incarnate [ɪnˈkɑ:nət]  [ɪnˈkɑ:rnət] 


incarnate 基本解释

形容词 人体化的; 拟人化的; 肉色的,粉红色的

及物动词 使成化身; 使具体化; 成为…典型


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incarnate 相关例句


1. incarnate的反义词

1. The Foolish Old Man incarnates the courage and industry of the Chinese people.

incarnate 网络解释

1. 体现:意识化身体现(incarnate)进入已显化的向度,也就是说,变成了形相.当它这么做的 时候,它进入了一个梦境般的状态.智性仍然存在,但是意识无法觉知到它自己了.它在形 相中迷失了自己,进而与形相认同.这也可以描述为神性被贬为物性.在宇宙进化的阶段,

2. 化身:这些本来源头选择分成2条路径进化 : 天使(Angelic) 与 化身(Incarnate) . 创立者在与这90个超灵群协调后 ,45个化身为第9维度的Lucifer Line 的爬虫族 ,45个化身为第9维度的Amelius Line 的人类族游戏参与者(Players) ,并开始了这场游戏.

3. 使具体化,使化身:incarcerate 监禁,下狱 | incarnate 使具体化,使化身 | incense 使发怒

4. 体现, 使具体化, 使成化身:cognate 同词源的,同类的 | incarnate 体现, 使具体化, 使成化身 | reincarnate 使化身;使转生

incarnate 双语例句

1. In Saint John's Gospel, especially in the prologue1:1 - 14, the creative word of God, which is itself God and incarnate in Jesus.

2. incarnate的意思

2. Among so many geography datum frameworks, map projection is the only one which can directly incarnate in visualization.

3. As soon as the third-density started 75, 000 years ago and we have incarnate third-density entities, what was the average human life span at that time?

4. incarnate的反义词

4. The ugly toad beneath the throne is said to be the incarnate of longevity and is punished for it.

5. It was viewed that the veils were so thick that if Buffalo didn't choose to incarnate in at least one human to assist in human awakening, that human awakening might never occur.

6. There was some advancement among those of Deneb who had chosen to incarnate as a body in what you would call China.
    一些德内比( Deneb ,*天鹅座最亮的星)的实体,选择降生在中国,他们有一些进展。

7. The fifty-six nationality just like the beautiful flowers in the great family of motherland. Only take root in the hometown, and they could incarnate their beauty and the magnificent scenery of China. The girls of Xinjiang are very beautiful.

8. That incarnate the idea of system theory which integrate movement with stillness and unite time with space in sufficient.

9. Or is he God incarnate, the Lord of Glory, the Son of God, our Lord and our Savior?

10. It must incarnate the characteristic of developing applied talents. Second, is about the construction of the faculty.

11. incarnate的翻译

11. It is Jesus, Love Incarnate.

12. The film is specific art, it concentrative incarnate the artist observing living, abstract the level of life and wisdom.

13. Under the analysis of denominations, it incarnate that consumption has changed into cultural ideology.

14. When you played with a bamboo cane as a child, and swished it through the air, it felt like energy incarnate.

15. If the emotional agent in EBDI is introduced to the organization and coalition, it can incarnate the affection of agent's action.

16. It will extensively incarnate the Olympic spirit, disseminate the brilliant Chinese culture, and enhance the understanding, trust and friendship among the peoples all over the world.

17. They once said to Rama:'O Rama, we know You only as the son of Dasaratha. Let sages like Bharadvaja worship You as God Incarnate.

18. She is Wisdom Incarnate, the Goddess of all those who are wise.

19. These music which incarnate all kinds of manners register the historical footmark, the patrimonial dream and the glory of every nations in the every area. And they spread the especial style of every area.

20. Seeing God wondrously incarnate, let us shun the vain world and set our mind on things divine; for God descended to earth to raise to Heaven us who cry to Him: Alleluia!

incarnate 词典解释

The adjective is pronounced /ɪn'kɑːnɪt/. The verb is pronounced /'ɪnkɑːneɪt/. 形容词读作 /ɪn'kɑːnɪt/,动词读作 /'ɪnkɑːneɪt/。

1. 化身的;典型的
    If you say that someone is a quality incarnate, you mean that they represent that quality or are typical of it in an extreme form.

    e.g. She is evil incarnate...
    e.g. He is cynicism incarnate.

2. (神灵)现身的,显形的
    You use incarnate to say that something, especially a god or spirit, is represented in human form.

    e.g. Why should God become incarnate as a male?...
    e.g. The pharaoh is Osiris, the moon bull incarnate.

3. 表现;典型体现
    If you say that a quality is incarnated in a person, you mean that they represent that quality or are typical of it in an extreme form.


    e.g. The iniquities of the regime are incarnated in one man.
    e.g. ...a writer who incarnates the changing consciousness of the Americas.

4. 化身为;显形为
    If you say that someone or something is incarnated in a particular form, you mean that they appear on earth in that form.

    e.g. The god Vishnu was incarnated on earth as a king.

incarnate 单语例句


1. She was a new face and the director believed she was the ideal actress to incarnate the protagonist's many sides.

2. Entire African villages were abandoned to stalking lions viewed as evil incarnate, their eventual slayers paraded as heroes and the animals'carcasses burned.

3. Two flower chambers are set up circling the central performance quarter to fully incarnate Mosuo architecture features and romance of Mosuo people.

4. They take it its duty to incarnate Tibetan Buddhism and develop into a major bridge for Buddhists to assiduously pursue their spiritual world.


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