hodgepodge [ˈhɒdʒpɒdʒ]  [ˈhɑ:dʒpɑ:dʒ] 

hodgepodge 基本解释

名词 大杂烩

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hodgepodge 网络解释

1. 混杂物:63. Hiccup打嗝 | 64. Hodgepodge混杂物 | 65. Shipshape井然有序的

2. 混杂:Hiccup 碎语 | Hodgepodge 混杂 | Shipshape井然有序

3. 混煮:hodgepodge 杂菜 | hodgepodge 混煮 | hodman 雇佣工人

hodgepodge 双语例句

1. hodgepodge的意思

1. Fang Hung-chien wished he could have said, no wonder your honorable work is such a hodgepodge

2. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

2. For year, a hodgepodge network of seed banks has been amassing seed and schoot collection.

3. hodgepodge

3. At this time, my thinking is liberal, democratic reformist, utopian socialism and the concept of a hodgepodge.

4. It's a place where you can wander for acers﹐see inresting people﹐and choose from a hodgepodge of goods

5. You may want to release those with you the content of the website relevant article, or you would like to become a hodgepodge of sites, thousands of articles are added to it.

6. That's because a tumor is made up of a hodgepodge of cells containing different genetic mutations, each of which allows it to wreak a different brand of havoc.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. It was a hodgepodge fleet—a British crew of old salts on a Higgins boat in the Canadian Navy taking GIs ashore at Utah; LSTs commanded by a twenty-two-years old American lieutenant carrying British troops to Gold Beach; LSTs at every beach, their great jaws yawning open, disgorging tanks and trucks and jeeps and bulldozers and big guns and small guns and mountains of cases of rations and ammunition, thousands of jerry cans filled with gasoline, crates of radios and telephones, typewriters and forms, and all else that men at war require.

8. In this article, I've only used cyclic space, but other types of2D cellular automata, such as Hodgepodge, could be used.

9. The Castle in the Forest is a gleeful hodgepodge of ideas, held together by this satanic conceit. It was a medley of levies.

10. hodgepodge的解释

10. The gross national product were seen as a hodgepodge of buicks, chickens, shirts, and diaper services.

11. His bookshelf is a weird hodgepodge.

12. Finance academics continue " churning out quantitative hodgepodge " and Wall Street and others continue to use it.

13. hodgepodge的解释

13. Efforts to experiment and do something different should always be appreciated. But maybe this film would have been better if it were just a love story, not a hodgepodge.

14. hodgepodge的反义词

14. The way I have programmed these informal parsing tasks has always been somewhat of a hodgepodge of custom state-machines, regular expressions, and context-driven string tests.

15. This box is a hodgepodge of books, old toys and things.

16. Applications use a hodgepodge of services from multiple different providers to get the information they need.

17. Yet without Japan, the TPP would be a hodgepodge, bringing together countries as diverse as Brunei, Peru, Vietnam and Australia.

18. A mixture or medley; a hodgepodge.

19. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

19. I say interesting, because when you look at them as a whole, they are really quite a random hodgepodge collection of effects.

20. hodgepodge

20. Before Ant, building and deploying Java applications required a hodgepodge of platform-specific scripts, makefiles, proprietary IDEs, or manual processes.

hodgepodge 词典解释

1. 混杂物;大杂烩;杂乱无章的一堆
    A hodgepodge is an untidy mixture of different types of things.


    e.g. ...a hodgepodge of maps, small tools, and notebooks.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 hotch-potch

hodgepodge 单语例句

1. This seeming hodgepodge by Zhu Jingyi turns out to be marvelous art now on display at the Room With a View gallery in Shanghai.

2. The historical data he found showed that the Japanese army had been cobbled together from a hodgepodge of social classes.

3. The decor is a strange hodgepodge of 70's retro and modern influences.

4. Tasting slightly salty, this rice porridge contains a hodgepodge of ingredients.

5. As a result, the firm will turn into a hodgepodge of different qualities and varied styles.

6. Beijing is a hodgepodge of Chinese regional cuisines, as well as food styles from around the world.

hodgepodge 英英释义



1. a theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas

    Synonym: patchwork jumble

2. a motley assortment of things

    Synonym: odds and ends oddments melange farrago ragbag mishmash mingle-mangle hotchpotch gallimaufry omnium-gatherum


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