heard [hɜ:d]  [hɜ:rd] 


heard 基本解释

动词 听说; 听取; 听到,听见( hear的过去式和过去分词 ); 得知


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heard 情景对话


B:Do you know anything about this temp-agency?


A:I’ve heard they’re very (helpful/ reputable/ well-connected).

No and Not-(不是和不)

A:Hi, Mary. How've things been?


B:I haven't heard anything about your English investigation for weeks.What're you studying now?
      我有好几个星期没听到有关你研究英语的情况了。 你正在学习什么?


A:Now it's negative-"no"and"not", to be specific. There's nothing particularily unusual about "no"and"not", is there?

B:Not a lot, really.

A:The main thing seems to be that "not" is used with verbs, and "no" everywhere else.


A:Hi, Don. Herb and Rose are hopeless!


B:Any ideas? Herb's already moved to Hsinchu.

A:I heard there's a romantic outdoor symphony concert in two weeks.


B:What? Get Herb to ask Rose for a date? Never in a million years.

A:No, no. I'll ask Rose.


B:Oh, I see. And I'll ask Herb.

A:Precisely! And the four of us will accidentally meet each other at the concert.
      完全正确!而我们四个会在演奏会上“不期而遇” 。

heard 网络解释

1. 好好学单词·英语单词

1. 聽:或是2)你听(heard)到的某些事物?或者3)某些触动(touched)你,或你所感觉(受巳到的某些事物?对我们所希望达成的目的而书,学习别人策略的前三个步骤就足够了. 第一个问题可以使他们进入状况,下面二个问题则可以解开他们的策略.

2. 听说,听见(hear的过去式):350. size 尺码,型号 | 351. heard 听说,听见(hear的过去式) | 352. best 最好的

3. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

3. 没听说过:My?mouth?is?watering!??我要流口水了!??????????????????? | Never?heard?of?it!???没听说过!? | Nice?talking?to?you!??很高兴和你聊天!????????????????????

heard 双语例句

1. I am always amazed when I heard people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and tha t if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclin ation to meet on the battlefield.

2. heard的翻译

2. I have heard this university, and I've done some research on this university before I applied it.

3. I have heard many times that if you want to be successful, you should have a wide network of friendship.

4. heard的意思

4. And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof

5. I'd heard this message before, of course, but this time it hit home and jolted me into clarity.

6. I heard her muttering to Xiao Li.

7. I heard her muttering at Xiao Li.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. I heard over the wire that you're interested.

9. Bex Simon I've heard a lot about your gallery.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. I've never even heard of the Seychelles; they could be interesting.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. First, I could see the drill ground It was'nt that dusty like we heard cause it rained the day before.

12. Since we have heard of the story is in this version.

13. I heard of a woman minister serving in the very western part of China.

14. Me and my business partner heard of you.

15. Anonymous depressed before work, after the lectures covered the tired, after work and the hawkers have to bargain stop to the podium, he will lose these mundane world distractions, only the cadence of the time, rack their brains to speak, and only correct answer to intense The argument, in order to liven up the smile that only teachers spoke proudly Department of narcissism, and only when the students heard the emotional secretly applauded.

16. But at this moment, I am deeply in love is only front these wisp of fragrancescongeals, several point light, that share has contained the very long emotion in the moral nature, in this winter, when some strolls in the snow seeks the plum, finally has heard the nature elusive sound sound.

17. But at this moment, I am deeply in loveis only front these wisp of fragrances congeals, several pointlight, that share has contained the very long emotion in the moralnature, in this winter, when some strolls in the snow seeks theplum, finally has heard the nature elusive sound sound.

18. heard的翻译

18. Heard of health care products seem to have a piece of iron folic acid, iron and folic acid can be added, but the sentence or, quality good, price is too low.

19. Every male person being twenty-one years of age, and resident in any particular town in this commonwealth, for the space of one year next preceding, having a freehold estate within the same town, of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate of the value of sixty pounds, shall have a right to vote in the choice of a representative or representatives for the said town.术. v. the members of the house of representatives shall be chosen annually in the month of may, ten days at least before the last wednesday of that month.术.. the house of representatives shall be the grand inquest of this commonwealth; and all impeachments made by them shall be heard and tried by the senate.术.. all money bills shall originate in the house of representatives; but the senate may propose or concur with amendments, as on other bills.
      术。。议院应选举,返回最后法官,和自己的成员资格,正如在宪法,并应于上周三5月,每年确定和宣布谁是eah区内选出是参议员由多数票,并在有不得返回的参议员的总人数,由各区民政票多数当选,供应不足,应以下列方式,即:房子的成员代表,例如参议员的应被宣布当选,应作为应发现在这类地区的票数最高的这些人的姓名,并没有当选,相当于两倍的参议员人数的希望,如果有这么许多赞成,并指出,这些应以抽签方式选出的参议员人数不足以填补这些地区的空缺; inthis的方式对所有这些职位空缺,须填写的每一个联邦区设立,并以同样的方式在所有空缺在参议院,由去世而出现的,从国家或其他地方进行,应提供可尽快将这些空缺之后发生。

20. In distant parts of the building I heard the muffled slamming of doors.

heard 单语例句

1. A member of Justin's entourage in another part of the suites heard them giggling and came through catching them in the act.

2. He became suspicious when he picked up his phone and heard a busy signal.

3. This is especially true when the tune is heard at a fast clip, as dawn breaks in Act II with Butterfly anticipating Pinkerton's return.

4. Liu Wenming has been heard boasting of his collection, which is said to be the envy of experts at the local butterfly museum.

5. The meeting also heard from the United States and Canada about their deal to resolve differences over the " Buy American " rules.

6. A buzzard in the village heard of the story and wanted the fish for himself.

7. The court heard that when Wang arrived in Singapore by plane in August 2006, she felt extremely weak.

8. Yet, getting one's complaints heard by the right official is never easy.

9. " We heard about the demand by the law firms, " spokesman Zhou Gang said by telephone from Taipei.

10. " I heard a heavy exchange of fire, " one bystander told Reuters.


heard 英英释义



1. detected or perceived by the sense of hearing

    e.g. a conversation heard through the wall


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