incarcerate [ɪnˈkɑ:səreɪt]  [ɪnˈkɑ:rsəreɪt] 


incarcerate 基本解释

及物动词 监禁,禁闭; 关进监狱; [医]钳闭

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incarcerate 网络解释

1. incarcerate的翻译

1. 监禁:合理化了的自我利益与增长中的种族不平等、阶级不平等,经济紧缩和那监禁(incarcerate)有色人种青年的犯罪司法系统的发展联合(hand in hand)在一起,那程度赶超了以前南非的种族隔离制度.

2. 监禁,下狱:inborn 天生的 | incarcerate 监禁,下狱 | incarnate 使具体化,使化身

3. 监狱/关押:滥用法律: abuse of law, stretch the law | 监狱/关押:jail, prison, imprisonment, imprison, incarcerate, lock up | 死刑: capital punishment, death penalty, death sentence

4. 禁闭:incapacity 无能 | incarcerate 禁闭 | incendiarism 纵火狂

incarcerate 双语例句

1. Many people think that it is wrong to incarcerate criminals in confined quarters for as long as thirty years.

2. But I must keep incarcerate him.

3. incarcerate什么意思

3. Incarcerate me, sirs, I am a free born man!

4. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

4. Hence, if all else fails, criminal tax prosecution s can be used to incarcerate even the most insulated of criminals.

5. incarcerate什么意思

5. Hence, if all else fails, criminal tax prosecutions can be used to incarcerate even the most insulated of criminal s.


6. For it was they, and their ox little abbot, who plotted to incarcerate me in this dungeon hall for an eternity.

7. I don't necessarily agree with all of Liu Xiaobo's views and methods, but that's beside the point; Liu Xiaobo is a peaceful and rational critic and to incarcerate him for this is a sign of weakness, one very difficult to accept.

8. Those who are freakish or sick, who incarcerate themselves to studies or bedrooms, who are prisoners of their own hearts, are real protagonists of modern fictions.

9. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

9. It can cost $ 40, 000 to $ 50, 000 to incarcerate a prisoner for a year.

10. Limits court authority to incarcerate offenders who commit certain drug crimes, break drug treatment rules or violate parole.

11. You're not even worth what it would cost us to incarcerate you.

12. Why do you incarcerate yourself in the room every afternoon?

13. incarcerate

13. He is incarcerate in his own sensibility.

14. incarcerate什么意思

14. Please, pull over and wait for the police to incarcerate your passenger.

15. To incarcerate a prisoner in a cell.

16. It can cost $ 40,000 to $ 50,000 to incarcerate a prisoner for a year.

incarcerate 词典解释

1. 监禁;禁闭
    If people are incarcerated, they are kept in a prison or other place.

    e.g. They were incarcerated for the duration of the war...
    e.g. It can cost $40,000 to $50,000 to incarcerate a prisoner for a year.
           监禁一名囚犯一年要花费 4 万到 5 万美元。

...her mother's incarceration in a psychiatric hospital.

incarcerate 单语例句

1. It empowers the police - instead of the courts - to incarcerate a person for up to four years.

incarcerate 英英释义


1. lock up or confine, in or as in a jail

    e.g. The suspects were imprisoned without trial
           the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life

    Synonym: imprison lag immure put behind bars jail jug gaol put away remand


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