ice cube [ais kju:b]  [aɪs kjub] 

第三人称复数:ice cubes
ice cube的翻译

ice cube 基本解释


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ice cube 网络解释

1. 艾斯.库伯:珍妮-德-拉-莫特-瓦卢瓦(Jeanne De La Motte Valois)一心想恢复她的家族名誉,而这将改变一个伟大王后关于本杰明一家(All About the Benjamins) 新线公司(New Line Cinema, USA)2002年出品 主演: 艾斯-库伯(Ice Cube) 迈克-自从奥斯汀

2. 艾斯-库巴:<<极速酷客>>在惊险刺激中让观众欢笑,由黑人说歌歌手艾斯.库巴(Ice Cube)、<<风语者(Windtalkers)>>的马丁.亨德森(Martin Henderson)主演. 此外,出演007系列片<<谁与争锋>>的韩裔演员Will Yun Lee担任配角.

ice cube 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. An ice-cube may help offer some temporary respite from the heat but wouldn't an air-conditioned facility be a more worthy goal to work towards?

2. I came to fill your ice cube tray.

3. Janet screeched loudly when I put an ice cube down the back of her shirt.

4. You spoon them into an ice cube tray.

5. You can cook a week's supply on the weekend, put the blended vegetables in the ice cube tray, for a few hours, and then place them in a freezer bag.

6. Leftover parsley can be added to chicken or beef broth that has been diluted and put in your ice cube tray.

7. No one fills the ice cube trays here.

8. ice cube

8. Use up that last bit of juice by freezing it in ice-cube trays.

9. Season of mind, body and regions divineIn mom's cookouts, I'm leavin the swineVerbal vegeterian, squashed beef with Ice Cube


10. Use 1 drop of Chamomile oil on a washcloth wrapped ice cube to relieve teething pain in children.

11. Ice making process is at a very low temperature, ice cube is safe and hygeian.

12. A small cube of artificial ice; used for cooling drinks.

13. Because nut milk spoils quite easily, and the straining part is quite labourous, so I like to make more at one go and save it in ice cube boxes, then I'll have nut milk whenever I need it.

14. ice cube是什么意思

14. Please bring me some ice cube and water.

15. ice cube的翻译

15. When people saw the land, the ship sunk into the ice cube and began to break up.

16. 好好学单词·英语单词

16. When the ice cube is left at room temperature, it will melt.

17. ice cube的反义词

17. We need a cube of ice, one cup of water, a little salt and some cotton thread.

18. ice cube的近义词

18. The thickness of ice cube and the capacity of ice storage room are both adjustable and easy to be installed.

19. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

19. I'm an ice cube.

20. Alternatively, you can try using cough drops, or even an ice cube to produce a similar effect.

ice cube 单语例句

1. Lead actor Henderson appears downright embarrassed throughout and Ice Cube again beats the living daylights out of his own credibility.

2. Ice Cube has a cool design, with yellow outside and black inside.

3. The Iceland Pavilion is decorated as an " Ice Cube " made of backlit printed fabric on the exterior.

ice cube 英英释义


1. a small cube of artificial ice
    used for cooling drinks

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