hitch [hɪtʃ]  [hɪtʃ] 


hitch 基本解释

及物/不及物动词 猛拉; (免费)搭乘他人之车; 蹒跚; (使)结婚

及物动词 (用环、钩等)套住,钩住(某物)

名词 故障,挫折; 系住,勾住; 急拉


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hitch 相关例句


1. hitch

1. Let's hitch a ride.

2. I hitched up my socks.


1. hitch的解释

1. His coat hitched on a nail.


1. Heavy traffic put a hitch in our plans.

2. He gave his sock a hitch.

hitch 网络解释

1. hitch什么意思

1. 全民情敌:此前不久索尼电影及家庭娱乐公司宣布将在6月20日推出首批7款高清晰蓝光影片,其中包括<<初恋50次>>(50 First Dates),<<第五元素>>(The Fifth Element),<<全民情敌>>(Hitch)以及<<十面埋伏>>(House of Flying Daggers)等.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 索结:2.使用三种不同的绳结于救难中,如索结(HITCH),固定结(BEND)和(KNOTS)等. 3.在森林中烧烤野餐吃,并露宿一夜. 4.知道斧头安全法则,小心用大锯和大斧来伐木,锯木和劈成小柴枝. 5.完成下列中的任何两项:A.每天记录自然界中之禽类,

3. 全民情聖:能演能唱的威尔擅长各种片型,无论科幻动作<<机械公敌>>(I, Robot)、动作喜剧<>(Men in Black)、浪漫喜剧<<全民情圣>>(Hitch)与剧情片<<当幸福来敲门>>(The Pursuit of Ha yne )全都被叫好,

4. hitch是什么意思

4. <情场绝桥王>:自从在98年凭<<婚礼歌手>>(The Wedding Singer)一炮而红后,亚当.桑德勒已渐渐晋身为好莱坞抢手的喜剧演员,这次在<<迫上断背山>>(I Now Pronounce You Chuk & Larry)内与曾演出<<情场绝桥王>>(Hitch)的肥佬男星凯文.詹姆斯合作,

hitch 双语例句

1. hitch的翻译

1. If you're going to hitch-hike through Turkey, you had better keep your wits about you.

2. Students are not allowed to hitch-hike.

3. To solicit a ride from passing motorists; to hitch-hike

4. In the end, he didn`t need our help at all: the event went off without a hitch.

5. hitch在线翻译

5. As a protessional courtesy I was asked if he could hitch a ride.

6. Actually, he had gone to the health clinic at Lio Matoh, 3 hours boat ride and 2 hours hitch ride away.

7. With a dream in the deep heart's core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star.
    在心里 深处有了个胡想,一小我很自然地被差遣怀抱弘远的理想。

8. I know, I opened it up and there it was just floating in there like this tiny little hitch-hiker!

9. hitch是什么意思

9. I know! I know, I opened it up and there it was, just floating in there, like this tiny little hitch-hiker!

10. I know! I know, I opened it up and there it was, just floating inthere, like this tiny little hitch-hiker!

11. The driver stopped to pick up a hitch-hiker.

12. Phoebe: I know! I know, I opened it up and there it was, just floating in there, like this tiny little hitch-hiker!

13. He picked up a hitch-hiker.

14. The truck crashes, the hitch-hiker burns his hands trying to rescue the driver.

15. Buy gasoline invoices, parking receipts, car rental invoice 5% of the ride, ride, hitch a ride, carpool, ride network, ride network, hitch a ride network, car network, to work by car, ride to work, commuting by car, ride to work, ride to work, ...

16. The slight hitch is that Google has not only copied the books without permission but is also trying to dictate the prices and value of those books without the consent of the authors.

17. For instance, a single wheel trailer uses a hitch that can be attached to the rear axle of the bicycle.

18. A system for simultaneously mounting a plurality of accessories such as panniers (76), baskets (72), trailer hitch (98) and trailer (68), luggage carrier (70), wheel fender (74), etc.

19. hitch的意思


20. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

20. These are virtually the only bikes you can buzz around town, teach your girl to ride, throw on your RV's trailer hitch as a weekend beer runner and that the kids will grow into before they wear out.

hitch 词典解释

1. (短暂的)小故障,小障碍
    A hitch is a slight problem or difficulty which causes a short delay.

    e.g. After some technical hitches the show finally got under way...
    e.g. The five-hour operation went without a hitch.

2. 搭便车(旅行);搭顺风车
    If you hitch ,hitch a lift, or hitch a ride, you hitchhike.

    e.g. There was no garage in sight, so I hitched a lift into town...
    e.g. Jean-Phillippe had hitched all over Europe in the 1960s.

3. 把…钩(或拴、系)在…上
    If you hitch something to something else, you hook it or fasten it there.

    e.g. Last night we hitched the horse to the cart and moved here.

4. 结婚
    If you get hitched, you get married.


    e.g. The report shows that fewer couples are getting hitched.

相关词组:hitch up

hitch 单语例句

1. I told him about Hitch as we were both naked and dripping wet.

2. Although Chinese President Hu Jintao's official US visit was postponed due to Hurricane Katrina, their other meetings all went through as scheduled without a hitch.

3. In contrast, the real CCTV Spring Festival Gala went ahead without a hitch.

4. Yesterday the capital called on the unsung champions who will ensure the 2008 Games pass off without a hitch - the Olympic volunteers.

5. Security precautions for the trade fair were of the " highest level " and police prepared plans to ensure it proceeded without a hitch.

6. Her mother underwent her surgery without a hitch, but fainted upon hearing the horrible news.

7. Really it is most difficult to find an ideal mate, so it is vital for people not to rush into things and get hitch.

8. The accident killed five teenagers who hitch hiking the truck from the town of Pekalongan near Batang.

9. Daniel Radcliffe's new starring role has hit an embarrassing hitch - he can't ride his character's motorcycle.

10. The first passenger vessels passed through the world's largest ship lock yesterday without a hitch.


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