hanker [ˈhæŋkə(r)]  [ˈhæŋkɚ] 


hanker 基本解释

不及物动词 渴望; 渴望得到,渴求

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hanker 网络解释

1. 海康:★三级的物理过滤+一级电解(KDF)过滤+一级活性碳过滤德国汉斯.希尔(SYR)中央净水前置过滤器美国水伴侣(Water Buddy)磁性软水器海康(Hanker)中央净水/软水机德国浚渡(Judo)过滤器

2. 渴望:hank 一束 | hanker 渴望 | hankerchief 手帕

3. hanker

3. 向往:hank /一束/一卷/一仔/使成一卷一卷/ | hanker /向往/ | hankerchief /手帕/

4. 渴望,热切希望:canker 溃疡,弊害 | hanker 渴望,热切希望 | hunker 蹲下

hanker 双语例句

1. hanker的翻译

1. She is not the one i hanker.

2. What ever i do, i will try my best to hanker my goal.

3. But for me, I still like that a boy hanker me even if I love him very much.

4. We no longer hanker after what we are never going to have.

5. In addition, the improving on data rate of the systems is also our hanker goal.

6. hanker的解释

6. I don't hanker after squirrel meat.

7. I hanker for the daytime even when I was a child.

8. hanker的解释

8. I hanker after a corner because it serves to bring calmness to my mind.

9. And once you're smitten by Tokaj, the next experience to hanker after is Eszencia — a sort of super-Tokaj and the color of burnished gold.

10. Furthermore, if they still hanker after adventures, they will send some of their troops to invade and harass China's frontiers

11. Someone who didn't hanker after personal profits would have no reason to tell a lie.

12. You did not have to hanker after it: it fell into your lap.

13. But no, they won't. They still hanker after what they know is gone.

14. Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together.

15. The more they receive, the more they want. They will never be satisfied.; hanker for more; Having got Gansu, he aspires after Sichuan.; Much will have more.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. Even after all these years, I still hanker for a motorbike.

17. However much we may hanker after comfort and security, we have to face reality.

18. IF YOU hanker after the idealistic spirit of international co-operation, talk to the boss of an emerging-market multinational.

19. What did you hanker after most when you were in prison?

20. We all hanker for things that we shouldn't have too much of like ice cream and chocolate or other things that are even worse for body and soul.

hanker 词典解释

1. 渴望;热望
    If you hanker after something, you want it very much.

    e.g. I hankered after a floor-length brown suede coat.

hanker 单语例句

1. The design seems to explain how earnestly Hakka people hanker for safety, even at the cost of losing sun light in their homes.

hanker 英英释义


1. desire strongly or persistently

    Synonym: long yearn


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