hulk [hʌlk]  [hʌlk] 


hulk 基本解释


名词 残骸,外壳; 笨重的大船; 废船船体; 巨大笨重的人(物)

不及物动词 赫然显现; 笨重地移动

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hulk 网络解释


1. 绿巨人浩克:李安拍戏全心投入,不计代价只要拍出最好的画面,当初为了寻找<<卧虎藏龙>>的场景,访遍中国各大山岳伤了腿,为了制作<<绿巨人浩克>>(Hulk)特效,眼睛也出状况.

2. 變形俠醫:他除了拍出了<<推手>>、<<喜宴>>、<<饮食男女>>及<<卧虎藏龙>>等华语片以外,居然还能拍出令国际影视界一致叫好的跨文化的<<理智与情感>>(Sense and Sensibility)、<<冰风暴>>(The Ice Storm)、<<乱世恩缘>>(Ride with the Devil)、&l

hulk 双语例句

1. Strength Level: The Hulk possesses superhuman strength of the Class 100 level, enabling him to lift in excess of 100 tons.

2. hulk的反义词

2. It was so tired to take the hulk package back home.

3. hulk的反义词

3. Oftware Description: About Scavenger, Enter the Star Hulk Icarus on one last mission.
    cavenger 在游戏的最后一关进入 Star Hulk Icarus。

4. But now THE INCREDIBLE HULK crash-lands on the distant planet SAKAAR, ruled by the tyrannical RED KING.

5. hulk是什么意思

5. But now THE INCREDIBLE HULK crash-lands on the distant planetSAKAAR, ruled by the tyrannical RED KING.

6. And if I'm not to have my rum now I'm a poor old hulk on a lee shore, my blood'll be on you, Jim, and that Doctor swab

7. The stranded hulk of a severely damaged ship. and if I'm not to have my rum now I'm a poor old hulk on a lee shore, my blood'll be on you, Jim, and that Doctor swab

8. He was just this hulk of a guy and he was old school.

9. Hulk, you're coming with us, aren't you?
    绿巨人 你会和我们一起走的是吗?

10. Cuz you don't want to know what happens when you make the Hulk mad.

11. hulk

11. To me, Hulk is really a horror film, and it`s a psychodrama to me.

12. Well, every struggle I put into the movie that`s the Hulk in me.

13. hulk

13. One of the comic book and movie characters and that I have consistently followed is the Incredible Hulk.

14. He poked his own head out from behind the bookcase and saw a huge hulk of a man down on all fours, performing the regulation kowtow.

15. Sulk - Sulk aims to duplicate the gameplay of the first edition of the Space Hulk board game.
      Sulk目的在于复制Space Hulk棋盘游戏的第一版播放游戏。

16. Nazdreg continued to operate throughout the war from his Space Hulk Scylla, until his forces were expelled and his hulk apparently destroyed.

17. I once went down the shore for the weekend, and when I got back, three manticores and an umber hulk were hanging new drapes in my living room.

18. hulk

18. In this new beginning, scientist Bruce Banner desperately hunts for a cure to the gamma radiation that poisoned his cells and unleashes the unbridled force of rage within him: The Hulk.

19. They all thought he was a hulk, without a shot left in the locker!

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. His first Hollywood epic, the massive, leaden Hulk, and signed on. TheBrokeback story is set in Wyoming and Texas, but it was shot

hulk 词典解释

1. 巨大的残骸;大型废弃物
    The hulk of something is the large, ruined remains of it.


    e.g. ...the ruined hulk of the old church tower...
    e.g. I could make out the gutted hulk of the tanker.

2. (令人恐惧的)庞然大物
    You use hulk to describe anything which is large and seems threatening to you.

    e.g. I followed his big hulk into the house.

hulk 单语例句

1. Iron Man 2 star Don Cheadle has fuelled rumours that Marvel superheroes Thor and the Hulk will make cameo appearances in the upcoming sequel.

2. The crumpled hulk of the bus was still trapped under the front of the locomotive several hours after the accident.

3. Rolando gave Porto a flying start, heading in after three minutes from a delightful cross by Brazilian forward Hulk.

4. Hulk Hogan is in constant agony, according to wrestling legend Ric Flair.

5. Oxygen tanks used by many of the victims exploded in the fire and turned the bus into a charred hulk.

6. Witnesses on the scene said the burning hulk of the car and scattered debris littered the area.

hulk 英英释义


1. a ship that has been wrecked and abandoned

2. a very large person
    impressive in size or qualities

    Synonym: giant heavyweight whale


1. appear very large or occupy a commanding position

    e.g. The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain
           Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall

    Synonym: loom tower predominate


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