempt at the sport saw me gulp in mouthful of sand; it was a funny sight!

5. gulp的解释

5. Caderousse raised his glass to his mouth with unsteady hand, and swallowed the contents at a gulp.

6. Caderousse raised his glass to his mouth with unsteady h and, and swallowed the contents at a gulp

7. 好好学单词·英语单词

7. To swallow something great at one gulp may disturb the judgement of the separate parts, but satisfies the taste.

8. The boy took the dose at the gulp.

9. gulp的翻译

9. While the bubbles were yet sparkling on the brim, the doctor's four guests snatched their glasses from the table, and swallowed the contents at a single gulp.

10. And finally we came with the best procedure: you pour refined spirits up to a third of a glass and take it in one gulp. Immediately after that you take two gulps of water – and you are in perfect bliss!

11. To gulp down; swallow greedily.

12. gulp的近义词

12. To swallow greedily or in excessive amounts; gulp.

13. Dare not cry out; gulp down one's sobs

14. It is a voracious predator that corners fish and crustaceans up to half its size and sucks them down in one violent gulp; some can eat 20 small fish in less than 30 minutes. This may mean disaster for American reefs and fisheries.

15. When the time comes for them to go, the patient may drink even just a gulp of lustral water and they disappear.

16. We rush home or gulp down our meals to be in time for this or that program-me.

17. I`d have given the rest of my life for a single gulp of water.


18. He picked up water with his hands and drink at a gulp.

19. He finished it at a single gulp.

20. He plunged into the rivers and drained them at a gulp. But even this did not suffice.

gulp 词典解释

1. 吞食;大口吃;狼吞虎咽
    If you gulp something, you eat or drink it very quickly by swallowing large quantities of it at once.


    e.g. She quickly gulped her tea.

2. (因紧张或兴奋)倒吸气
    If you gulp, you swallow air, often making a noise in your throat as you do so, because you are nervous or excited.

    e.g. I gulped, and then proceeded to tell her the whole story...
    e.g. 'I'm sorry,' he gulped.

3. 大口大口地吸(气)
    If you gulp air, you breathe in a large amount of air quickly through your mouth.

    e.g. She gulped air into her lungs...
    e.g. He slumped back, gulping for air.

4. 吞咽的量;一大口
    A gulp of air, food, or drink, is a large amount of it that you swallow at once.


    e.g. I took in a large gulp of air...
    e.g. When his whisky came he drank half of it in one gulp.

相关词组:gulp down

gulp 单语例句

1. We have to wrap ourselves in cotton pajamas, layers of sweaters and gulp down hot water to keep ourselves from turning into icicles.

2. With a big gulp I proceeded to croon over layers of rumbling riffs and manic beats.

3. This little cold appetiser is beautifully presented in silver spoons, seemingly designed to eat all in one gulp.

4. It had to be three full glasses in one gulp, for each member of the host team.

5. The Westin invites guests to try the noodles in all different ways - slurp them, gulp them or twirl them.

6. Today I recall with awe how 10 years ago I could gulp down 200 grams of rice and a main dish in my college canteen.

gulp 英英释义


1. a large and hurried swallow

    e.g. he finished it at a single gulp

    Synonym: draft draught swig

2. a spasmodic reflex of the throat made as if in swallowing

    Synonym: gulping


1. utter or make a noise, as when swallowing too quickly

    e.g. He gulped for help after choking on a big piece of meat

2. to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught

    e.g. The men gulped down their beers

    Synonym: quaff swig


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