horrendous [hɒˈrendəs]  [hɔ:ˈrendəs] 

horrendous 基本解释


形容词 可怕的,令人吃惊的

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horrendous 网络解释

1. 可怕的:horoscopy 星占 | horrendous 可怕的 | horrent 可怕的

2. horrendous的反义词

2. 可怕的/惊人的/不得了的:horosphere /极限球面/ | horrendous /可怕的/惊人的/不得了的/ | horrendously /可怕地/

3. 可怕的,令人惊惧的:hinterland 内地,穷乡僻壤 | horrendous 可怕的,令人惊惧的 | hospitable 好客的

4. 不得了的:horosphere 极限球面 | horrendous 不得了的 | horrent 倒竖的

horrendous 双语例句

1. By now. Hill had redpointed all 27 pitches up to Camp VI, but perhaps the hardest section was to come — pitch 29, the horrendous 5.13 technical arete and stemming problem.

2. Please accept my profuse apologies for the horrendous inconvenience, 'a note accompanying the sweets read.

3. This is a horrendous monster whose desire is to leave this world, in which she has been confined.

4. horrendous在线翻译

4. My heart, my love and my prayers are with the people of China during this horrendous tragedy.

5. horrendous

5. There are so many similar and much horrendous stories in our continent.

6. I mean, we all know the working conditions at the factory are quite horrendous.

7. I've spent so long speculating, finding out before I'm supposed to would be horrendous.

8. Going to school was the most horrendous thing for us.

9. It would be an unconscionable act of betrayal, a stain on our character as a great nation, if we were to walk away from the Iraqi people and consign them to the horrendous violence, ethnic cleansing and possibly genocide that would follow a reckless, irresponsible and premature withdrawal.

10. At this level of the professional game it was a horrendous challenge.

11. It was allowed to play out its life cycle, however horrendous it may seem.

12. horrendous

12. It should be horrendous here right now, it being February, but it`s not.

13. Years of a bipartisan cover-up of 9/11 lies make it much more than one horrendous past event.

14. horrendous的解释

14. It's horrendous facial structure has excluded it from acceptance within his community.

15. Shame about the traffic noise but it was not horrendous.

16. horrendous

16. If you look at the games they've lost, it makes horrendous reading.

17. High hopes, horrendous workload

18. Ultimately, situations that once brought on horrendous change-back attacks, that once appeared to you as utterly unworkable puzzles, may end up barely fazing you at all.

19. horrendous

19. Were those horrendous spiritual tests in line with Satan's usual method of trying to make people sin?

20. Often we see horrendous spelling mistakes or even wrong usage of tag-line which is translated literally from Chinese, which gives a very bad impression to the project and the developer as a whole.

horrendous 词典解释

1. 骇人的;令人震惊的
    Something that is horrendous is very unpleasant or shocking.

    e.g. He described it as the most horrendous experience of his life...
    e.g. The violence used was horrendous.

2. (数量、程度等)大得惊人的,极其过分的
    Some people use horrendous to describe something that is so big or great that they find it extremely unpleasant.

    e.g. Nor do their debts looks so horrendous when related to the value of their fixed assets.
    e.g. ...the usually horrendous traffic jams.

Many outings can now be horrendously expensive for parents with a young family.

horrendous 单语例句

1. UK snooker championship finalist Mark Allen has blasted conditions at the Haikou World Open as " horrendous ".

2. The change means goods will have to be driven at least 12 hours overland on Haiti's horrendous roads to reach the capital.

3. Let's use some common sense otherwise it is going to be a horrendous white elephant.

4. To find the solution, we need to find out why it is so horrendous.

5. After being greeted by a mummy at the entrance of the pyramid, visitors start a horrendous trip from the entryway on the left.

6. But when we actually think about what is going on above our heads every day, it is a miracle that there are not more horrendous accidents.

7. The silver made up for a horrendous preliminary round on Monday, where he almost failed to make the top 18 to advance.

8. Exactly 70 years ago today Japanese invaders occupied Nanjing and started the horrendous massacre in the then capital city of China.

9. In her interviews and writing Fu comes across as a victim of horrendous circumstances, such as gang rape by Red Guards.

10. Beijing traffic is horrendous and getting worse, along with increases in unhealthy pollution and road rage.

horrendous 英英释义


1. causing fear or dread or terror

    e.g. the awful war
           an awful risk
           dire news
           a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked
           the dread presence of the headmaster
           polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was
           a dreadful storm
           a fearful howling
           horrendous explosions shook the city
           a terrible curse

    Synonym: awful dire direfuldread(a)dreaded dreadful fearful fearsome frightening horrific terrible


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