happily [ˈhæpɪli]  [ˈhæpɪli] 

happily 基本解释

副词 快乐地; 幸运地,幸福地; 巧合地,适当地; 〈古〉偶然

happily 反义词

副词 unhappily

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happily 相关例句


1. She was laughing happily.

2. Happily, the accident was not serious.

happily 网络解释

1. 幸福地:凯普勒特夫人 好啊,我的孩子!星期四早上,那位风流、年少、高贵的绅士,全郡的要人,巴里斯伯爵,将在圣.比得教堂幸福地(happily)娶你,使你在那里成为一个快乐的新娘.

2. 快乐地:(七)评论性形容词及副词:幸运地(fortunately)、好运地(luckily)、无辜地(innocently)、快乐地(happily)、必需的(necessarily)等词. 具有同音含糊性的字词可以推理来点明,并且与其他字眼组合成另一个不同的讯息,

3. 高兴地,快乐地:高兴的 pleased | 高兴地,快乐地 happily | 高音喇叭 loudspeaker

4. happily是什么意思

4. 愉快地:usually通常地 | happily愉快地 | terribly极糟地

happily 双语例句

1. happily的解释

1. Hemingway once recounted receiving an offer from a woman who would happily bankroll his return to Africa provided she could join him on safari.

2. happily在线翻译

2. Everyone sang to the guiter happily.

3. happily在线翻译

3. Aside: When the kids are talking happily, the family pass the vendor sells chicken. And the keeper is holding the cage full with chicken.

4. Let`s drink happily on the horse.

5. happily的近义词

5. Monopolizes happily is one kind of happiness, alone sad also is one kind of happiness.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. I believe my students to wear my school uniform for their design, the all are full of wisdom, happily attending to face every day, to meet a new challenge.

7. When I was thinking about this, there were just three sparrows standing on the security and cheeping happily.

8. Wish toembrace you happily, belong to a special day of yours here, happybirthday!

9. Hope you work happily there and request me if there is any problem.

10. Pongo and Perdy bring the 101 Dalmatians back home, and they all live happily ever after.
    Pongo 和 Perdy带着101只小斑点狗们回到了家中,过上了幸福的生活。

11. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

11. She is playing with her female cousins happily.

12. happily的意思

12. They have already given the first half of their lives to society, so the second half should be left to us, and hopefully they can live in this newly established retirement home happily, with no need to worry about basic necessities or having to deal with illnesses alone.

13. Though they are not very rich, the three lived happily together, which was envied to others.

14. The water is wonderful. Lotus are so beautiful and the fish always play happily.

15. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

15. He picked all the apples on the tree and left happily.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. Lobster genie and Bloop played happily together.

17. She sang along happily on her way home.

18. Happily gave birth to her mother-in-law advised her daughter to a son and then she gave birth to the anti-mouth to say more than 20 years of raising your dependent ah?

19. happily

19. Matching facilities: Wired, natural gas, Great Wall wide band, washer furniture: Double bed, wardrobe, desk, chair repair situation: Generally repair environment: Anshan two box lunch markets, the pharmacy restaurant are many, the downstairs has the supermarket, to the mountain east road Carefour 3 station roads, goes to the square advantage group and buys happily walks 15 minutes.
      个人 配套设施:有线,天然气,长城宽带,洗衣机家具:双人床,衣橱,书桌,椅子装修情况:一般装修周围环境:鞍山二路菜市场,药店饭馆很多,楼下有超市,离山东路家乐福3站路,去四方利群和乐购步行15分钟。

20. You should take on your responsibilities and make all people around you live happily.

happily 词典解释

1. 幸运地;幸运的是
    You can add happily to a statement to indicate that you are glad that something happened or is true.


    e.g. Happily, his neck injuries were not serious...
    e.g. Happily, Lisa Martineau takes an opposite approach.

happily 单语例句

1. NBA commissioner David Stern happily embraces the possibilities created by the league's cosmopolitan flavour.

2. It needs careful handling either way as it happily and profusely bleeds crimson juices, staining anything that comes into contact with an indelible pink.

3. Carol explained I had happily slept through the entire episode, even waking up with a cheery yawn as we approached our destination.

4. Cheer up and live happily if you want them to rest in peace.

5. Sometimes you can see young girls giggling happily as their handsome chef makes them some great food and answers questions over the iron plate.

6. Cherry is a mentally handicapped woman who is happily married to the hard working Ge Wang - a dedicated laborer with a pronounced limp.

7. Many of her stories deal with a long life, which started happily and then had to steer through Spain's Civil War and Franco's dictatorship.

8. " We happily remain committed and caring friends with great love and admiration for one another, " said Pitt and Aniston in a joint statement in January 2005.

9. Happily, the originals survived and Cork found itself in proud possession of the copies.

10. Ten per cent of respondents were so body depressed they said they would happily trade four or more years off their lives to slim down.

happily 英英释义


1. in an unexpectedly lucky way

    e.g. happily he was not injured

2. in a joyous manner

    e.g. they shouted happily

    Synonym: merrily mirthfully gayly blithely jubilantly


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