his [hɪz]  [hɪz] 

his 基本解释

代词 (he的所有格)他的; (he的物主代词)他的东西

限定词 自己的; 属于他的,用于名词前; 指某人的; 上帝的

his 中文词源

his 他的


his 相关例句


1. This book is his, not mine.

2. Everyone must do his best.


1. His hat is the brown one.

2. He is fond of his parents.

3. The suit is his.

his 情景对话


A:Can I help you?

B:Yes, is (Mr. Smith/ the director/ the manager) in his office?


A:Is Mr. Smith in his office?

B:I’m sorry. He’s (in a meeting/ not at his desk right now/ out).

Get under one’s skin-(保全自己)

A:Never trust your secrets to Bob.

B:I think he’s kind and honest.

A:He’s the kind of person who do anything to save his own skin.

B:I don’t agree with you.

his 双语例句

  • 1. The position of the pronoun " his'shows that it is to be betoned.

  • 代词 “ his”在句中的位置表示此词应加强调.

  • 2. His hands were too weak to cock his revolver.

  • 他的手没劲儿,扳不动左轮手枪的扳机。

  • 3. Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.

  • 露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。

  • 4. He finished his conversation and stood up, looking straight at me.

  • 他说完话站起来,直视着我。

  • 5. Issues such as these were not really his concern.

  • 他其实并不关心诸如此类的问题。

    his 词典解释

    His is a third person singular possessive determiner. His is also a possessive pronoun.
    his 是第三人称单数所有格限定词,亦为所有格代词。

    The determiner is pronounced /hɪz/. The pronoun is pronounced /'hɪz/. his作限定词读作 /hɪz/,作代词时在句中重读。

    1. 他的;(指雄性动物)它的
        You use his to indicate that something belongs or relates to a man, boy, or male animal.

        e.g. Brian splashed water on his face, then brushed his teeth...
        e.g. He spent a large part of his career in Hollywood...

    2. (书面英语中泛指人)他的,她的(有些人不喜欢这种说法,更倾向于使用 his or her 或 their)
        In written English, his is sometimes used to refer to a person without saying whether that person is a man or a woman. Some people dislike this use and prefer to use 'his or her' or 'their'.

        e.g. Formerly, the relations between a teacher and his pupils were dominated by fear on the part of the pupils...
        e.g. Everyone should receive a fair price for the product of his labour.

    3. (一些宗教中指)上帝
        In some religions, His is used to refer to God.

        e.g. ...humble faith in God, and trust in His Church.

    his 单语例句

    1. He sold his slice of the sex business years ago, and says he's done with it for good.

    2. Sitting inside his taxi parked outside the University of International Business and Economics, Zhao was totally absorbed in his game.

    3. Li is taking a long view, saying his business is still at the end of winter and marching to spring.

    4. Starting a business would put his parents'mind at ease that he will not end up jobless after three years of tuition payments.

    5. One man said he was riding a bicycle across a bridge over the Metro tracks when the sound of the collision got his attention.

    6. His company has been asking suppliers to sign agreements on business ethics as a supplement to each purchase contract since 2007.

    7. It was only after Mollohan - under his own ethics cloud involving business deals stepped down from the committee that the partisan squabbles ended.

    8. Although Bai no longer had to worry about his school expenses, he never stopped seeking business opportunities.

    9. After a further business failure, one of them hired someone to kill his partner.

    10. When Li renewed the mine's license in 2000, he changed the business into a private firm of his own.


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