hullabaloo [ˌhʌləbəˈlu:]  [ˈhʌləbəˌlu] 


hullabaloo 基本解释

名词 喧嚣

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hullabaloo 网络解释

1. hullabaloo

1. 喧嚣:hull 外壳 | hullabaloo 喧嚣 | hulled 有壳的

2. 喧嚷声,吵闹声:hucksterize 强制推销 | hullabaloo 喧嚷声,吵闹声 | humdinger 极好的人或事

3. 吵闹(声), (混乱, 骚动)声:hic 打嗝声 | hullabaloo 吵闹(声), (混乱, 骚动)声 | oho 表示惊讶, 高兴, 嘲弄时所发声音

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 喧嚣; 吵闹; 喧哗 (名):hull 去壳 (动) | hullabaloo 喧嚣; 吵闹; 喧哗 (名) | hum 嗡嗡声, 杂声, 哼声 (名)

hullabaloo 双语例句

1. For all the hullabaloo, though, these flights marked only an incremental advance.

2. For all the hullabaloo, though, these flights marked only an incremental advance. Similar flights began running five years ago during limited holiday periods, and have increased in frequency since. None of that dimmed the enthusiasm of the mainland tourists who enjoyed the chance to see for themselves a place they had heard so much about-for good and ill. Nearly 700 made the trip during the first weekend. They spent a short time taking in a carefully selected set of sights in Taipei before heading off to other parts of the island. One sensitive site they were not allowed to visit was the memorial to Chiang Kai-shek, a former KMT leader and bitter foe of Mao Zedong who brought his government to Taiwan in 1949 after losing China's civil war.

3. Make a clamour; make a hullabaloo; raise a din

4. hullabaloo什么意思

4. The first performance of the iconoclastic composition caused a tremendous hullabaloo in the audience.

5. I have not and even dare not to have the idea that my work should be the orthodox one within the hullabaloo world.

6. But it is up to you to see the reality behind the hype and hullabaloo.

7. What`s all the hullabaloo about?

8. hullabaloo的意思

8. I'm getting awfully tired of your hullabaloo, okay?

9. hullabaloo什么意思

9. They like to live in the countryside, far way from crowd and hullabaloo.

10. In such case, all hullabaloo will be under feet.

11. This by the lake is he with her world, there is no hullabaloo, there is no world of mortals.

12. But what with the murky light, the botchy print, the tattered cover, the jigjagged page, the fumbling fingers, the fox trotting fleas, the lie a bed lice, the scum on his tongue, the drop in his eye, the lump in his throat, the drink in his pottle, the itch in his palm, the wail of his wind, the grief from his breath, the fog of his brainfag, the tic of his con science, the height of his rage, the gush of his fundament, the fire in his gorge, the tickle of his tail, the rats in his garret, the hullabaloo and the dust in his ears, since it took him a month to steal a march, he was hard set to memorize more than a word a week.

13. But what with the murky light, the botchy print, the tattered cover, the jigjagged page, the fumbling fingers, the fox trotting fleas, the lie a bed lice, the scum on his tongue, the drop in his eye, the lump in his throat, the drink in his pottle, the itch in his palm, the wail of his wind, the grief from his breath, the fog of his brainfag, the tic of his conscience, the height of his rage, the gush of his fundament, the fire in his gorge, the tickle of his tail, the rats in his garret, the hullabaloo and the dust in his ears, since it took him a month to steal a march, he was hard set to memorize more than a word a week.

14. There are many people who “ the moment they alight from the official carriage ” make a hullabaloo.

15. The city of love 》 also is such, she can see do is, in the hullabaloo that float a life time of a song female existence predicament of sorrow of song..

16. Their heartstring cans not get total in the contemporary, but insists still that deducing a song in the material life of the hullabaloo is high with few plain and white snow!

17. I was scared by the hullabaloo over my arrival.

18. It's too late to make a hullabaloo, now the poor man's dead.

19. hullabaloo的翻译

19. Did you hear all this hullabaloo about Justin Bieber's laptop being stolen?

20. The minister resigned after all the hullabaloo about his affair with an actress.

hullabaloo 词典解释

1. 吵闹声;喧嚣;喧哗
    A hullabaloo is a lot of noise or fuss made by people who are angry or excited about something.

    e.g. I was scared by the hullabaloo over my arrival.

hullabaloo 单语例句

1. The hullabaloo of the Oscars reached a climax on Sunday in Los Angeles, with the international media reveling in the Hollywood's glitz and glamor.

2. Despite the hullabaloo at Durban, more urgent action is needed to save the planet.

3. The large pepperoni pie was finally delivered after much hullabaloo, but the frustrating experience made me feel like a failure.

4. But after all the hullabaloo surrounding the election in the United States, the internal and external challenges facing the Obama administration remain grim.

5. A look at the timing of the ongoing hullabaloo around Syria's chemical weapons issue may shed some light on the question.

6. The current hullabaloo among the public, media and research institutes alike misses the point.

hullabaloo 英英释义


1. disturbance usually in protest

    Synonym: agitation excitement turmoil upheaval


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