heir [eə(r)]  [er] 


heir 基本解释


名词 继承人; 后嗣,嗣子

heir 同义词

heir 反义词

名词 heiress

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heir 相关例句


1. He fell heir to a large fortune.

heir 网络解释

1. 继承人:公元前44年恺撒被谋害以后 他的侄孙(grand-nephew)、因被他指定为继承人(heir)而收为养子的屋大维(GaiusOctavius)与安东尼(MarkAntony)争夺继承权 曾把部队扩充到60个军团 但获胜后就削减为28个.

2. 嗣子:dauphin 太子,公主 | heir 嗣子 | orphan 孤儿

3. 继乘人:heighten 增高 | heir 继乘人 | hell 地狱

4. 后嗣,继承人:conductor(公交车辆)男售票员 | heir后嗣,继承人 | hero男英雄,男主人公

heir 双语例句


1. Be taken in one's prime 夭亡 He takes as heir.

2. Nozdormu, aspect of the Bronze, picked an heir to his'throne'since he knows well in advance that he will die one day.

3. Some of t hese food companies are a t t he forefron t of bes t prac t ice in t he food indus t ry - and t hey can't afford t o have t heir brand t ain t ed by con t amina t ion of any sor t - including lubrican t s.

4. Did you fall heir to a gold mine?

5. They were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.

6. Our mothers that they were singing a promissory note to which their sons and daughters was to fall heir.

7. Promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.

8. Nstitution and the declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.

9. The newborn child is the first male heir to be born for more than 40 years.

10. heir

10. He already has two beautiful daughters but he wouldn't mind a male heir.

11. How did God keep His promise of a male heir to Abraham and Sarah?

12. heir的翻译

12. He moved back to Hiroshima at 40; it was expected of him as the sole male heir to their name.

13. She was the third daughter of an aristocratic family in which women were considered inferior beings and only the male heir counted.

14. Day-old Prince Hisahito is the first male heir in four decades.

15. Only his need for a legitimate male heir, and hence a new wife, led him to cut ties with Rome.

16. Hey hrow heir shadows before hem who carry heir lanern on heir back.

17. And he is Lady Gresham's favourite nephew and heir.

18. For instance, because, the work that A keeps is not OK the heir on the dead arrange of A of the name of B, because sign, authority is person right, cannot as accede and transfer; But, publication right, duplicate right can gift through accredit agreement other one party comes exercise.
      比如,A 写完的作品是不可以因为 A 的死亡署上继承人 B 的名字的,因为署名权是人身权利,不可随着继承而转移;但是,出版的权利、复制的权利都可以通过授权协议来赋予另一方来行使。

19. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.

20. Mrs. Bagley, who is married to Smith Bagley, an heir to the R.

heir 词典解释

1. 继承人
    An heir is someone who has the right to inherit a person's money, property, or title when that person dies.

    e.g. His heir, Lord Doune, cuts a bit of a dash in the city.
    e.g. ...the heir to the throne.

heir 单语例句

1. Pressures to produce an heir and to conform with the ancient traditions of palace life are believed to be behind her illness.

2. Koizumi called for early consideration of the popular measure, despite criticism by conservatives and the new prospect of a male heir being born.

3. China's long history has made the country heir to countless intangible cultural assets, but modern times have sent folk arts into a decline.

4. The court said the document effectively voided the first will and left the women without a stated heir.

5. The reform was designed to defuse a looming succession crisis for the royal family, which had produced no male heir in four decades.

6. In the Paiwan tribe, either the eldest son or daughter can be heir to the family property.

7. The Spanish Constitution allows a female heir to the throne only if she has no brothers.

8. The Spanish constitution now allows a female heir to the throne only if she has no brothers.

9. As the only male heir the Prince is first in line to the throne.

10. It's a poignant moment for Chirac, closing out four decades as a fixture in French politics without leaving an obvious heir.

heir 英英释义


1. a person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another

    Synonym: inheritor heritor

2. a person who inherits some title or office

    Synonym: successor


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