headmaster [ˌhedˈmɑ:stə(r)]  [ˌhedˈmæstə(r)] 


headmaster 基本解释

名词 (私立学校的)校长

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headmaster 网络解释

1. 头领战士:<<头领战士>>(HeadMaster)我国播放的日本制作变形金刚动画的续集,人物采用美国<<再生>>中的人物,自己少有创新的机器人. 其故事的创意同以前相比变的极为糟糕,恢复到双方只为争夺能源而战. 同美版相比极其肤浅,再加上其中浓郁的日本武士道风格,

2. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

2. 中学校长(英):principal 中学校长(美) | headmaster 中学校长(英) | master 小学校长 (美)

3. 中小学校长(英):principal 中学校长(美) | headmaster 中小学校长(英) | master 小学校长(美)

4. 中小学校长:professor 教授 | headmaster 中小学校长 | headmistress 中小学女校长

headmaster 双语例句

1. headmaster是什么意思

1. Now he is waiting nervously in his bedroom at the Dursleys'for a visit from his headmaster.

2. Miss li: I know your family, so I have told the headmaster all the things about you, They have agreed to free the tuition..

3. Rodents had overrun a posh private school. So the headmaster asked a health inspector to deliver a presentation to teachers and students, showing how to remedy the situation, i. e., stow trash, no food in class, etc.

4. There is almost no end to the problems faced our headmaster.

5. headmaster

5. This is our school headmaster, Ms.

6. He was proposed as a candidate for the headmaster.

7. These naughty boys were quiet and submissive in the headmaster's presence.

8. If I had been your headmaster, I should have dismissed you from school.

9. I`m only an intellectual, a teacher and I would be a headmaster in the future.

10. If the headmaster makes his usual speech, it will prolong the ceremony by ten minute.

11. I am now the Headmaster, and on my aplomb depends the future well-being of the Archeology Guild.

12. The headmaster imposed the ban because somebody smeared butter on a notice board and the culprit failed to own up.

13. headmaster的近义词

13. The headmaster and his deputy have also been very supportive and I hope they will continue to support me.

14. The headmaster's deputy assists with a lot of things.

15. Good morning headmaster, deputy headmaster, teacher and friends.

16. headmaster

16. Mr Song was a deputy headmaster when he was asked to manage a loss-making tooling factory in Kunshan owned by the Education Bureau 17 years ago.

17. Wangjinzhan, deputy headmaster in secondary school of China People's University, and headmaster in E-campus.

18. The headmaster said that the school reports had been sent off.

19. Knowing the fact that his parents died, the headmaster privileged him for the fees.

20. headmaster的意思

20. You should apply to the headmaster for this job.

headmaster 词典解释

1. (中小学的)男校长
    A headmaster is a man who is the head teacher of a school.

headmaster 单语例句

1. Chen and his wife did not know their daughter gave birth to a boy in the hospital until they received a call from Feifei's headmaster.

2. There may be a chance that his dreams will partly come true, according to his headmaster.

3. Her deeds began circulating online a few days ago, and netizens lauded her as the " most beautiful rural school headmaster born after 1980 ".

4. Furious, the headmaster found a formal contractor and had builders inject concrete into each floor.

5. Authorities from Peking University do claim that any senior high school headmaster found cheating will be deprived of the right to nominate students for good.

6. " They are not like the urban children who are confident and easygoing, " said a headmaster at a migrant kindergarten in Beijing's Daxing district.

7. Her continuous application paid off in 2009 when a new headmaster took over and allowed her to attend classes with her grandson.

8. He's served as the intimidating Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and eventually headmaster himself but he's also been a protector of Harry.

9. The headmaster said the walk was organized to help explain the Long March to the youngsters and ensure they inherited the older generation's spirit.

10. Some netizens dubbed Ye " the greatest headmaster in history " and people have all been eager to learn from the school's miraculous escape from the quake.

headmaster 英英释义


1. presiding officer of a school

    Synonym: schoolmaster master


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