heartrending ['hɑ:tˌrendɪŋ]  ['hɑ:tˌrendɪŋ] 

heartrending 基本解释

形容词 揪心; 使人极度伤心的,令人悲痛的; 回肠荡气

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heartrending 网络解释

1. heartrending的翻译

1. 悲惨的:heartquake 惊心动魄 | heartrending 悲惨的 | heartsease 心平气和

2. heartrending的反义词

2. 令人心碎的/悲惨的/伤心的:heartman /心脏移植者/ | heartrending /令人心碎的/悲惨的/伤心的/ | heartrot /心腐病/

3. heartrending

3. 令人心碎的:heartmindnervousfearfulmens 心 | heartrending 令人心碎的 | heartrot 心腐病

4. heartrending的意思

4. 令人心碎的, 伤心的, 悲惨的 (形):heartlessness 冷酷; 无情 (名) | heartrending 令人心碎的, 伤心的, 悲惨的 (形) | heartsick 悲痛的; 苦恼的 (形)

heartrending 双语例句

1. Or the ancient lute, only the name itself is full of rhyme already. But in my opinion the lute is more suitable for those unruly minstrels or laddish young girls(while the harpplayers should be mature bewitching women). They have goldenorebony hair, tip-tilted nose, smiling eyes and ripe lips. They hold the lutes like cherishing their lovers. Its tone, living, full of verve but still soft and graceful, is so harmonious for improvising some dance music around the bonfire, like the one played in the dance party, in which Tess met Angel Clare; or singing some love stories in the celebration square, and everyone wept for the heartrending part.

2. The heartrending emotion of a man and a woman standing on the line of love and separation will remain intact inside the song and the music video.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. If love is a piece of heartrending scenery, I am one piece of lonely fallen leaf.

4. heartrending的翻译

4. The testimony of Wenchuan of the lucky survivor from a holocaust, national people are united like one man, the heart, love, anxious, heartrending, worry about, distressed, sad, of one heart, have mutual affinity!

5. A fresh torrent of tears burst from their lachrymal ducts and the vast concourse of people, touched to the inmost core, broke into heartrending sobs, not the least affected being the aged prebendary himself.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The 2008 Sichuan earthquake, calamitous and heartrending as it was, brought out something good - compassion.

7. heartrending

7. I'm loving you silently, but you don't know, i'm so heartrending and painful

8. She looks so heartrending and I think she will cry later.

9. It is really heartrending to see his own child sentenced.

10. Please don't hurt me again, otherwise i'll undergo heartrending hurt.

11. heartrending是什么意思

11. But the heartrending tears of star has filled with the bottle, he must be missing her mother!

12. heartrending的解释

12. Countless heartrending stories of love are staged between `You and Me` on a daily basis. Between `You and Me` is a world pulsating with delight, bliss, hope and dream.

13. The prospect is so exciting Yile almost salutes in advance, but a heartrending sigh from Baishun cuts the salutation in half.

14. Should I really bid adieu to this summer? Notwithstanding how heartrending the sorrow of parting is.

15. Over the black tide, from an invisible ship, came the sound of a gramophone playing some popular heartrending tune.

16. The recollection of the past was heartrending.

17. I heard the most heartrending screams and moans.

18. I'm loving you silently, but you do not know, I'm so heartrending and painful.

19. Isabel's sigh was heartrending.

20. heartrending的解释

20. Please don't hurt me again, otherwise I'll undergo heartrending hurt.

heartrending 单语例句

1. Chen's comments reference a heartrending homicide case in west China's Gansu Province.

2. A new film about one of the most heartrending episodes in recent Chinese history leaves more to be desired.

heartrending 英英释义


1. causing or marked by grief or anguish

    e.g. a grievous loss
           a grievous cry
           her sigh was heartbreaking
           the heartrending words of Rabin's granddaughter

    Synonym: grievous heartbreaking


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